Founder nodded slightly, this is indeed a solution. Founder looked outside. Through the window, he saw a few cameras behind the police. Sure enough, with such a big movement, it's impossible for reporters not to look at it, and it seems that there are more and more postures ...

Just then, Founder froze and saw an acquaintance!

The Founder folded his hands and said, "Door, if you want to meet the reporter, the poor monk can recommend one for you."

"Who?" Wang Dayou asked cautiously.

Founder Road: "A donor named Jing Yan."

"Jing Yan? Jing Da reporter?" To Fang Zheng's surprise, Wang Dayou knew Jing Yan!

Founder asked subconsciously: "Do you know her?"

"I know. She has reported a lot of positive news and also helped a lot of people. We all like to read her report. If it is her, I ... I agree." Wang Dayou said.

Fang Zheng heard the words and sighed in his heart. I didn't expect to see him for a long time. The girl who had been a bit overbearing before had become a living bodhisattva. And this unlucky monk is still the unlucky monk. Shaking his head, now that Wang Dayou agrees, the matter is simple ...

But the question came right away. Wang Dayou asked, "Who will tell the police?"

Everyone heard it, froze a bit, and then looked at Wang Dayou collectively. Wang Dayou looked at the gun in the policeman's hand and quickly shook his head: "I won't go out."

The other three women were willing, but Wang Dayou was not assured that they would run away if they were afraid! There are fewer people in my hand, and my heart is not secure.

As for Xia Jili and his daughter, Wang Dayou couldn't let it go. Wang Dayou also counted on Xia Jili for money.

This time, Wang Dayou looked at Founder. Fang Zheng said helplessly: "Amitabha, okay, just go to the poor monk."

"You are not allowed to run! If you run ... I ... I kill!" Wang Dayou was also afraid that Founder ran, so he threatened, but Founder also saw it. At this time, Wang Dayou said that he was actually scared. he. But Founder wasn't sure. If he really ran away, would Wang Dayou be stimulated, his brain was hot, and he would really kill someone. After all, Wang Dayou is not a professional murderer, and his psychological quality is not so good. When his head is hot, what he does, it is all past.

Founder said: "The donor is assured, the Buddha said: Who will go to **** if I don't go to hell? Before these donors leave, the poor monk will never run."

"That's good, you can call Jing Yan to come in." Wang Dayou said.

Founder nodded and asked, pretending to be worried: "You can call her in, but the donor must promise a poor monk a condition."

"What conditions?" Wang Dayou asked.

Founder Road: "The donor can't take down Jing Yan's donor too. In that case, the sin of the poor monk would be great."

As soon as this word came out, Xia Jili over there winked at Founder, meaning, don't believe him, this is a lunatic. When Fang Zheng didn't see it, he looked at Wang Dayou calmly.

Wang Dayou froze for a moment, and seemed to be in thought. Half a while before he asked, "I said I wouldn't detain her, do you believe it?" In Wang Dayou's view, he is now a murderer, a robber, and a hijacker , Is simply a wicked and wicked man! Who would believe in someone like him?

The result surprised Wang Dayou that Fang Zheng nodded without hesitation and smiled, "The poor monk believes."

Wang Dayou looked at Fang Zheng in surprise, and finally sighed, saying, "Go, I promise she won't detain her. She wants to come and come, and walk."

Founder nodded, and then walked towards the door.

The police outside are also very nervous. Although various cases often occur in the city, most of them are petty thieves, street fights and the like. However, they have been commonplace for a long time. Do people from Northeast China speak with different fists? After the two **** can sit up, drink beer together, and then go to the hospital for treatment. Therefore, the police in the Northeast have become nervous about this kind of thing.

You say it's chaotic here, but there haven't been any serious cases of murder, arson, etc. here. Suddenly there was such an incident of murder, robbery, and hostage-taking. These policemen in the neighborhood were sweating their brains and did not know how to deal with it. You can only follow the usual simulation training steps to try to stabilize the emotions of the suspects inside without stimulating him. Everything will wait until the experts come over, or listen to the commander how to deal with it, and then make plans.

At the same time, some people went to investigate the identities of the suspects and the abductees, which would facilitate their follow-up work.

A group of reporters behind them also gave them headaches. Others were afraid to hide behind death. They just drilled through the cracks and couldn't wait to rush in. They took the suspect and talked about it. The police must not only prevent the suspects from running out, but also prevent these guys from rushing in. A policeman couldn't help cursing: "These are not afraid of death, do they really think their spears and short cannons can be fired?"

At this moment, a female reporter stood forward and seemed to want to take advantage of it. A policeman quickly stopped and said, "Stop, you can't go any further."

"I'm Jing Yan from Heihe News Agency ..." Jing Yan said.

"Unless it's the police, the police can't do anything! My aunt and grandma, we've been burned, and you've been messed up." The policeman quickly waved and interrupted Jing Yan's words.

Jing Yan was also helpless. Seeing more and more colleagues, although there were no major newspapers or major media, it was boring to be robbed of news. And she really cares about what happened this time.

Jing Yan pulled the police and said from left to right, the police just said, "No!"

In the end, Jing Yan moved out several government officials and acquaintances. However, the police were very principled and unmoved. Who were you looking for? Just one sentence: "No!"

Jing Yan was helpless, looking at a police officer in charge in front of her, waving her hand, but unfortunately they ignored it.

When Jing Yan reluctantly wanted another way, she suddenly heard a small policeman screaming: "Someone is coming out!"

At this hearing, Jing Yan suddenly looked up, and at the same time, all the cameras were aimed at the door, and the posture seemed as if they were to collectively blast out the people who were about to appear!

Jing Yan stepped on her feet and stretched her neck to look inside. She noticed that the shelf had been moved a little. She squinted her eyes and found that the person who moved the shelf was a little familiar! It seems like a bald head!

"Bald? Who will it be?" Jing Yan herself muttered.

Jing Yan was muttering, and the little policeman who had just called was mumbling, how could he be so familiar with that person? Subconsciously touched his shoulder and looked at the side, wasn't it?

Both men stared at the door intently. At this time, the shelves were moved away, revealing the people behind the door, all in white clothes, bald heads, and handsome faces, as if always smiling with the sun.

At that moment, Jing Yan and the small policeman shouted at the same time: "I Cao! Is he ?!"

PS: Don't rush, everyone, I have updated with the fastest speed. To be honest, this story is not easy to write. Although several outlines have been designed, it has been under revision. This story should be the biggest story since the book was opened. I want to write well, and I am afraid that the line will be harmonious, and I want to write something I want to write. My brain is not enough ... I arrived in Changsha today, participated in a meeting of the Provincial Writers Association, and drove into the code on the train. Oops……

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