The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,532 Understanding the Technique

Chapter 1532: Understanding the Secret Technique

In this environment, Zhang Wei used his soul to control the colorful cloud shield and dispersed the soul into the clouds. Through every subtle change, he understood what the foundation of the cloud shield was and what the root of the magic formula was. How to communicate the order.

At this time, his soul was divided into three. One soul was thinking about controlling the seven-colored cloud shield. The other two souls immediately knew that one of them was entangled with the wisdom of the Heart of God. Strangely, he The spirit of the Seven Colorful Cloud Shield is thinking about it, and it can actually sense the wisdom of the heart of God.

The mental arithmetic of God is a spiritual creature, but unfortunately his spiritual intelligence is just beginning and he only relies on instinctive reactions to do things. But it is this instinctive reaction that makes it extremely sensitive to the outside world. The sensitivity of the heart of God is not only reflected in understanding what Zhang Ai's soul is thinking, but also in being able to easily make decisions based on Zhang Ai's soul's thoughts, decisions made completely based on his instincts.

Strictly speaking, the Heart of God actually didn't know what Zhang was thinking, but it was just relying on instinct to make a rough guess and react correctly.

Zhang Ping's soul is scattered and densely distributed in the colorful cloud shield. On the one hand, he uses simple magic formulas to control its actions, and on the other hand, he uses his soul to carefully monitor the changes within it. Whenever an order is conveyed and the colorful cloud shield changes, he starts After thinking about it carefully, after understanding it, I began to deduce it, and tried to issue orders through the changing patterns of the cloud shield.

Because I didn’t know much about Yun Dun, I could only test it slowly and carefully. You have such a big brain, you have to make the right judgment at all times. Just when he was hesitating about how to issue the order, the spiritual wisdom of the Heart of God sensed the problem he was facing, and instinctively made a random movement, which involved Zhang Wei's soul moving left or right.

Laws and judgments are said to be magical, but in fact they are just like people. No matter how magical a person is, they must always express it through words or actions. Words must be expressed with the mouth, and actions must be expressed with the body. This is fundamental.

In a certain respect, the magic weapon is like a person's thinking, and the changes made by controlling the magic weapon are the person's words and actions. What the Heart of God sensed was Yun Dun's last action, and he expressed it easily, using his instinctive reaction to explain how Colorful Yun Dun should react in the most correct way.

His spiritual intelligence is connected with Zhang Ai's soul, and those manifestations are directly reflected by the soul, completely reflected in Zhang Ai's mind, saving Zhang Ai from even the process of pondering the manipulation techniques. With only a few simple techniques, a little inference and evolution, and the help of the mind of God, he could easily master the many changes of the colorful cloud shield.

Although God's Heart didn't understand what Zhang Awei said, and Zhang Awei had to guess at the actions shown by God's Heart, but when they were thinking about the Colorful Cloud Shield together, the two souls collided and were only interested in the Colorful Cloud Shield. The simplest and most direct response to the movement of the shield is more convenient and clearer than any language in the world.

In this way, with the help of the Heart of God, Zhang Ai easily mastered the use of the colorful cloud shield. In some changes, he even mastered it better than Fairy Bai.

Through the heart of God's unreserved tossing, Zhang Ain vaguely guessed the origin of the colorful cloud shield, and understood why Fairy Bai could tear off a piece and hand it to him. This thing is just like a real cloud, so big They are clouds, and they are still clouds even if they are small. The big ones may become smaller, and the small ones may also become larger. The only thing is that I don’t know what it is made of. I will always ask if I have the opportunity in the future.

Because of the help of the Heart of God, Zhang Ai meditated for three months and basically mastered all the manifestations of the colorful cloud shield. At the same time, his cultivation level increased slightly. The biggest gain from meditating this time is that I have established an extremely subtle relationship with the Heart of God, and the intimacy has become even closer. The Heart of God has become dependent on Zhang Ai.

And because the Heart of God has been devouring the divine energy emanating from the two Yuntian Ginsengs, during the three months that it was closely connected to Zhang Ain's Yuan Shen, it was an unexpected surprise that even Zhang Ain could directly absorb the divine energy.

Three months later, he removed the barrier and came out. The big man was still staying outside, lying lazily. After seeing him, he shook his head and said, "I figured it out." Zhang Ai smiled apologetically: "I didn't expect it to be so long. Nothing happened recently, right?" the big man said. : "With me here, what can happen? But you, you haven't been in the lower world for a long time, don't you miss your wife?"

Since he got the Heart of God, he hasn't been back to Tianlei Mountain for at least half a year. Zhang Weijing hesitated and said: "Let's talk about it, there is always something to be busy with." The big man shook his head and said: "Go down, I have been waiting for you for more than six months twice. , not more than a few days.”

Zhang Yin smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Do you still want to wait for another six months?" The big man rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you can stay down there for six months, that's fine." As he spoke, his eyes swept over him. Heart of God, does that mean you can leave it for six months?

Zhang Ai still smiled and said: "Just take it with you." The big man let out a strange scream and nodded: "Then take him with you, quickly." The big man likes to talk nonsense, and the more meaningless the quarrel is, the more he invests in it. energy.

