The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1529: Hard-Armored Beast

Chapter 1,529 The Armored Beast

After looking at it for a while, I sighed secretly: Forget it, let it grow, and we will talk about it after the big man comes back.

So, from this day on, Zhang Ain had to take care of the Heart of God and feed it fairy wine from time to time; at the same time, he had to take care of the Yuntian Ginseng, these two strange big things, alas, they will grow.

But I didn't expect that on the tenth day, two cloud ginseng plants would cause trouble. The sacred mountain is full of mythical beasts that feed on fairy grass and flowers, and they will not let go of the precious Yuntian ginseng.

Originally, there was a barrier blocking the breath of Yuntian Shen, so that it could not be transmitted outside, so it could not attract small beasts. However, as the roots of Yuntian Shen penetrated deeper and deeper, it finally attracted strange beasts from underground.

On this day, Zhang Ping was feeding wine to the big iron block when he suddenly noticed that a Yuntian ginseng plant was shaking violently. How is this going? He immediately sent out his spiritual thoughts to scan, but the roots of Yuntian Ginseng were too deep, and his spiritual thoughts could not penetrate through the thick soil.

Seeing that Yuntian Ginseng was shaking more and more violently, the head with long ginseng leaves was also a little deformed, as if a person couldn't bear the pain and kept twitching. Zhang Wen immediately plunged into the soil and quickly dived using earth magic. While diving, he used his spiritual thoughts to scan down.

This is a sacred mountain. The spiritual scanning is limited and can only detect the situation about ten meters away. Zhang Weixing did not realize that there was a foreign object in front of him until he dived 100 meters. He quickly accelerated his dive and arrived at the accident site in an instant. There, there was a three-meter-long armored beast biting the roots of Yun Tian Shen. Must.

Zhang Ai swam over quickly. In his mind, he knew that he was about to approach the armored beast, and he suddenly raised his hand to pat it. But in this dark underground, the armored beast seemed to be able to see through the mud, and gently turned sideways to let go of his sneak attack. Then he stepped back again, moved some distance away, stopped, and then stayed still, as if he was looking at Zhang Wen.

Today, Zhang is probably as tall as a giant, but his spiritual thoughts cannot reach far. The little armored beast has already run more than ten meters away. He can only vaguely guess the general direction, and pray in his heart, no matter what you are, please leave quickly.

The armored beast looked at Zhang Ping for a while, and when he saw that he was also standing still, it pounced with its four pointed claws and rushed over.

Zhang Ai was on full alert, but the distance of ten meters was too close. He cursed in his heart that the forbidden mountain was a bastard, and took out a hard iron knife to resist the attack of the armored beast.

It seemed that the Armored Beast could really see things under the ground. As soon as the hard iron knife appeared in front of him, the Armored Beast immediately turned around and bit it. Zhang Fei only felt a burst of pain. The Armored Beast succeeded after tearing off a piece of flesh from his arm. Stay away. In Zhang Ai's mind, the trace of the armored beast was once again lost.

Zhang was very angry. This bastard's teeth were really sharp. He was a god and had a bunch of protective spells, but he couldn't stop it from biting him. He hesitated for a moment, thinking that even if he wanted to protect Yun Tian Shen, he had to have this strength, so he jumped up.

He wanted to run, but the armored beast refused to let him go. He rushed over with electricity again, tore off a piece of meat on Zhang Awei's thigh, and then safely backed away. Zhang was very angry, but he couldn't move underground and couldn't hit the armored beast, so he had to endure the pain and quickly surfaced to the ground.

The armored beast took a look and saw that this guy was undefended? Why are you so polite? It rushed over again, biting it crazily. Zhang was so angry that he raised his hand to slap it and ran away. The short distance of a hundred meters suddenly became extremely long, and Zhang was afraid that his whole body had been stained red with blood and was covered with bruises.

At this time, the armored beast probably also knew that it was about to approach the ground, and its attacks began to become crazy. It ignored its arms and legs and bit directly at Zhang Awei's throat and head. It was these two places that Zhang Awei deliberately protected. He tried his best not to use his arms, and bunched them up one behind the other to block his head.

As a result, the armored beast attacked without hesitation. After several consecutive bites, only a click was heard, and Zhang Awei's right arm was completely broken. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Zhang Awei had already rushed to the ground. . After rushing to the ground, he kept moving and continued to fly up. He soared about five meters in the air before stopping to look down.

The armored beast did not chase him out of the ground, only showing his head to look at Zhang Wei. This thing has a long, pointed mouth and narrow eyes, somewhat like a pangolin. Seeing that it dared to show its head, Zhang was afraid of slashing it with a knife. The armored beast quickly retracted its head, and then did not appear again.

Zhang was afraid that he could not find any trace of that guy if he scanned with his spiritual mind. He was distracted and looked at the two Yuntian Ginseng plants, and was a little surprised at first glance. Although the spirit was invisible, Yuntian Ginseng could not speak, let alone move, but he could still see the fear and fear in the two Yuntian Ginseng plants. In fact, the two Yuntian ginseng plants didn't move at all.

At this time, Zhang was afraid that his divine thoughts would move again, and the distraction left in his heart would be entangled, and his spiritual wisdom would protest again. This made him feel strange. He was feeding Yuntianshen alcohol before his accident, so why did he get into trouble so quickly? When he put down his soul and scanned it carefully, he understood what was going on after a while.

Yun Tian Shen was bitten by the armored beast, so she restrained her whole body's spirit and energy and did not let it out. Of course, the heart of God would not be happy if she could not get her spirit. This is how easy it is to move from frugality to luxury, but how difficult it is to move from extravagance to frugality. The big iron block was used to devouring his spirit every day, but now it was suddenly interrupted and he lost his temper.

