Huang Mao called his four brothers, who were as imposing as cocks, and Yaowu moved towards the village entrance, went straight to the Founder, and cried, "Oh, smelly monk, haven't you gone yet? It seems today I really have to give you loose skins! And those old guys, just crazy ... eh ?! Do n’t you want to run anymore, I tell you, you can run monks ca n’t run the temple, today I want you to look good! "

Founder heard the words, sneered, got up and came to the village mouth, his hands crossed: "Amitabha, the donor, you are jealous, and you have great karma. If you do n’t do good in time, you may have evil consequences."

"Go to your uncle, don't tell me these are useless! You hit my brother, lose money, ten thousand! One point less, I unload you an arm!" Miao Long said, adding: "Beard brother It's just this boy who is doing me bad! "

The beard stood behind, and the four Huangmao were tall and big. He couldn't see the situation in front. In order to set off his finale identity, he did not go forward at all, just waiting to hear the call. As soon as Miao Long talked, his beard had a big chest, he took out a big brother, and walked over, loudly: "Who dares to bully our brother? Don't want to live? Stand out and see!"

Fang Zheng heard it, and immediately he was happy! He knew this person, and was a little familiar. Wasn't that the thief who stole something in the car and scared him away? In a blink of an eye, it was backed by people!

The Founder folded his hands and declared a Buddha's name: "Amitabha, the donor, has been gone for a long time."

"Small TM suit is almost, will Beard know you? Funny!" Miao Long opened his mouth and scolded him. Now that there are too many people, he is full of anger and can't show his identity without scolding.

As soon as the words opened, I heard the wind behind my head!

Beard had originally thought of countless versions of the way to play, and even wondered if he wanted to learn how to send a brother, but when he looked up, when he saw Fang Zheng, he was so frightened that he almost knelt! Isn't this the twisted his knife into a twist, which caused him to run for a long time in the snow, his feet froze and he went back to have a nightmare?

As a result, Miao Long scolded! This is going to get him into trouble!

So Beard didn't want to, just raised his hand and slap it over!


"Oh, who TM hit ... Bearded, what are you doing to me?" Miao Long asked, aggrieved, covering her hot back.

Beard said: "Hit you? I'm fine without pumping you! Go away and stay!"

Miao Long's face is aggressive, what is the situation?

Before waiting for Miao Long to speak, his beard had reached the front of Fang and took out a flue: "Master, that, smoke a cigarette?"

Founder shook his head and said, "The poor monk doesn't smoke, the donor, are you with this donor?"

Miao Long was about to agree, and Beard shook his head decisively: "I know, it's not together. What, what, what's your situation?"

Jing Yan looked at Founder, looked at the beard, and understood something, and came forward and said something about it.

After listening to the beard, the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground, and Shen said, "Miao Long, come here for me!"

"Brother Beard, shit, shit?" Miao Long asked.


The beard backhand is a big mouth drawn!

"Brother Beard, what did you do to me?" Miao Long was pumped, with blood on the corners of his mouth. Several other yellow hairs were also a bit anxious.

Beard scolded: "Mum is awkward, do you know how to steal? Do you TM make money from the goodness of the nation? Your conscience is eaten by dogs ?!"

Miao Long heard the words, froze, and then became angry, shouting: "Beard, you TM are crazy? You say me now? What do you do you forget? You are not a good thing!"

"Lao Tzu is really not a good thing. Lao Tzu steals money, but Lao Tzu also has a bottom line! Do n’t steal life-saving money, old man ’s money is not stolen, and child money is not stolen! You ’re good. Pulled down below the horizon! You are so good! "The beard fired.

Miao Long wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and said, "Okay, I see. You are together! You TM sold me! Call you a bearded man, that's for your face, you TM for shame! Brothers Do them! "

While Miao Long was talking, he had already pulled out a folding knife, and the other four yellow hairs had also taken out the spring knife.

Seeing this, beard is even more exasperated: "You don't need a knife, you still have a knife?"

"Fuck you NM, you don't need a knife for being a fool! You are a group of fools, either kneel down, or today I will knock you all out one by one!" Miao Long cried.

The beard was about to speak. A white figure came to the beard and folded his hands, saying, "Amitabha, the donor, let go of the knife in your hand. If you are karma-ridden, if you don't do good in time, you will be doomed."

"You monk have so much nonsense. If you don't get out, I'll punch you first!" Miao Long said, waving the knife in his hand.

As a result, a big hand suddenly caught on the knife!

Seeing this, Beard said, "Come here! Come here again!"

Miao Long shouted, "What are you doing?"


The knife in Miao Long's hand broke on the spot!

Seeing this from several other Huang Maos, they roared and stabbed them.

Beard scolded: "These raw melon eggs, really TM Hulai! Master be careful!"

Jing Yan also shouted, "Master, be careful!"

As a result, all four knives stabbed the founder, but everyone heard in amazement, Ding Ding Ding Ding! Four sounds of gold-iron impact sounded, and then all four's knives bounced off! Founder turned around, waved his hand, crackled four times, four people screamed at the same time, the knife in his hand fell, and was caught by Founder's hand!

Founder turned again, four knives in hand, scared Miao Long back again and shouted: "What are you doing ?! Don't come over! Everyone is a civilized person, you are also a monk, that ... Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha. ! "

The Founder folded his hands and heard only a snap, and the four knives broke at the same time!

Miao Long looked at Fang Zheng like a ghost, and stepped back.

Founder: "Do you like knives?"

Miao Long swallowed, and nodded slightly, "Yes, I like it, that ... that knife is ... collectible, scaring people." He was a little scared.

Founder nodded and said, "Very well, I hope you will still like the knife in the future. If you don't like it, come to the poor monk on one finger."

Miao Long couldn't understand it at all, but there was no weapon and there were many people in the other party. This matter must not continue. So Miao Long nodded again and again, greeted his brothers, and ran off.

"Master, just let them go?" Jing Yan asked unwillingly.

Fang Zheng smiled slightly: "Rest assured, they will not come to trouble again in the future. By the way, donor, when will you send the poor monk back to Yizhishan?"

Jing Yan looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously, and said, "Why aren't you talking?"

PS: There is another chapter with more chapters. It hasn't changed. Let's post it at noon. Oops.

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