Zhang Ai couldn't accompany him like this, so he thought for a while and said softly: "I'll go down and lie down, and I'll be back soon." The big man said: "Don't worry, you can stay a few more days." Zhang Ai shook his head and said nothing. Take back your soul in your heart.

When he took back his soul, the spiritual wisdom of the Heart of God was so entangled that it almost came out. Seeing that Zhang was afraid to ignore it again, the spiritual intelligence was unhappy again. The big iron block made a sharp scream, and the whole iron block began to shake, trembling, and it looked amazing.

The big man smiled and said: "Just make trouble." Zhang Weijing didn't answer, and hurriedly sent the soul in again. He immediately felt the anger of the heart of God, and the small mind suddenly had powerful power, entangled and squeezed Zhang Weisheng's body. Yuan Shen, but he didn't move too much. In short, he just expressed his displeasure. He seemed to be questioning, why did you leave me alone again?

The two of them didn't understand each other, so Zhang scratched his head because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to explain, so he had to take out a bottle of fairy wine and pour it on him, trying to calm his anger. But Big Iron continued to lose his temper while drinking the fairy wine. He looked very angry. Obviously, a bottle of fairy wine could not comfort him. So Zhang Ai continued to pour wine and fed him ten bottles of immortal wine. The big iron block finally calmed down his anger. The strong power in the iron block disappeared, leaving only a thin spiritual wisdom that tightly wrapped around Zhang Ai's soul. god.

Zhang is afraid that as soon as he sees her, he won't be able to leave even if he wants to. What should he do?

The big man watched him tossing, and when he was done, he laughed and said, "I've learned so much with you." Not only did this guy want to help Yuntian Shen become a human, but he also interacted with the refining materials on an equal footing. It was really fun.

Zhang Zhen ignored what he said and was wondering what to do. He can divide the soul into countless parts, but due to the distance limit, it is impossible for the person to return to the lower realm and the distracted mind to remain elsewhere. If that's the case, the distraction is not just his distraction, it should be an adult, just like Emperor Xi, who was forcibly divided into four, and then each became disabled.

With Emperor Xi as an example, Zhang Zhen would never play a game of dividing himself. That would be looking for trouble without a problem.

At this time, he looked at the big iron block in trouble. Yuan Shen had been communicating with the iron block. Unfortunately, he didn't listen to him at all. He only played his own way, and if things didn't go his way, he would make a fuss.

Looking at the Heart of God, I felt helpless, and by the way, I looked at the two Yuntian ginseng plants on both sides of it.

Over the past three months, Yuntian Shen has shrunk a bit. How can a tree without roots last long? After finally taking root on the sacred mountain for ten days, he regained some of his divine power. However, due to the appearance of the armored beast, Zhang was forced to cut off the roots. Yuntian Ginseng was damaged, and then he had no chance to cultivate. When he returned to Star Source, he began to radiate his divine power again. If it is kept like this for a long time, the cloud ginseng will eventually wither and die.

Seeing the two grasses looking like this, Zhang Ai sighed again in his heart. As long as they are well preserved, as if they were preserved for you, the two grasses may live a lifetime, but now? When its vitality is completely cut off, it becomes a complete tonic. If you don't take it, it will be a waste.

Because of the appearance of Yuntian Ginseng, Zhang Ping never thought of taking them, but if the current situation continues, the final outcome of the two fairy grasses will only be eaten by himself. After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and asked the big man: "When we were in the lower realm, there was always a legend about a day in the sky and a year on earth. We are in the God Realm. Is there such a place?"

The big man laughed when he heard it, and said what he said before: "It's really a lot of experience to be with you."

Zhang Ai said helplessly: "Are you crazy? You can't say anything else?" The big man smiled and said: "Yes, I just can't figure it out. What are you holding in your mind? You can't even talk about a day in the sky and a year on the earth." Can you tell me, do you think such a place could exist?"

Zhang Ain asked back: "Why is it impossible? There is it in the lower world." The big man laughed for a while, then he restrained his smile and said seriously: "I know there is it in the lower world, but those places are against the harmony of nature. Don't forget that we are here. In the world of gods, bad people are not allowed to exist. The existence of the kind you mentioned will definitely bring great harm to the surrounding environment. In the world of gods, they are absolutely not allowed to exist. Who dares to create such a place? Congratulations to him, the old madman will Come and kill him yourself.”

Zhang Ai asked curiously: "Who is the old madman?" The big man thought about it and replied: "You are not cultivated enough. I will tell you when I can board the Thirty-Three Heavens." Zhang Ai did not ask further, since there is no Heaven-defying Cave In that kind of place, he would not have the opportunity to cultivate Yun Tian Ginseng and God's Heart, so he could only stay on the star source.

After thinking about this for a while, he simply sat down with the Heart of God, and in his boredom, dug out the piece of gold pillow. This thing was left by the big man when he found it to refine the wine vessel. It was considered the best at the time. s material. At that time, I wanted to use it to refine artifacts, but later I had too many things to do and had no time to do it, so I put it aside and found it now to kill boring time.

If he wants to refine an artifact, he can familiarize himself with the process in advance. After all, artifacts are different from magical weapons. But as soon as he thought about it, the big iron block was unhappy again.

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