The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism

Chapter 390: Crude or noble? [For monthly pass]

So, three days later, the red baby followed the Founder's **** and went down the mountain in glee.

After going down the mountain, Founder saw Ouyang Fenghua's yellow T-shirt with shorts, canvas shoes, a black peaked cap, ponytail flung behind him, and a black backpack on his back. Fang Zheng always glanced at his straight legs subconsciously. For this reason, Fang Zheng deliberately slowed down his walking speed, meditated in his heart, and read it three times before calming down and not looking.

But the red child was very curious to go up and said, "Door, your pants are so short?"

Fang Zheng raised his hand and gave him a slap in the back of his head: "Also said, do you have any pants?"

The red baby looked down at his red bellyband and shouted unhappyly, "Master, I want to wear pants too. If you don't send it, what can I do?"

Founder Road: "If you can buy it for a teacher, do you still use it? You still wear clothes as a teacher when you were a teacher, do you still feel abandoned, and now it makes sense?"

"It's so ugly, don't wear it!" Red Baby turned his head.

Seeing this master and apprentice mixing their mouths, Ouyang Fenghua laughed and opened the flowers, squatted down, pinched the nose of the red child and said, "Jingxin, don't call me a donor, call your sister."

"Hehe ... it's almost the same as the granddaughter." The red baby rolled his eyes.

Ouyang Fenghua suddenly felt dumbfounded, how about this bear child, how about talking?

Founder is speechless, but he hasn't refuted yet. Regarding age, this guy can be the grandfather of the grandfather of the world ... but according to the age of the monster, he is still a three-inch beanie! In terms of knowledge, although he has seen a lot of magic weapons and elixir, he has been squatting in the mountains. He has nothing to do except being touted. It is also very bearish. When used to being the king of the mountain, he always wanted to say what he wanted, what he wanted to do, what he wanted to say, and rarely took into account the feelings of others.

In this regard, Founder can only slowly guide, too much is useless.

The red baby turned his head, taking for granted.

Ouyang Fenghua didn't take it seriously, only when the child was bullshit, childlike. Then he turned his eyes and laughed, "If you call my sister, you will enter the city in a while. I invite you to eat delicious food and buy you beautiful clothes, such as ..."

"Sister, you are so beautiful!" Red Baby cried immediately without waiting for Ouyang Fenghua to finish.

As soon as Founder listened and covered his face, he found that he really underestimated the baby! This product is not understand nothing, but understand too much! Founder guessed, most of it is the trouble caused by the Internet, it seems that it is imperative to ban the child from the Internet!

Ouyang Fenghua laughed and opened the flowers, pinching the nose of the red baby and said, "How good! My sister can do it!"

The red baby laughed, and he didn't care about those, just eating and drinking and clothes.

When Fang was turning around in Ouyang Fenghua, he gave the red baby's little **** a secret, shameful thing!

Ouyang Fenghua came by a friend's car, but in order not to affect Founder, she drove away the car. Today, Ouyang Fenghua regrets ...

"Master, how do you get out?" Ouyang Fenghua asked.

Founder Road: "Let's go, there will be a shuttle bus over here."

The shuttle buses here are all private. They will drive by every day, circle around several villages, fill people, and then drive to Songwu County. Although this car is convenient, it is famously ...

Not long after the shuttle bus arrived, Ouyang Fenghua saw from the distance that the black people in the car were crowded with people, and the car was very broken, as if it was going to be scrapped at any time. As it came along, black smoke was spraying behind, as It was on fire. It ’s not an air-conditioned car. The windows are wide open, and there is a **** to show outside. When you see such a car, Ouyang Fenghua wants to cry without tears, and asks weakly, “Master, can you sit?”

Fang Zheng smiled bitterly: "There are only these conditions in the village. I do n’t have a car and I do n’t have a car. Rest assured, all the villagers are simple."

Ouyang Fenghua laughed twice, one hundred and twenty did not want to, and still followed. It's not that the villagers are abandoned, but that the car is too unreliable! Say yes to no overcrowding? Say yes to smoking? What are those shiny butts and the smoke coming out of the windows? These are completely different from her perception on books. In her opinion, the car is not safe, so many smokers and smokers are flustered.

Especially, one hour or two by car to the county seat, so crowded, still have to stand, plus this road, Ouyang Fenghua has a little dark eyes, dizzy. She really regrets driving her car away. She knew that, and it would be good if he waited in the county seat ...

When Ouyang Fenghua was thinking wildly, Fang Zheng and the red baby were already on the car and at the same time turned back to greet her.

Ouyang Fenghua reluctantly followed the car and muttered, "This is going to die ..."

However, as soon as I got on the bus, I heard someone shouting, "Mr. Founder, do you take a bus too? Come on, take me."

While talking, a five big and three thick man was about to get up to make a seat for Founder.

Founder hadn't spoken yet, and someone immediately called out, "Others, you are near me, mage. You sit with me."

"You're dirty, what are you doing with you? Come, Founder, sit with your aunt!" Thought the woman.

For a while, the car was full of the sound of giving up. Ouyang Fenghua was stunned at this scene, and this kind of operation? Although Ouyang Fenghua knows that Fang is the host of the temple, the incense is also good recently, and he has written well. However, it was unexpected that Founder still had such influence. The villagers liked him so much that they wanted to give him a seat!

Founder did not expect such a situation. He was young and strong, willing to sit, and quickly folded his hands together: "Amitabha, your donors, poor young monks, how can you give up the seat. It ’s good for the poor monks to stand. ... "

"What stupid thing to say? Let you sit and sit. Why? We think we're old and aren't using it?" An aunt called.

As a result, a middle-aged man next to him laughed and said, "Hey, do you think you are useful now? When you get on the bus, you just squeezed into it, you just sat on your buttocks, and shouted back pain, leg pain, you forgot?"

"Get off! Just talk!" Auntie cursed with a smile.

The men also laughed, apparently they were just joking, not really quarreling.

Founder refused again, but the aunt was unwilling: "You child, shit? Really think we're all old? Tell you, you haven't done me when you go to the farm to do farm work. Okay, stop talking nonsense, sit down "After that, the aunt forced the Founder to his seat.

Founder was helpless and could only clasp his hands together, thanking him, "Thank you very much."

But this is not over yet ...

The aunt glanced at the red baby and Ouyang Fenghua, and slapped the back of the man beside him.

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