Qiu Laoba, as always, gave Qiu Baihong his heart and lungs. The hen at home laid an egg and was reluctant to eat it, and then gave it to Qiu Baihong.

During the festival, the chickens and ducks in the family will be packed together and brought to Qiu Baihong, leaving nothing behind.


It stands to reason that Qiu Laoba treated Qiu Baihong in this way, and Qiu Baihong should be very happy. As a result, Qiu Baihong was only happy when picking up something. When she picked it up, she turned her face down and did not recognize anyone. She turned around and took Qiu Laoba to go home. Later, Qiu Laoba was getting older and less able to work. Qiu Baihong was even colder to Qiu Laoba, regardless of asking.

Even so, Qiu Laoba still saves money, and when he has a little spare money, he immediately sends it to Qiu Baihong.

Speaking of this, everyone sighed and couldn't understand Qiu's actions.

In fact, Founder couldn't understand why Qiu Laoba was so good to this white-eyed wolf!

Later, Qiu Laoba's body was not as good as the day, Qiu Baihong did not mean to take care of him.

The village committee couldn't see it anymore, so he interviewed Qiu Baihong several times. In the end, Qiu Baihong reluctantly took Qiu Laoba to their home. Everyone still remembers that when Qiu Laoba lived in Qiu Baihong's house, the smile on his face was even brighter than flowers. When he met someone, he said, "My daughter has taken me to the old age! Haha ..."

Everyone who doesn't know what happened to him? For his optimism, he could only smile back bitterly. He didn't say it, and said in his heart: You are old, I'm afraid it's not easy to raise!

However, after Qiu Laoba entered Qiu Baihong's house, Qiu Baihong did not let others see Qiu Laoba at all, and no one knew how he was going. Occasionally I can see Mr. Qiu, who always smiles and says, "My daughter is filial and good to me."

But looking at his face, everyone believed that he was a ghost!

As time goes by, everyone will talk less. I thought that Qiu Baihong was no longer a thing, at least he would raise Qiu Laoba to his death. Who would have thought, looking at the New Year from afar, on the sixth day of the first month of the lunar month, Qiu Laoba was kicked out of the house! The big winter's nest is in a straw pile, frozen cricket. Had it not been for the old yellow dog's big yellow dog to find him and bark at Lao Jin passing by, he would probably freeze to death that night.

Speaking of this, everyone's face is still a little angry with Qiu Laoba, but more is a kind of helpless sympathy. At the same time, there is a kind of anger that hates iron and steel.

After Founder heard it, he felt the same way. Xin said: What did Qiu Laoba think about it? Why should you stick your face to someone's cold bottom?

Shaking his head, Founder asked, "How about Qiu Laoba's second daughter?"

"Why two daughters? They have passed on to others, then they are not daughters. But Qiu Jinyu is really good. Although the conditions at home are not as good as Qiu Baihong, she is really filial. It is called filial piety to Liu Liu's parents , Washing his back, washing his feet and cooking, hey ... you said Liu Laoshi is so lucky? He even married such a good woman. "Mediterranean could not help but sigh.

As a result, the words immediately resonated with everyone.

"It's true that Qiu Jinyu is really good! It's good to everyone, and Qiu Laoba treats her so much, she doesn't remember to hate it. On the contrary, she will visit Qiu Laoba every year and bring something. In the last two years, Qiu Jinyu's conditions have been slightly better. Qiu Jinyu will also buy some good wine for Qiu Laoba and leave some money. "Someone said.

But when it comes to this, the Mediterranean said angrily: "When I talk about wine and money, I'm angry. Master, you do n’t know, every time Qiu Jinyu sends Qiu Laoba to the wine and money, Qiu Laoba is this guy I took it with my left hand and gave it to Qiu Baihong in the right hand! It was the next day! No one could stop it! And I didn't avoid Qiu Jinyu, so I was just holding on to the eldest daughter and sending it to the eldest daughter. .The second daughter is here. He does n’t even make a delicious treat, but also Qiu Jinyu cooks for him to clean up the house! I ’ve seen eccentric eyes, never seen such eccentric eyes! If I were Qiu Jinyu, I would No one will act for him! Deserve to freeze him, starve to death! "

Although this is a bit overdone, everyone still nodded, apparently agreeing with the Mediterranean.

Just as everyone continued to talk, the door suddenly opened, and then a woman came in. This woman was very tall, with a height of over one meter and seven feet, a large skeleton, a burly body, and her eyes slightly raised, quite a bit. fierce look! With a pair of eyes looking forward, with a bit of sturdy.

Founder doesn't know her, but judging from the immediate ban on her performance, this woman must be one of today's protagonists! Looking at her aspect again, it must not be a gentle Qiu Jinyu, definitely a domineering, unfilial Qiu Baihong.

After Qiu Baihong came in, he bought a box of cigarettes with a bag of salt, and then glanced at the crowd, as if wondering, those guys who chew their ears every day, how can they say so little today? When the eyes passed by the Founder, there was not much change. As if the Founder, the most famous monk in Shiliba Village, was no different from other rural masters in her eyes.

After Qiu Baihong left.

Everyone was relieved, not afraid of Qiu Baihong. It's the right and wrong of the people behind it, who was hit by the lord, but everyone who has a little face will feel guilty. Now that the Lord is gone, the Mediterranean has said: "Master, just that is Qiu Baihong, how about it? Isn't it fierce?"

Founder nodded subconsciously.

The Mediterranean continued: "Everyone says that people can't look, but Qiu Baihong really knows what he really looks like when he looks at him. Hey, master, you have asked so many questions, what are you doing here? It's not for their family Did this come? "

Founder looked at the Mediterranean in amazement, because when the Mediterranean asked him, he used a weird tone, as if Founder really did it, it was superfluous.

So Founder asked, "What? Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Of course it is. No one can control this matter. You think, Qiu Laoba did not admit to being bullied by her daughter, and the family members and children have the same idea. Who can help outsiders? Even if you send it to the police station It is useless to go to the court, "said the Mediterranean.

When Founder heard it, he nodded subconsciously. Regardless of how filial Qiu Baihong was and how he drove away Qiu Laoba, it was also a household chore. This kind of housework is a typical unwilling attitude in China. Even if there was a third report, the owner did not admit it, and it didn't matter who came. On the contrary, it is a helper who may not only fail but also be hated by the owner.

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