The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Vol 2 Chapter 610: her kingdom

The **** smiled at the reception.

That smile gradually transformed and melted into a rough human-skin mask.

The mask was laughing wildly. It seems like a crazy laugh, a tearful laugh. This mask is now a little burnt out, the skin has been roasted and shrunken, and there are still black marks on it, which makes the smile a little more hasty and bitter, and the smile is even more weird.

Rusty Heart hovered overhead, dripping some kind of viscous sesame oil onto Laughing Man's body. It was the transformed "Elixir Mist".

Sean is sitting in the black mansion at the moment. He remained silent, like a calm sea, wondering what he was thinking.

In the dusty workshop for many years, Bill was standing in the same place at a loss, witnessing the coming of the **** of death and the harvest of a wandering god, which made the creation of the abyss on him shrink a little, and it actually reduced the degree of loss of control, at least the one in front of him. The shining nebula fades...

Holy Night Executioner and Sleepless Midnight lay on the ground at this time. The three of them also showed the triangle when using "Dead Night". The two explorers had exhausted their physical strength, spiritual power and reason, and fell into a coma.

Bill glanced at the smiling man who was sitting on the ground and remained silent, and then he dragged his footsteps to raise the dust and walked to the side of the silent undead agent lying on the ground.

Bill poked his head to look at the silver coin not far in front of the agent - it seemed to be tainted with the chill that made living creatures avoid...

He narrowed his eyes and saw the silver coin clearly in the hazy star color.

Head up.

The undead agent is still breathing. Death gave this ancient silver coin to the mortal who dared to overstep.

"Can you still move forward?" The Laughing Man asked in a low voice. Even if the abyss creation on Bill took the initiative of his body, it had to continue the previous battle until the contract content ended.

Bill nodded.

The Laughing Man stood up and let the sesame oil moisten his skin and heal the burn. In the black mansion, they each used means to restore their spiritual power. The King class recovered quickly.

"Then we have to move on, and if we continue to delay, I'm afraid there will be unintended consequences."

Tarot must be recovering, and the reinforcements for the Yundian reception must be on the way. Now is never the time to relax.

The smiling man stood up, his head hurt a little, as if he was suffering from a strong hangover, but he still resisted and walked towards the deep door. Bill followed behind him.

Pushing open the door, they saw a corridor, which was very long, like a passage to the king. There are dusty windows on both sides, and a brick wall covered with creepers outside the windows - it seems that no one has been here for many years, and there is an uncomfortable old feeling.

The smiling man squinted at the door at the end of the road. That door had nothing to do with Donald Brewery's style—it was a cast-iron double door with an intricately carved flower relief—and the flowers were blooming.

Doors... The gods always have this type of particularity.

Sean could feel some kind of budding breath leaking from the crack in the door.

It was an ominous aura, the divinity distorted by some paranoid idea.

After sensing it, Sean Dickinson realizes that this is what he has been fighting against - a divinity distorted for human contamination.

Step by step, he walked towards the deepest part. He was not afraid because the four of them stood together.

When he walked to the door of Baihua, Sean could almost hear the chirping of birds and flowers inside the door. Inside is the core of the Spring God Refuge, Tarot's secret vault, a place where she can recover quickly...

He could almost imagine the scene: it was a forest full of spring air. Perhaps, he had to go into the deepest part of the green to see the goddess who was still recovering.

The Laughing Man raised his hands, his spiritual essence condensed into a pair of dark hands, grabbed the flower-shaped doorknocker tightly, and opened the heavy door.

The scene inside the door was beyond his expectations.

There are no birds and flowers, no forest, hardly even a single plant in sight.

In front of him was a dilapidated and sour street. The floor tiles had been crushed by horses and carts but no one had repaired them. The sewage dumped by small vendors and residents seeped into the floor tiles, causing the whole street to emit a stench.

Fire stairs meander up dark brick walls, dense buildings oppress the sky, steam wets the air, wet rats eating moldy bread by the gutters, tattered sofas and empty beer bottles on the street.

The sight before us is the New Testament slum, Lower Town.

The central axis of the street extends forward, and the smiling man can see a bit of graceful and luxurious green in the distance in the dark and dilapidated area.

There are grays one after another, like a group of mice following behind the emerald green.

The Laughing Man and Bill got closer, only to see that the gray turned out to be the residents of Downtown, wearing old clothes, faded skirts, patched suits, or greasy woolen coats. Most of them are not white skinned.

They all bent down, or prostrated on the ground, stroking a green "river" flowing on the ground with both hands.

It was a long green skirt, and the skirt was dragged on the dirty ground without being stained with even a bit of dust, a drop of sewage...

Along the refreshing green, looking forward, you can see her back - under the gleaming green dress is a graceful and straight figure, golden hair like a waterfall, shining with metallic luster...

Ms. Tallow, one of the New Testament's largest philanthropists, "a friend of the poor in the lower town." She is walking in the "spring" she has brought.

The wealthy widow built three primary schools, two orphanages, and a medical station in Xiacheng District; she made her property only recruit local and urged all the wealthy friends around her to follow suit, including The same goes for Donald Brewery.

She went to places where many poor people lived in Newlandall, but she would never forget downtown New York. She appeared every Christmas and brought gifts and blessings to many people.

She is a famous man of great good in the New Testament.

Obviously, in this "secret vault" that is not a real scene, people in Xiacheng also think so. They loved her, revered her, thought she was the only rich man in the world who didn't sell her conscience...

However, their limited knowledge and vision determined by their living conditions failed to let them know that this is the same woman who is still exploiting laborers in her planting industry in the south, and she firmly upholds the current society from thought to action. Order, from the bottom of her heart, believes that the Xiacheng District should be a slum, the poor should be the poor, and she should be the object for her to express her sympathy and great personality.

They didn't know that at the reception where she came and went, the trusts gathered a lot of wealth and means of production through various accumulations and means, and made social rules with powerful forces, exploiting the majority of people with the interests of a few, making them like a city living like a mouse...

They don't know this. In the black alleys of Xiacheng District, the poor people bowed their heads and kissed her emerald skirt under the wall painting of the black deer.

At this time, Taro looked radiant, and the spring she created was collecting people's love, allowing her to quickly regain her strength.

In the alley, a huge black deer poked out of the darkness, staring at the smiling faces and Long Island Bill who had broken into it.

The goddess who enjoyed everyone's support turned her head slightly, her face shrouded in a faint divine brilliance.

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of the modern era of the mysterious

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