With the fire in Yizhi Village, it also boosted the economy of the surrounding villages. Many original pilgrims had nowhere to live, but only lived in nearby villages. So, the moment before, he also cheerfully scolded the people in the village for being silly, and spent so much money to buy things in their village.

As a result, when these tourists came in, they became angry one by one!

Wang Yougui's phone was instantly burst!

"Fuck your uncle, Wang Yougui! You pit me!"

"Wang Yougui, please hurry and bring me the pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese! I will not sell them!"

"Your brother-in-law, little king bastard, even your uncle is pitted! Return goods, hurry up!"


But at this moment, Wang Yougui ran to other people's houses to hide away early, who I love, I can't see!

Although the villages were scolding, they were also laughing. As a remote area, where the transportation is not developed, their annual income is only a few acres of land. How much can they produce? A few thousand dollars a year. As for what kind of chicken, duck and pig, everyone knows that things are good. Unfortunately, it cannot be turned into money if it is not shipped!

In the end, it is not consumed by the village itself. The consumption power here is too small, which limits the possibility of large-scale breeding. So, in winter, it became a day for them to rest, play mahjong and Kan Dashan. As for income? That doesn't exist ...

There is no way in and only reverses, which severely restricts rural development.

Nowadays, all these things that have been raised and looked good, eaten deliciously, and cannot be realized are suddenly turned into money. One by one is naturally cheerful. He scolded Wang Yougui, but laughed in his heart, "This king and eight lambs owe him a favor!"

Because everyone knows that there is nothing to sell in Yizhi Village, you can go to the county seat to order with the big boss, which is not only fast but also convenient. But Wang Yougui received their goods at a price higher than that of the big boss. This is to help, and this is to be human.

People at the foot of the mountain are lively, and Fang Zheng is also in the mountains, and he can't shut up, because he has stimulated the local economy and benefited one people. The merit is rising! Faster than the original doctor to cure people! Le Fangzheng laughed and laughed: "I knew that the real way of earning merit is this. What did I do from the beginning? Hey, I've taken a detour again."

At the same time, Founder was also worried, staring at the black-and-white photo of the one-finger Zen muttering, "One-finger father, although we have one temple, the incense is exuberant, but we are not easy. There are too many No incense burner, now the incense has been inserted into the yard ... hey, what I know is to incense the Buddha, I do n’t know we thought it was a cemetery. You see, my head is worried, my hair is off Gone ... If your old man has a spirit in heaven, give it a blessing. "

One-finger Zen Master certainly couldn't answer anything.

Founder slaps and slaps: "If you don't speak, it means you are acquiescent!"

One-finger Zen Master: "..."

Founder: "System, before the poor monk rescued people and punished a bastard, is it possible to draw a lottery?"

"Yes, can you start smoking now?" The system asked.

Founder Road: "One finger blessing must be drawn!"

"Ding! Congratulations, you got the luck incense burner!"

As soon as Fang Zheng heard it, he jumped up from the bed, and he bumped on the roof, but this guy couldn't care about the pain. He took a photo of a Zen master and kissed him directly. Haha laughed: "One-finger father, thank you, haha! What do you want, comfortable!"

"Cough ..." At this point, the system coughed twice.

Founder just remembered it. It was one thing. The warehouse keeper hadn't shipped it yet, and the celebration couldn't be too early. What you don't get is not yours after all. So, Founder hurriedly said: "Thank you system brother, if you can meet in the future, I will invite you to eat delicious food!" Added in my heart: Hit your turtle grandson and slap before saying!

"Receive now?" The system asked.

The Founder thought about it and said, "Wait a minute!"

Then the Founder ran out, spread a sheet of paper on the table, brushed away the dragon and snake, and the Buddha quickly wrote a few words: "Decorate today, pick up customers later!"

Then he called the disciples and other disciples over, "Take it out and paste it! After the last batch of pilgrims have finished the incense, they will close the door immediately!"

"Oh!" Red Baby finally closed the door when he heard it, and he was tired and half dead, and immediately he showed it with joy and joy.

With the notice posted, the lone wolf started to block the door, but could not enter. Everyone saw the notice, and many people complained, but what can you say? I can only blame myself for being late. What's more, they also said that they will pick up customers later! In other words, the incense will open again in a while.

So, everyone has nothing to say, in cooperation with the organization of the lone wolf and the red baby, they have retreated from the Yizhi Temple. After coming out, everyone felt relaxed for a while. The moment before, they desperately wanted to enter the temple to burn incense and worship the Buddha. Now suddenly I know that I do n’t have to wait in line, I ca n’t get in the line anymore. Instead, I relaxed and started to look at the scenery on the mountain. Everyone was immediately absorbed into the nature, and the beauty like fairyland attracted the past. The click of the mobile phone on the mountain is endless, and the admiration comes one after another.

At the same time, the gate of Yizhi Temple was closed, and Founder finally came out of the backyard. As soon as he went out, he felt that the blue tendons on his head were about to burst!

Because the entire front yard of Yizhi Temple, where everything can be incense, almost all have been incense! Even the salted fish was filled with incense, and I don't know if everyone is worshipping him or worshipping him ... There are many high incense and more ordinary incense!

Looking at the mess in the yard, Founder frowned and waved: "Take that little incense burner to the backyard."

The red baby hurried to remove the incense burner.

Founder came to the door of Wanfo Hall and took a deep breath: "The next moment is to witness the miracle! Everyone is optimistic!"

While talking, Founder waved his hand and said, "System brother, accept!"

The next moment, a group of yellow lights fell, and the Founder held it in his hands and put it down in front of him!

The next moment, the yellow light shattered, and a huge black object slammed into the ground! Fortunately, Yizhi Temple has been systematically strengthened inside and outside, otherwise Founder doubts that the ground will be cracked.

At the same time, Founder also began to carefully look at the Fuyun incense burner. The Fuyun incense burner is very large. The specific size of the Founder cannot be visually detected, but it is definitely about three meters long. High is not high, ordinary children can also insert incense. There is no gorgeous slide cover, the whole body is carved from a huge rectangular large stone!

This stone looks very ordinary, the texture of the stone above is clearly visible, and there are several large characters on the front: "Fu Yun Chang Sheng".

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