The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1536 Half Pulling the Body

Chapter 1536: Half Pulling the Body

Qingyin, who was very lucky, had already escaped far away, while Zhang Ping, who was unlucky, was looking down at his empty lower body. In just an instant, only a small part of his body was left, and at the same time, there was a strong pain that stimulated the soul, very painful. He was distracted in the iron block, and the pain was so painful that even the heart of God could feel it.

The Qilin Beast's fire was very strange. After burning Zhang Awei's body below the waist, there were still several small flames that snaked upward along Zhang Awei's body. It was these flames that caused him severe pain.

As soon as he felt pain, the God's Heart felt something, and his spirit became anxious again. A burst of power burst out from the iron block, swept along Zhang Weizhi's body, and extinguished all the small flames. Followed by another turn and returned to the iron block.

Seeing this change, Zhang was very surprised. The Heart of God was so powerful that it could automatically release attacks? This was the first time he saw the powerful power of the Heart of God rush out of the iron range and easily destroy other people's attacks.

The power of the Heart of God is so great that in the blink of an eye it washes away the surrounding sky. The red fire in the sky disappears, leaving only a large iron block and Zhang Ai, who only has half of his body left in front of the iron block.

In addition, there is another thing, which is full of divine power.

There were two Yuntian ginseng plants in Zhang Wen's arms. The Yuntian ginseng was originally tall, more than ten meters high. Later, it was implanted in the sacred mountain, and its roots have grown again. Counting the complete roots, the Yuntian ginseng at this time is more than 40 meters tall. high. Zhang Ping just held the middle part, and bent the roots up to gather them in his arms.

But the fierce fire just now burned too fast and fiercely, easily burning the exposed parts of the iron block, and small flames burned upward or downward along the skin lines of the Yuntian ginseng.

The Heart of God has a closer connection with Yuntian Ginseng. A large part of the credit for its ability to become stronger comes from Yuntian Ginseng, although it does not know what Yuntian Ginseng will become and does not care. But Yuntian Ginseng was suddenly burned by fierce fire and had its own instinctive reaction. Whether it's shaking or shrinking the body, it's a very strong and unwilling reaction.

God's Heart is the most sensitive to this kind of reaction. He almost sucked Yuntian Shen dry. Yuntian Shen was not unwilling to do anything, but now that he has it, God's Heart inexplicably feels this strong unwillingness. Knowing that Yuntian Shen It was uncomfortable, so while extinguishing the flames for Zhang Afraid, its powerful power swept over Yuntian Ginseng, and also extinguished those very harmful flames.

The Heart of God extinguished the flames, but part of the burned Yuntian Ginseng body disappeared. It was burned away in an instant and could never come back.

Fortunately, the fire spewed out by the Qilin Beast is one of the purest fires in the God Realm. It is also extremely high-temperature and only burns in an instant. Because the time is too short, it cannot refine the divine power of Yuntian Ginseng. Those divine powers are all over this piece of sky. and spread out in all directions.

With such a powerful force, how can anyone not be tempted by a god? You must know that these are two Yuntian ginseng plants with a lifespan of more than 100,000 years. Their divine power is enough to support the needs of the hearts of gods for a long time, let alone ordinary gods.

The sky is full of divine power and cannot be wasted. At this moment, God's Heart moved again. With it as the center, a powerful force burst out, directly blasting into Yuntian Shen's divine power. Then it stirred slightly, forming a vortex, and then I saw a violent air mass forming with a black iron block at the center high in the sky. It is said that the divine power should be invisible and colorless, but because the power is too great, it directly forms a cyclone visible to the naked eye, absorbing the divine power all over the sky.

Zhang was afraid that he was closest to the Heart of God. He was holding two incomplete Yuntian ginseng in his arms. When he was thinking about what to do next, suddenly there was a huge pressure coming towards him quickly. He hurriedly used his spiritual mind to investigate and knew that it was The purest divine power spread in the air.

At the same time, a cyclone was discovered. Because the cyclone was so big, Zhang was afraid that he was in the center of the cyclone, so he watched countless divine powers pouring past him and instilling them into the black iron block. He was still distracted in the black iron block. He knew the situation clearly and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Half of his body was left, and he didn't know when he would be able to recover from his injuries. Most of Yuntian Shen was also destroyed, and he didn't know if he could be revived. The Heart of God only relies on instinct to do things. When the Qilin Beast attacks next time, I don't know if it can be blocked.

In fact, he was overthinking the last point, because at this time, the Qilin Beast was being chased and beaten by a big man.

Zhang Awei was almost burned to death last time, and the big man was already extremely angry; now it happened again, and it really hurt Zhang Awei, and the big man became even more furious under the rage and went completely crazy.

Anger and madness are two different things. There may be reason behind anger, but after madness, one doesn't care about anything, including oneself.

