The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism

Chapter 1039: Silent Eight Treasures

The tourists brought by Song Ergou are also a little curious. After listening to Song Ergou blowing so mysteriously, but after seeing it with his own eyes, it seems not so mysterious. Nine mouthful of **** pot, the steam in the pot is steaming, but it has no taste ...

Is there no seasoning, or is this stuff not delicious at all, not as magical as Song Ergou said?

Everyone was confused, but it was hard to say anything in front of Song Ergou. After all, drinking Laba porridge is free, and people don't want to pit people out of their hearts ... They are just curious to join in the fun, and just wait to see the fun. If it tastes good, drink more. If it's not good, drink less and never come again.

Seeing everyone in doubt, Song Ergou scratched his head and said, "I guess it's all water, and there is no material yet."

Everyone nodded slightly, saying that should be the case.

However, Song Ergou found the red baby secretly, and whispered, "Jingxin, is there no material in this pot?"

The red baby looked at Song Ergou with a curious expression, smiled slightly, then folded his hands together and turned away.

Seeing this scene, Song Ergou's face was inexplicable and he didn't understand it at all ... Is this a nod or a shake of his head? Song Ergou also wanted to catch up and ask, but the tourists over there shouted at him, and he had to go to help get the tent.

After the red child entered the temple, he looked at Founder Road with a bitter expression: "Master, when is this head? When can I talk to outsiders?"

Founder looked up at the linden tree and said lightly, "After the Laba Festival, I can talk to you."

The red child said bitterly, "Why is this?"

Fang Zheng sighed and said, "Buddha said: Don't say."

The red child rolled his eyes and said, "Master, you ’re boring. You do n’t know. Looking at those guys with curious babies, I really want to tell them well. Especially those who doubt our family Guys with Laba porridge taste, I really want to press them in the pot, smell the smell! Then kick them down the mountain, so that they can only smell and not eat! Jingfa, Jingkuan, Jingzhen and salted fish Don't you think it's uncomfortable to talk to outsiders? "

Red Baby wanted to pull a few friends to fight this overbearing monk, but he was obviously pulling the wrong target.

I saw four guys, Jing Fa, Jing Zhen, Jing Kuan, and Salted Fish, staring at him with wide eyes, and then the squirrel said dumbly, "Four brothers, can't you just talk to outsiders? Is there anything? We Say it myself ... "

The lone wolf rolled his eyes and said lightly, "It's as if we can talk to outsiders ..."

The salted fish stretched out lazily: "Child, please be content, at least you can still run around in front of outsiders, but this fish can only put dead bodies on the ground. What did this fish say? Hey ... think about the suffering of seniors , You will not be bitter. "

When Red Baby heard it, she was speechless, and she really wanted to slap herself. He had forgotten this thing, these are not allies at all!

Founder listened to Barbara's words beside her, but smiled indifferently, but his heart was extremely bitter, and he asked the system: "System, you're not interesting anymore. You can usually just take care of me Now, you are in charge of the whole temple this time! "

The system lazily said: "Do you think I want to control you? I just kindly remind you! Do you think you are still a year ago? Do you think Yizhi Temple or Yizhi Temple in the past? Do you think Laba Porridge? Was Laba porridge a year ago? "

"The poor monk should still be a poor monk. One finger temple is not the one finger temple of a year ago, but what does this have to do with Laba porridge? Isn't the practice of Laba porridge the same? Open the pot, put the water, and the fire is boiling, Are the ingredients low-simmered and slow-simmered? "Founder could clearly remember that the practice of Laba porridge a year ago was a blank piece of paper, and the content written on it was written. It cannot be simpler!

The system said: "You are not you anymore, were you so handsome a year ago?"

Founder froze, subconsciously touching his bald head, grinning: "The poor monk is born ..."

"Think about it before you speak, and it will be thundered for a while, but don't blame me for not reminding you." The system interjected suddenly.

When Founder heard it, he rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, it's different. So what does this have to do with Laba porridge? Can we get directly into the subject?"

The system said: "I didn't say anything. I just told you that everything is different. You are born with your heart, and your heart is constantly breaking through yourself. A year ago, you were swearing and swearing. What about you one year later? You were destitute one year ago, and what about you one year later? Today you have great merit, and the lottery draws are not comparable to one year ago. So you got Laba porridge Naturally different.

The Laba porridge you got this time is called: Silent Eight Treasures.

Wordless Babao is twice as effective as last year's ordinary Laba porridge! Do n’t be dissatisfied, the **** pot you have here is too **** to block the aura of the speechless eight treasures, so it is already good to cook it. Normally, Silent Eight Treasures can increase the effect tenfold.

Unfortunately, the usual way of cooking porridge, because you ca n’t use the pot, you ca n’t use it, you can only find another way!

This time the porridge is said to be porridge, but it is actually cooking you! If you don't speak, you can lock up the last aura of the speechless Eight Treasures and make it better ... "

Founder's face was aggressive: "System brother, cook the poor monk? Is this Laba porridge the bath water for the poor monk?"

The system has a way of hating iron and steel: "How many auras do you have in this broken world, don't you have any points in your heart? Do you think you can cook this mundane eight treasures? If you do n’t have enough in this monastery, Incense, desires and merit of sentient beings, do you think I will give you the silent eight treasures? The silent eight treasures can lock the last ten percent of the aura, which is by virtue of the monasteries and the will of all beings on you!

To put it plainly, what is boiled in this water is the will of all beings in your body, willing to integrate into Laba porridge to enhance the efficacy of Laba porridge. In this way, it has the ability to heal the dark diseases of all beings and improve vitality! But when you open your mouth, you are tantamount to opening the lid of the pot. At that time, everything has run away. Do you understand now? "

Fangzheng suddenly realized: "You said that long ago, didn't I understand it already? Why do so many moths do that?"

The system was instantly stunned by the words: "I thought you had graduated from elementary school, but I didn't expect to explain it to the kindergarten ... It will be fine in the future, don't ask me!"

Then, no matter how Founder shouted, the system just kept silent.

Founder spread his hands, looked at the sky innocently, and said, "Is this blame me?"

Later, Founder laughed, this is the first time he mad at the system for a while, this feels really good!

Ps: I did n’t have any lunch or dinner time, so I wrote some. I was out in the afternoon and I don't think I have time to write. Return to the city at night and write again ...

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