Government departments have to start to clean up the mess, strengthen public security patrols, management, increase the number of trains, etc ...

Founder didn't know about these yet, he only knew that he regretted coming down the mountain! Because under the mountain, it is impossible to walk at all!

Not that many people have reached this point, but ...

"Host Founder, can you show me a sickness?"

"Founder host, together with Yingying Zhang?"

"Oh, this is Founder's host? I am more handsome than the photo!"

"Hello Founder, can you have an interview?"


Faced with the overwhelming problem, Founder suddenly found that even if his tongue was blooming with lotus flowers, it would be useless to open his mouth, and he would not be able to reply to so many people at the same time!

But Founder was patient, answering one by one. Seeing this scene, someone who maintained order at the scene immediately ran over, blocking the crowd out of the space, so that the founder was not too crowded.

At the same time, a man came together and whispered: "The founder is hosting, the scene is too chaotic, you don't have to go down the mountain at all. And, you don't have to answer their questions one by one, what should be done. Otherwise you can't reply at all. "

Founder certainly knew that he was right, but still shook his head: "The poor monk knows, but the poor monk doesn't have much to do now, so he can answer it well. Although the poor monk has a little fame, being famous doesn't mean being famous People must know you and come to say hello. This is not an equal question. Only out of love will they be greeted.

People respect the poor monks, and the poor monks cannot leave without turning around, right? "

Hearing this, the man was apparently stunned and said with a bitter smile: "You are a little special, host Fang Zheng. But you do n’t know how scary the fans are. If you really answer here one by one, do n’t think about it today. What did I do? I have done security for the stars before, and those stars are willing to interact with the fans at the beginning, but when the number of fans reaches a certain level, there is really no way to continue the interaction. First of all, you ca n’t answer the questions they ask. Second , People will gather more and more, eventually blocking traffic and affecting the lives of others. So everyone chooses to pass quickly on such occasions ... "

Founder nodded and said, "They did the right thing, but poor monks are different."

"Why?" The other party didn't understand a little, weren't they all famous people? What could be different? Are monks different from others? This is a bit ridiculous, right?

Fang Zheng looked up bitingly at the top of the mountain and said, "There is a saying that a running monk cannot run a temple ..."

Hearing this, the man was apparently frightened, and then couldn't help laughing, and nodded again and again: "I see, it's really different. People run away without a shadow when they get in the car, you ... it's really nowhere run."

Fang Zheng smiled helplessly, and then said: "So, let's do it. You don't need to worry about the poor monk, the poor monk should be fine here. Moreover, the poor monk also has the law protection."

After saying that, Founder looked at his dharma protector, but at this look, his face was dark!

I saw the big white dog surrounded by a group of girls, one by one with his neck around his waist, rubbing his head to take pictures, and occasionally stuffing him something to eat. This guy ate something, no need to do any martial arts, what kind of wolf king style, what style of protecting the law were thrown out of the clouds. Even cooperating with those girls, all kinds of coquetry sells cute, tongues out, and turns around ...

The man saw this and asked, "Host, are you sure?"

Founder just felt that his face was a bit unstoppable, which was too shameful! But he was still cheeky and insisted: "It's okay, the donor is busy."

The man nodded, and he was really busy. There were people everywhere, and it was a personal hand to be free.

So the man left.

As a result, as soon as the man left, reporters, patients, and tourists swarmed around, and Fang Zheng had just folded his hands to declare a Buddhist title.

As a result, he was held up before his hand was raised, and then a girl leaned over and called, "Master, take a photo!"

Founder was suddenly aggressive, what is this? Caring for someone?

After taking the picture, the girl's happy face was right: "Thank you Master, love you!"

Founder was about to cry, he was held by his hands, he was cherished, and he was teased! This Nima ... This is forcing the family to catch vulgarities!

Before the Founder's response came, another man came over here and came together: "Master, let's take a photo?"

Then the man raised his scissors in front of Fang's face!

Founder's face was a black line. Could this scissors hand not stop the handsome face of the poor monk?

However, this is just the beginning of misery. Take a picture here. Someone asked a question there. This question has not been answered yet, and another question has been asked over there.

As you say me, under the violent bombardment, the Founder just feels that the sky is turning, there is a feeling of flying up the Bliss World immediately.

Just then, someone touched his bald head!

Fang Zheng turned his head back suddenly, and saw that all people were behind him. He didn't know who was playing the salty pig!

This seems to be just the beginning. Someone touched him, and someone immediately touched him, crouching back and forth, touching his hands, patting his back, and touching his bald head ... someone even touched his butt! This can't be tolerated, but Fangzheng is helpless, can't escape! No tears!

At that moment, a picture flashed in Founder's mind, some place, there was a cabinet, there was a king eight on the cabinet, and the sign hung on the side: "The millennium tortoise, one fortune, one for peace, three touch……"

Thinking of this, Founder's head is almost black!

At this moment, one hand suddenly reached in, and one pulled the Founder out, and then heard someone shouting, "Master saves, someone is going to die! And a man is going to be born! Let everyone, let the master Go save! "

Founder froze, save people? Someone is dead? Are men going to give birth? What a mess? What the hell? At that moment, his eyes cleared a lot, and he looked up and saw exactly who his face was, and he ran out to be the filthy queen Zhu Lin who had not seen him for a long time!

Obviously, those onlookers were also stunned by the sentence of Zhu Lin, a man who had no response for a while, subconsciously gave way, so Zhu Lin pulled Fang Zheng away. When everyone returned to God, they suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the Founder had already run away, and everyone shouted helplessly.

The two ran out of the village all the way, ran straight into the grove in the back, found a pavilion for tourists and sat down.

Zhu Lin lay down with a big grin and shouted, "Oh my **** ... running in the snow is so tiring. Master, say it, how can you thank me!"

Fang Zheng sat staring at Zhu Lin and asked, "Where were you just now?"

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