The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Vol 2 Chapter 836: dark red

【Modern Era of Mysteries】【】

"What is he doing?" Aaliyah saw from a distance that the skeleton officer rushed to the chest and abdomen of the cherubim, with brilliant firelight emitting from his feet.

The white dove was still hovering in the sky, and Ivan calmed down briefly: "Building a counterattack boundary marker... He wants to use the remains of the angel to summon the Deep Folk Legion."

"What level?"

"...Baron level."

That officer was only a queen, and even if he borrowed the angel's remains, he could only summon a baron-level legion. If the Legion is not fully formed, they can still cope.

The wings of thunder have swept up to the feathery banks of the cherubim. The soldiers swarmed forward. Arya leaped high into the air, recalling her poem.

The snow-white holy beast in the depths of winter, a deer with a white glow, jumped out from the edge of the cold pool. The holy light directly repelled the siege of more than a dozen soldiers.

After Aaliyah landed, the transformed poetry collection floated around, and the "Morning Star Rhythm" mask emitted a quiet but extremely penetrating light. All the soldiers were frightened by the extremely thick soul and could not move.

At this moment, the Thunderbird had already rushed up according to the curve of the hillside. The tactical goal was simple - to prevent the legion from taking shape!

Judging from the speed, the two of them were killing each other quite quickly. Unexpectedly, part of the counterattack boundary monument created by the officer had already arched out, and black demon skulls and things surrounded by sulfur flames rushed out of the fiery red.

"Advance team." Aaliyah reminded - the two were connected in mind and could communicate with each other in a flash of lightning. "That guy is using an improved summoning technique. Be careful."

clear. Evan thought lightly. With eyes overflowing with lightning, he could clearly see the appearance of those little things: he was wearing a Prussian military helmet with a spear point, he was only a little over one meter tall, and in his hand was an inferior rifle modified by the civilians. Some screamed and rushed towards them with bayonets in their hands, while others half-knelt on the ground, aiming at themselves. Recruited from deep, a pioneer kid who is not afraid of death.

Ivan turned slightly in the air, and several fiery red projectiles flew past his silhouette. With a flick of one hand, there was a blast of thunder, which made the Prussian military cap fly into the sky...

After landing, Ivan's eyes suddenly widened. He saw something as thick as a bowl protruding from the crimson door next to the clearly raised boundary monument. The thing soon appeared. It was like a giant bear, its muscular body was covered with scars, and its military cap was a huge gladiator helmet. Where the right hand should be, an Austro-Hungarian Empire Bailuk M18 mm field gun was implanted...

The "advance team" actually included deep civilian artillery... Ivan's face turned gloomy, not only because he had to deal with a heavy firepower soldier, but more importantly - he looked at the man half-kneeling in the flames, trying his best to build a counterattack boundary marker The Burning Officer…

He carries the will from the deep folk lords, otherwise it would be impossible to have an advance team of this size.

This is a dangerous battle.

The huge artilleryman raised the field cannon, and under the empty gaze of the cherubim, a loud noise broke out here.


There was still a huge buzzing in his ears, and the hand of the theologian Erano was shaking. He gasped for air and felt his vision blur.

He didn't know if he could complete the task at hand. However, there is another voice in my heart warning myself: If he doesn't do it, then this thing can't be completed. Finnick, the son of God, is in great pain, and the president is looking after him. Right now, only I can do this.

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【Modern Era of Mysteries】【】

Irano's eyes first focused on her dirty hands. The hands held the cup tremblingly. He was in a kneeling position, and in order to catch his blood, he had to slowly raise his head along the diamond-shaped frame inserted into the ground...

He saw it, saw the scarred and **** feet. Irano felt a little suffocated, and his eyes were blurred. Before he could no longer distinguish things, he pointed the cup at a stream of blood that had not yet dried up.

He took it, his blood. Iranor held his breath and waited until the glass was half filled with blood. Then he sighed and stood up from under the diamond frame.

He finally had the courage to look up at him. It was a calm face, still carrying a holy light even though life had passed away. His whole body was dirty and scarred, but his expression was extremely calm, as if he was just enjoying the sunshine.

Iranor wiped his tears and left with the blood cup before the Wem soldiers noticed.

The blood seeped into the cup, giving the agate cup a deep red color.

"Is this the Holy Grail?" The president of the Daedalus Foundation looked at this thing. Now it has exuded a deep and strong sense of existence, but the overall meaning is still a bit chaotic...

"Is it okay...?" What he had just done seemed to have tortured Irano enough, and his face was covered in sweat and mud. "Is it okay to leave here?"

The sky at Calvary Tower is still a little gloomy, and the sun sheds rays of light through the gaps in the clouds, just like the clouds disappearing and the rain disappears after a storm. After everything is done, people seem to know what they have done. There was a centurion who looked at the victim and his voice trembled slightly: "This man is really the son of God!"

Finnick shook his head at the theologian: "No, it's not done yet."

"What's the meaning?"

"Joshua was to be resurrected. On the Mount of Olives by the leaves, he showed his final miracle to his disciples."

"Yes." Alicia raised the dark red cup. "The Holy Grail has become thicker, but it is still in a state of chaos. It cannot be completed until a miracle is achieved."

"Moreover, this miracle must be completed by us." Finnick affirmed, "I will appear on the Mount of Olives as Joshua and announce to the disciples the news of the resurrection of the Son of God."

"You?" Iranor frowned, UU Reading looked confused, "What are you talking about? Why you?"

Finnick looked at the diamond-shaped thing from a distance, standing here and looking at it, it looked like a dark red stone tablet: "Ilano, Joshua is gone, do you really think he can survive?

"Remember, even though he has many magical abilities, there has never been a magic that can bring people back to life... I came to this era for a reason."

Alicia seemed to understand what Finnick meant: "So, do you think the real Joshua was not resurrected, and the prophecy of the resurrection was fulfilled because a person who was exactly like him pretended to be him and appeared in front of the disciples? "

Finnick nodded solemnly: "If this were not the case, I can't think of the meaning of the Holy Grail Maze that brought us here." He still remembered Joshua smiling faintly at him on the donkey colt, and at this moment he was sure that he had understood that smile. the meaning of. He will complete this work, cause His resurrection to be performed according to prophecy, and let the gospel spread throughout the earth.

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【Modern Era of Mysteries】【】

"No..." Iranor shook his head violently, "You are denying the love that the Son of God received. If the resurrection is fake and is your substitute magic, then what is the meaning of all this?!"

"All this is of great significance!" Finnick said coldly, "People cannot be resurrected after death, but the prophecy must be fulfilled and the gospel must be spread!"

Iranor stared at Finnick in disbelief. He couldn't believe everything he said, let alone believe that the man was really dead.

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