When the Qilin Beast attacked Zhang Awei with flames, even though it was done casually and quickly, it still gave the big man a chance. With his strength advantage, the big man took advantage of the situation, forcing the Qilin Beast to do its best to protect itself. At this moment, a fierce fire from the Qilin Beast burned only half of Zhang Ao's body, and the big man suddenly went crazy.

He had the upper hand and had an advantage in strength, but now he went crazy and his power was unstoppable. Qilin Beast tried to resist twice, but the result was wounds all over his body, and the wounds became deeper and deeper. As for its fire, it had no reaction at all when it burned the big man. The big man ignored it completely and had only one thought in his mind: kill the Qilin Beast.

Qilin Beast originally wanted to fight the big man desperately, trying to suppress the opponent with his own momentum, but it failed to suppress him at all. Instead, it attacked Zhang Awei, which made it self-defeating and forced the big man to use all his strength.

Under this slight disparity, the Qilin Beast couldn't fight even if it tried its best. If it continued to charge regardless, it would probably end in death. So, the Qilin Beast escaped and struggled to get injured. When the big man attacked with all his strength, he turned sideways and received a blow. He saw a faint red shadow flying away in the clear sky. In the blink of an eye, the Qilin Beast was already there. No trace.

The big man went crazy, thinking about nothing, and wanted to continue chasing. Fortunately, at this time, several gods arrived in succession, with different levels of cultivation, and their arrival time had its own order. But when the first person arrived, the big man He was suddenly alert and could not pursue him. If he chased him, what would Zhang Afraid do?

Holding back his anger at the moment, the figure came to a halt next to Zhang Awei. He looked at Zhang Awei first, and then glanced at the gods flying over one after another with cold eyes.

The first person arrived first, then the second person a moment later, and the third and fourth person after a while. About a hundred breaths of time passed, and more than twenty people arrived. These people dispersed and stopped in the distance to look at this side.

They can feel the powerful divine power of this sky, and at the same time they can also feel the huge anger of the big man. Under such circumstances, no one dares to take the risk of collecting the divine power floating in the sky. If they offend the big man, they will not be killed. People collect corpses.

These gods stood still, but the big man was furious and shouted: "Get out!"

With just one word, all the gods in the sky didn't say a word, and turned around and left without hesitation. The reason why they came here was that there was a strong aura fluctuation. When they came here, they found out that it was a big man. So who could fight the big man to this point? During the spiritual scan, there were no dead people in this place, and there was no lifeless energy. But the big man still looked furious. Without asking, he knew that he must have failed to kill his opponent, so he was angry. In this case, the gods did not want to get into trouble, and Mingzhe's safety came first, so after hearing the big man's roar, all the gods parked around turned around and left.

As they walked outside, another god flew towards them. When they saw this scene, they were a little embarrassed for a moment. They didn't understand what was going on, so they simply stopped in the distance and looked over.

At this time, Qingyin had already returned, and just now he and a group of gods stopped to watch from a distance. After the big man shouted angrily, Qingyin jumped over and asked, "Are you okay?"

These five words made the big man sober again. He turned around and looked at Zhang Awei carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly smiled and said: "You dropped an arm, and now you have two legs and a half waist. When will you put your upper body and another half?" If the arms are removed together, it will be considered complete.”

Zhang Ping was resisting the pressure rushing in from all around with a grimace. Facts have proven that having too much of anything will cause fatal danger to people, even if it is the divine power that you desperately need. The same is true for ordinary people. Even the water and air that you need to survive can easily kill you if there is too much.

Hearing the big man making a joke at this time, Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to speak. His strength had been contending with the divine power coming from outside the cyclone, and he was very tired.

But fortunately, part of his soul stayed in the Heart of God. Zhang Wei felt uncomfortable, and his divine heart felt it, as if he had just extinguished a fire, and directly sent out power, entering his body from Zhang Wei's back to help resist the external divine power.

And as more and more divine power came back from the outside world, the more divine power the Heart of God sent into Zhang Awei's body. Slowly accumulating, the small half of Zhang Awei's body was filled with divine power, surging violently. It is even stronger than when he was healthy.

He was busy resisting external pressure. When the big man saw that he was silent, his spiritual mind did a little research and knew what he was doing. At that time, he shook his head slightly, and a powerful force burst out from his forehead, entering Zhang Ai's mind and helping him. After resisting the external pressure, Zhang Fei felt relaxed. He turned around and looked around and asked, "How long will it take?"

He was fighting with the divine power outside his body with all his strength, and he did not dare to release his divine thoughts easily. He could only ask the big man when the heart of God could absorb all these divine powers.

The big man knew what he was asking, so he didn't answer the question, but asked: "Why don't you take the opportunity to practice? These many magical powers, and with the help of black iron blocks, can quickly enhance your cultivation. What a good opportunity, don't seize it ”

Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this, and said with a wry smile: "I am still cultivating like this? Besides, you have never practiced cultivation, why do you care about this...q

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