The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1551 The little beast is trapped

Chapter 1551 The little beast is trapped

Zhang Ping thanked him again and flew to the orchard with the big iron block in his arms.

The jade slips contain legends about the Heart of God in the God Realm, including its origins and refining methods. Unfortunately, most of them are hearsay and there are no real examples. But no matter what you say, it's all out of your heart. Qingyin is thinking about him and must be thanked.

Zhang Awei returned to the house with the jade slips. The big man was lying down enjoying the blessings. When he saw him coming back, he casually said, "Would you like to catch some small beasts for you?" The big man cared about Zhang Awei very much and wanted to comfort him. Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No need." He then asked, "Is this why you asked me to come back?" The big man shook his head and said, "Of course not. I want to understand one thing these days."

Zhang Ai asked: "What's the matter?" The big man said: "Remember that day when Yi Chen said that if he came near the orchard, Qi Xin's whereabouts would not be revealed?" Zhang Ai said: "Remember, what's the matter?"

The big man said: "The talents of gods are very useful. There are rare times when judgments or prompts are inaccurate. If Yi Chen and Shu Ji are combined, they can't find Qi Xin. There is only one possibility." , interfered by external forces. But this is an orchard, what could possibly interfere with the talents of these two gods? "

Hearing this, Zhang Ai seemed to have heard a heavenly book again, and asked: "Can talents be interfered with?" The big man replied: "Nonsense, if it is not interfered with, everyone has special abilities, and some people are good at it." If you run away, some people will not be able to kill you for the rest of your life."

"Oh." Zhang Ping said he understood, and then asked: "What's the interference?"

The big man looked at the Heart of God in Zhang Ping's arms and said, "I thought about it again and again, it could only be because of him."

Hearing this, Zhang Ai hurriedly looked at the jade slip in his hand again, and then said, "No way, how do you know?" The jade slip did not say that the Heart of God had this ability.

The big man saw him scanning the jade slips and asked: "What is it?" Zhang Ain replied: "Qingyin brought me something, news about the Heart of God." After saying that, he sent the jade slips to the big man. .

The big man scanned it briefly with his spiritual consciousness, and then said: "It doesn't say it above, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. However, I am just guessing. I think Qi Xin must have discovered something, so he ran to us again and again."

It was rare for a big man to be willing to use his brain. Zhang Wen put away the jade slips, sat down and asked, "Why are you thinking about this?" With the laziness of the big man, how could he take the initiative to think about something that had nothing to do with him? It should be that he wanted to help himself relieve his mood, but Zhang was afraid that he was a little touched.

The big man said: "I was thinking, if the Heart of God is so magical, wouldn't you make a lot of money?" Zhang Ain replied: "He is already very magical now. Without refining, he can fight against the Qilin Beast. ”

The big man smiled and said: "It can become even more powerful after being refined. With his help, you may become invincible."

Hearing this, Zhang was afraid of looking at his heart. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "It's up to him to make his own decision." Then he added, "Go to Shenshan to help Qingyin find good materials. He has to do everything. You can’t keep losing money to him.”

The big man said: "I've had this idea for a long time. I've been busy. Why don't we put away the Yuntian Ginseng and let's go to the sacred mountain for a walk." Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "How can I get up to the book pavilion?"

The big man said: "With your current cultivation level, you should be able to climb the sacred mountain, but whether you can reach the first level of the sky depends on your luck." Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I won't go and see it. I'm holding the god Zhi Xin, and Yuntian Ginseng, go to the cellar, and you can go to the Holy Mountain and help him find good materials."

The big man thought about it and said, "Okay, but now is not the period of the Towering Ceremony. The wild beasts in the sacred mountain are very ferocious. I can't guarantee that I can find anything." Zhang Ai nodded and said, "Go ahead. If you can't find anything, I won't be with Qing." That’s what the sound says.”

The big man said yes and went to the sacred mountain. Zhang Ping dug out two cloud ginseng plants and carried them down to the cellar. God's Heart followed behind, and everyone went underground to hide.

Today's orchards have multiple barriers. First, there is a large barrier outside the orchard, and then there are several small barriers in the house. There are several layers on top of each other. There are also several barriers underground to protect the cellar. Anyway, it is to hide as much as possible. The smell of cloud ginseng.

He stayed underground for four days. Four days later, the big man came back and his first words were: "Come out quickly." His tone was a little anxious. Zhang was afraid that if he heard this, might something happen again? He hurriedly returned to the ground with the Heart of God. As soon as he came out, he saw a big unicorn beast falling to the ground. His whole body was covered in blood, which made his red armor even brighter and dazzling.

Zhang Ai asked anxiously: "What's wrong?" But the Qilin Beast was unable to speak and lay still, staring at him with dull eyes. If his heart wasn't still beating, he would have thought he was a dead thing.

The big man said: "They were ambushed. Qi Xin was trapped and seriously injured. He relied on Qi Lian Yun Dong to temporarily protect himself. He came out desperately and asked you for advice, hoping to save the second treasure of Dabao."

ah? Zhang Ping was stunned at that time, why did these guys do more than just fight? There have been random killings in the past few days. It finally calmed down for a few days, but they started killing again? At that time, I subconsciously wanted to refuse and ignore it.