Zhang was afraid of being distracted and comforted it: "Something happened, please bear with it for a while." Unfortunately, the big iron block didn't understand what he was saying, and continued to make a fuss.

At this time, he remembered Xiao Yao'er, that little Nascent Soul had offended him. In order to calm down his anger, he forcibly wiped out his own soul and turned into an idiot like a blank sheet of paper. Zhang was afraid that it would take a long time and a lot of effort. Only then did the little guy regain his intelligence and speak again. Now another big piece of iron comes. Isn't it fatal?

Just when he thought of this, Yuntian Ginseng beside him began to tremble again. Zhang was afraid that the armored beast was biting and devouring below, so he sighed secretly and looked down at his broken right arm, which also had wounds all over his body. With a thought, he summoned the newly refining Tiantangsi and urged it to pierce into the ground.

But for the same reason, there are restrictions on the sacred mountain. Under the soil, the distance is a little far away, and the divine weapon cannot be reached, so the artifact cannot be properly controlled. Seeing a cloud ginseng shaking more and more violently, Zhang Ao thought for a moment and rushed into the ground with a miserable look.

He is a god, so a few skin injuries are nothing to worry about, but if he is missing an arm, he has to go back to the Soul Transformation Pond to re-condensate his body. Just because he wanted to save Yuntian Shen, he ignored his own safety and went to the Armored Beast to fight for his life.

He kept diving and quickly caught up to where he was just now. The armored beast was also very responsive. When it noticed that Zhang was chasing after him, it stopped biting Yuntian Shen and turned around to bite fiercely. It thought Zhang was still as weak as before.

Zhang was afraid that he wanted to save Yun Tianshen, but could not turn around and run away. He immediately shrunk his body to the size of an ordinary person, hiding behind the hard iron knife, and at the same time controlled the sky to weave a net in front of him.

The armored beast was charging forward when it noticed that Zhang Awei had become smaller and found the big black knife. It was unwilling to collide with the blade, so it turned around and bit Zhang Awei again. At this moment, a dense wire net appeared in front of him. The armored beast was very fast. Just as it was about to hit the wire net, it suddenly stopped its forward momentum, ducked back to the original place, circled around in a big circle, and pounced towards Zhang is afraid of his back.

Nowadays, the big beast is small and the big beast, which is more than three meters long, pounces on Zhang Ai, who is less than two meters tall. It looks very scary just in terms of momentum. Fortunately, it is underground, and with the mud barrier, all the momentum is in vain.

In the blink of an eye, the armored beast had rushed behind Zhang Ai. Zhang was afraid of being small, but his spiritual thoughts were powerful. When he noticed that the armored beast was attacking from behind, he hurriedly walked around to the other side of the hard iron knife to stop, and at the same time controlled the wire mesh to net the armored beast again.

After doing this again and again, the armored beast became a little angry. When the silk screen blocked the front again, it ignored it and ran directly into it. When it collided, it was startled. Is this guy going to fight for his life? He hurriedly used his spiritual thoughts to control Tian Juansi to greet him. He thought to himself that luckily Tian Juansi was strong enough.

The armored beast crashed into the wire mesh, its sharp claws and fangs biting back and forth. Tiantang was not hurt at all, but the armored beast wanted to retreat and escape. But Tian Juansi was a master in the Thirty-three Heavens and a divine weapon used by the Golden Dragon. How could he escape so easily? In the dark earth, the silk net protrudes and changes, and it is infinitely long, covering this piece of soil, and the armored beast is also among them.

The armored beast was retreating. When it found that it could not retreat, it immediately became crazy and opened its mouth to roar. Although it was underground and there was mud everywhere, Zhang Awei heard the guy's roar. It was very strange. He couldn't tell what the sound was, but it was uncomfortable anyway. At that time, he urged the sky winding silk to wrap around him.

As soon as he thought about it, the silk threads in the sky changed. They were originally all around, covering the earth and the armored beasts in the earth. At this time, a thread suddenly shot out from the silk net. It was soft and extremely tough, and it was in the earth. Walking through it, running towards the armored beast.

The Armored Beast is an earth-based divine beast, and it is extremely sensitive to all movements in the earth. Only then did Tian Cangsi change. The armored beast had already rushed to the other side of the net, and Tian Cangsi jumped away.

But Tian Juansi is extremely powerful, and it is absolutely easy to deal with a young divine beast under the age of thirty-three. With just a thought from Zhang Ping, the silk thread chased the armored beast again, and it was extremely fast, easily entangled with it.

At this point, Zhang Zhi was angry, but luckily Tiantangsi, otherwise how could he deal with this guy? At that time, he brought the armored beast to the surface. Just as he was about to leave the ground, his mind moved and he felt bad. He immediately enlarged his body and swooped out. The figure just flew out, and three hard-skinned heads emerged from the place he passed just now, all looking at him fiercely, with cold light shining in their eyes.

Zhang Pingfei took a look in the air and was extremely depressed. Are these things still in a nest? In a blink of an eye, he looked at the armored beast hanging not far away from him, and shouted down: "I don't want to kill it. If you go farther away, I will let you go." After saying this, I felt depressed again. What is release? It's obviously a wild animal.

Unfortunately, his shouting was in vain. The three armored beasts looked at Zhang Ai, who was covered in blood, then looked at the captured armored beast, and finally turned their attention to the two tall ginseng trees.

For them, this thing is the most important. Only by eating powerful fairy grass can they become stronger. The three armored beasts wanted to rush over at that moment, but they were worried about the silk net that trapped their companions. They didn't know if the man in the sky still had this ability, so they felt a little hesitant.

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