The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Dusty workshop for many years

"She raised a **** in the winery."

The explorer and his party have left the factory where Donald is located, and the man with a mental breakdown has been taken care of by the raven.

Although he had already left the factory, his words still echoed in everyone's ears.

Ms. Taro herself is a **** who once lived on the edge of the forest and was revered by people engaged in farming and animal husbandry. They never thought that in this brewery like a closed kingdom, there is another wandering god.

Also, Donald uses a very strange word, he said "bringing". She "raised" a god. As if the wandering **** was some kind of animal.

Why is there such a statement? ...

Rather than saying that the group had doubts about this in their hearts, it is better to say that this strange expression made them obviously uneasy.

However, they have decided to do what they need to do now.

It takes time for Taro to recover, so she can only be dealt with in one go before that. If the revenge is interrupted, they may face a cruel revenge, a purge that they cannot escape from...

Although they learned some disturbing information, they also learned that Tarot was located in the third brewery.

For the sake of safety, the owner of the shelter will definitely hide near his watchdog.

So, the group directly bypassed the workshops that were obviously open to the public, and came to the workshop that was close to the towering wall, the door was closed, and it had been unvisited for a long time.

A sturdy chain, already covered with rust and covered with a layer of ash, was twisted around the iron door handle and held by a large lock - as if the owner of the building never wanted to open it again. similar.

The Laughing Man pulled out a slender sword from the scabbard around his waist, and slashed the chain on the gate with one stroke.

A group of explorers were surprised to see his sword path. It was an extremely sharp trajectory, which seemed to contain some kind of super-purifying power, which seemed to be able to cut through spiritual substances and even divine arts...

In fact, it was the power of the "Oath Torch" transformed by Evan, and a small amount of it was attached to the blade. They have some sense of it, but no one has the eyesight to see through it.

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid the next journey will not be easy." Returning the sword, Sean controlled the smiling man and took the lead into the third brewing workshop.

The sound of footsteps seemed to awaken the silence here. Thanks to the huge glass windows on both sides of the vehicle, this dusty workshop is as well lit as the previous workshop, and it doesn't look very dark and gloomy during the day.

Due to the lack of access and maintenance, most of the appliances are covered with dust. Huge wine storage tanks stood up, making people wonder what was in them.

The workshop is very quiet, and you can hear the sound in the pipeline—the steam pipeline swishing regularly; there is a liquid gurgling in the conveying pipeline, quietly filling a jar in the distance.

Although the workers almost all fled, the winery seems to have a life of its own, and is still following the usual arrangements and continuing to produce.

The seemingly abandoned third workshop is not really abandoned, and the prepared wine will still be poured into the wine storage tanks here. I'm afraid this is one of the transit places for beer. Although no one visits it, some production lines also flow through here.

Except for the sound of pipes, this place is unusually quiet. The explorers united and walked forward step by step. In front of it was a huge gray glass window, and the sun lit up the dusty ground. Next to it, a light green wooden door opened to the corner. The smiling man walked silently to the door and glanced in.

Inside the door was a warehouse, and Sean saw the grain bags that were stacked almost to the ceiling—a lot of wheat was stored here. The burlap bags were all emblazoned with the same logo—a sprouting plant in a diamond. Below it is written the words "Central Plain Agriculture".

Sean frowned. He remembered that this agricultural company was related to Rockfield, and seemed to have direct cooperation with the court.

As a subordinate of the Yunding Reception Party, it is natural for Donald to use the products of Rockwell as brewing raw materials. However, the connection made Sean inexplicably think of a scene he had experienced before——

Before entering "Midnight Paradise", the terrifying Paradise dolls distributed Donald brand wort drinks along the crowd.

And those who drank the drink... Sean clearly remembered that those people were not surprised and horrified by the death before them, but blushed and cheered loudly, feeling fresh and excited... They felt that someone had died. excited.

The wort seems to have deprived them of their normal thinking and moral sense for a certain period of time.

The Laughing Man stood outside the half-open warehouse door, his eyes fixed on the wheat produced by agriculture in the Central Plains.

Donald uses ingredients from Central Plains agriculture. Wort drink is another flagship product of Donald Distillery besides beer, which is marketed throughout New Zealand. Maybe a "special variety" of this product appeared in "Midnight Paradise" and turned into some kind of crazy drink...

Sean blinked suddenly. He could feel the implicit connection.

The reason why I feel this way is not because Sean is a conspiracy theorist. Just because he had experienced similar incidents-

He still remembers getting the locals into a meat frenzy in Ocean City.

Could the same thing be happening in Newlander?

The Laughing Man and Sean narrowed their eyes together: It's not impossible.

Food is something that everyone needs to eat. And those people have to squeeze even the "luck" of the poor...

God knows how they will play on this?

As a newsman, Sean secretly made up his mind to investigate the wort drink and the agricultural products produced by Rockwell.

Obviously, now is not a good time to delve into this issue. The smiling man withdrew his attention, and was just about to move forward, when the "Sacred Night Executioner" with a huge steel coffin on his back pointed in one direction.

The whole group looked there - they could see an obvious bloodstain on the ground, as if someone was painting wildly with a huge brush. The red tail dragged into the depths.

People looked at each other. Sean sensed something was wrong, he pulled out the slender saber around his waist and held it with his right hand. The left hand drew a strange thing from the black cloak.

The "Mysterious Gentleman" beside the Laughing Man looked sideways - obviously, he has a strong curiosity about various mysterious things. He saw the mysterious person wearing a human skin mask, holding a heart that was beating slightly in his left hand.

Take a closer look at that heart is made of ancient machinery, and precise gears replace the muscles on it to rotate sluggishly.

The whole heart has been rusted, as if it had been soaked in salt water for a long time...

"Rusty heart." The mysterious gentleman suddenly found that the smiling man turned his head to look at him, and a voice came out from under the mask that people couldn't bear to look directly at, "There is only a little reason for my heart, which should have stopped long ago, to return. dance in the world."

Obviously, the sword in the right hand and the rusty heart in the left hand are the two weapons of the Laughing Man. The strongest of the ranks continued on, following that ominous red trail.

They went deep between the wine jars, as if they were walking into an airtight valley. The giant canisters on both sides seemed to be approaching quietly, and it was inevitable that people would have difficulty breathing when they were in them.

In the end, the Laughing Man stopped in front of a giant tank that was obviously a bit weird—his esoteric had been exploring carefully, like a cautious underwater creature.

He touched the cold liquor in the giant cans, and the cans in front...

Not sure what it was, but it certainly wasn't a liquid.

The people behind him, with the exception of Bill, who couldn't use his esoteric energy flexibly, sensed something was wrong. The Holy Night Executioner snapped his fingers lightly, and the steel coffin on his back opened a small slit, and a dark ghost floated out from it, forming a pitch-black kid, quickly climbing up, from the top of the tank. Drilled into the opening.

The executioner closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, and then his throat became a little hoarse and said, "It's full of bones, a lot of... sheep bones."

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