In the past, at times like this, the big man had always refused directly, but now he was silently watching Zhang Afraid, waiting for him to make up his mind. The big man knew that Zhang Ai cared about the two little beasts, and he also knew that he would agree to it in all likelihood, so he let him make the decision.

Looking at the seriously injured Qilin beast on the ground, Zhang Ao took out a pile of elixirs and a large amount of fairy grass, selected two elixirs from them, put them into its mouth, and then asked the big man: "Do you know where they are?" It was the place where Qi Xin and the others were trapped.

The big man sighed softly and said, "I know." As the words rang out, a jade slip appeared in front of Zhang Weijing's eyes, and the big man said, "It has a detailed address and the method of entering Qilian Yundong." The Qilin Beast was seriously injured and could not speak. All the information he knows comes from this jade slip, which shows that Qi Xin has been well prepared to break out of the encirclement.

Zhang Wen scanned the jade slips with his spiritual thoughts, and then said: "I want to save the little beasts." He did not like Qi Xin, but the little beasts were innocent and they had been together for a long time, so Zhang Wen couldn't bear to see them die.

The great unicorn beast's vitality is really tenacious. It was obviously speechless. After taking two pills, it struggled to get up, knelt in front of Zhang Ai and said, "Please help me, sir."

Divine beasts are the most proud, but Qilin Beast kneels down to a so-called god whose cultivation is not as good as his own. This shows that the situation on Qi Xin's side is definitely not optimistic.

Seeing the Qilin Beast kneeling down, the big man sighed and said, "Let's go. No matter what, he always does it for the children, even if he fought with me last time, it was the same."

Hearing this, Zhang was afraid but a little embarrassed, how to go? It seemed that he had no choice but to put Yuntianshen into his storage bag temporarily and asked, "How many days has it been?" He was asking Qi Xin how many days he had been trapped.

Qilin Beast replied weakly: "It has been nine hours since I broke through."

Nine hours, and another three hours will be a full day. Zhang Ao said softly: "You stay down below to recuperate while I go to rescue people. If I don't come back, you are not allowed to come out." As he spoke, he picked up the Qilin Beast regardless of its reaction. He went down to the cellar, then put away the two cloud ginseng plants, and then returned to the ground. He looked at the big man and smiled bitterly: "I'm going to trouble you."

The big man smiled and said: "What's the trouble? It's usually too boring. There should be something lively. Let's go." After saying that, the figure rose up from the sky. Zhang Wen followed closely behind him holding the heart of God. Fly straight north.

This is the first time Zhang Wen has left the vicinity of the Star Source after coming to the God Realm for more than five years. Xingyuan is surrounded by mountains. Zhang Ping has never been out, and the furthest reaches the sacred mountain. At this time, they flew non-stop, and after three hours, they finally left the endless mountains and entered a plain.

When we came here, it was still deserted, because strictly speaking, this place was still the place where Star Source was everywhere. The two continued to fly forward. During the flight, Zhang Ain asked the big man: "What should I do?"

The big man smiled and said: "I don't know." Zhang Ain laughed. He didn't know what he would do to rescue the two little beasts after he went there. And most importantly, he didn't know if the two little beasts would still be alive after he left.

The God Realm is huge. In the past, Zhang Fei did not have an intuitive understanding of it. Now he flew out from the star source and realized that the God Realm was indeed exaggeratedly big. In the lower realm, three hours was enough for him to pass through a constellation. But in the God Realm, for three hours, he didn't even go out of the mountains outside the star source.

After flying for another hour, the scenery below changed, and the endless mountains reappeared. He and the big man flew wildly among the mountains for another two hours before they finally arrived.

In front of the lake is a lake, which is also huge. There is a flat land beside the lake, which is full of gravel and loess, with some weeds growing occasionally. On this flat land, a group of dark clouds stands abruptly. It is so dense that I don’t know how heavy it is and how high it is. It covers an area of It is quite wide, and the dark clouds are surging, like water, which is endless, but it condenses and never disperses.

Outside this dark cloud, two people stood far away, both dressed in white and dressed as scholars. They were Yi Chen and Shu Ji.

High in the sky between them, a white tiger stood with a fierce look in its eyes, looking fiercely at the clouds.

Zhang Afraid and the big man flew in this direction and were discovered by them when they were far away. Shu already winked at Yi Chen, and his figure rose into the sky, facing the direction of Zhang Ain and the big man. He clasped his fists and asked: "Two fellow Taoists, my brother has some trivial things to do here, please two Taoists." Friend, can you please stay away for now?”

They are not stupid people. The God Realm is huge, and the big man flew towards them, so he must want to interfere in this matter. Shu Ji was the first to speak, intending to block the big man's mouth, for no other reason than because they were thirty-three-day masters, and everyone could not see each other without looking up, so he hoped that the big man would be concerned.

Seeing that the book had flown in front of them, the big man and Zhang Wen stopped. The big man smiled and said, "What a coincidence. We met again not long ago, and today we meet again."

Shu has been stunned for a moment. He should say this for himself, why should a big man say it? Then he smiled and said: "It's quite a coincidence. It's just that we are busy and have no time to entertain fellow Taoist. How about this, fellow Taoist go to work first. Yi Chen and I will bring a few bottles of good wine to find fellow Taoist another day. Let's have a chat No return if you are not drunk.”

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