The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,587 Being Chased by a Wolf

Chapter 1587: Chased by a Wolf

As soon as the white tiger succeeded in the attack, he dodged and retreated. At this time, the white wolf came after him, but it was already too late. It was completely unnecessary to attack the white tiger again. One-on-one, it could not kill the white tiger, otherwise it would not have spent so much effort. Set up this situation. But the black wolf died, and the white wolf was unwilling to accept it. When he saw Zhang Afraid in the deep pit in the distance, he wanted to go over and kill him.

Before the white wolf could move, he saw the white tiger dodge and fly to Zhang Ai's side, as if he wanted to protect him. Blood was still dripping down between the teeth on the side of his mouth, reflecting the white fur on his body, making the blood even more red.

At this time, Zhang Wen stood up from the pit and saw the white wolf staring at him fiercely, then saw the white tiger next to him, and then saw the black wolf lying on the ground not far away and twitching. Although his head was broken, he would not die for a while. , blood was still flowing out from the wound, and a thin blood groove was washed out on the ground.

Seeing all this, he immediately understood that the white tiger killed the black wolf, but the white tiger killed the black wolf, why was the white wolf staring at me? They are a bunch of beasts, and no one understands the truth.

The white wolf looked at Zhang Ping, then at the white tiger, and then at the black wolf next to him. He raised his head and howled loudly, turned around, and actually picked up the black wolf and went down the mountain.

Seeing the white wolf walking away, Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to stay here any longer. He looked at the white tiger next to him carefully and saw that he didn't seem to have any ill intentions. He hurriedly held his hands and said, "Hello, hello. I came here by accident. There is no malice at all. This Just leave." He really didn't want to be involved with the terrifying beasts on the sacred mountain, and of course he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

White Tiger glanced at him without saying a word, then looked up at the bottom of the mountain, then turned back to the woods.

Zhang was afraid that he would be let go so easily after seeing him? Very good, very good. He immediately spread out his body and ran towards the distant mountain. After running two steps, he stopped quickly, turned around and said loudly: "I still want to disturb fellow Taoist, may I ask how to get down the mountain?" In order not to anger the white tiger. , call them fellow Taoists, and treat them as the same people.

The white tiger moved quickly and had already entered the forest. Zhang Ping seemed to be talking to the air. But as his voice spread into the woods, the white tiger slowly walked out, with some doubts in his eyes, as if he was guessing whether he was telling the truth or a lie. Did he really not know the road?

This time, it looked at Zhang Awei again, looked at it for a long time, and asked in a low voice: "You don't know how to get down the mountain?" The voice was generous and soft, with a faint feeling of tenderness. Zhang feared and thought, could it be a tigress?

Because he didn't want to get into trouble, Zhang Fei didn't dare to look at the white tiger carefully. Naturally, he didn't know whether it was a male or a female. At this time, he heard Bai Hu's question and hurriedly replied: "I'm lost. I don't know where this is. I ran here randomly. I heard that there is a passage connecting the thirty-third heaven on the mountain. Do you know? If you know, please I would be very grateful for your guidance."

When he ran into the mountains to ask the tiger for directions, Zhang Ping was quite thoughtful. When Bai Hu heard this, he said casually: "If you want to go down the mountain, just run down. What's the problem?"

Zhang was afraid of being choked, so he hurriedly explained: "I came to climb the sacred mountain because I wanted to go to a certain level of heaven. Because I didn't know the way, I walked randomly and was chased all the way. I finally got here. I hope my fellow Taoists Give me some advice so that I can find a shortcut down the mountain."

Bai Hu lowered his head and thought about it, and then said, "It's useless to tell you. Let's just climb up."

Zhang was puzzled and asked: "Why is it useless?" Bai Hu grinned, as if smiling, and then said softly: "Eight thousand miles from here? It's about that far. Looking eastward "It is estimated that we can climb seven or eight peaks. There is a stone bridge on the easternmost peak. Walking across it is the sky you mentioned. There is only one thing. That peak has a name, called Wolf Peak." Here, he kept silent and looked at Zhang Afraid with a smile.

Zhang Ping was listening when he suddenly heard the word "Langfeng" and said with a wry smile: "Don't mention the white wolf just now, and the black wolf, they are from Langfeng."

White Tiger smiled and said, "You're right, so keep climbing up." After saying that, he turned around and retreated into the forest.

Hearing this answer, Zhang Fei stood still and smiled bitterly in his heart. Do you need to be so unlucky? I have no dealings with that pack of wolves. If I go to the wolf den, will I be able to make it down the mountain alive? His face froze at that time, isn't it just climbing a mountain? Just keep climbing! Just stay away from Wolf Peak!

He made up his mind to continue climbing the mountain. He didn't care about anything else but the look in the white wolf's eyes when he left. He didn't want to stay here any longer. The longer he stayed, the more likely it would be that problems would arise. Although he has the heart of God to protect himself, under the siege of a group of masters, if he makes a mistake, as long as he is not guarded at all, his life will be handed over here. And the look in the white wolf's eyes clearly said, boy, wait and see, Zhang Ping didn't want to wait to be revenged by the white wolf.

Traveling quickly in the foothills, Bai Hu said that Wolf Peak was to the east, so he headed west. Because I was worried about being discovered by the white wolf, I only walked through the dense forest this way. After half an hour of climbing, and dodging the attacks of many ferocious beasts, we finally approached the line of eight thousand miles that Bai Hu mentioned.

Walking eight thousand miles in half an hour is not fast for Zhang Ain, even if he is climbing a mountain. You really have to be careful when traveling and don't dare to make a big noise. In addition, you are attacked by ferocious beasts from time to time, so your speed has to be much slower. After running for half an hour now, he estimated the approximate distance to be more than eight thousand miles. Zhang was afraid of running up while looking eastward, praying that those stupid wolves would never come to find him.

In the high mountains, all the eyes can see are trees, rocks and flowers. At this time, he no longer has the intention to look for exotic flowers and plants. He only has one thought in his mind, the sooner he leaves here, the better.

Fortunately, there is a lot of divine power hidden in the heart of God, and he can replenish the consumed power at any time, so that he is still alive and kicking and maintains sufficient physical strength.

There is one strange thing about life. The more you worry about something, the more it will happen. Zhang was worried about being discovered by Bai Lang, so he was actually discovered.

To be precise, it can't be considered a discovery. The white wolf basically found him after chasing his scent. Bai Lang and Zhang Weifang had met each other before, and after scanning with their spiritual thoughts, they had already remembered who Zhang Wearing was. Everyone's Qi machine is different, and the taste is also different. As one of the most powerful divine beasts in the divine world, the white wolf can easily lock Zhang Ping's Qi machine. After bringing the black wolf's body back to Wolf Peak, he will pass the news to the people on the lake and After the white tiger fought with the other white wolf and the black wolf, the white wolf went back to the woods just now to look for Zhang Ping. It made up its mind to kill this hateful man no matter what the cost.

After going back, he found Bai Hu, but he didn't find Zhang Ping's breath, so he knew that this kid was gone. For the current white wolf, avenging the black wolf is much more important than killing the white tiger, so he followed Zhang Ping's scent all the way to find it.

As long as Zhang Awei didn't deliberately hide his aura, and as long as he didn't run too far, Bai Lang could easily find him. As a result, Zhang Wei's cautiousness became the main reason that delayed him from leaving here quickly, and then he was easily caught up by the white wolf.

At this time, Zhang Ai was walking in the forest, scanning the surrounding environment as he walked to avoid being attacked by ferocious beasts. As he was running, there was a strong collision from behind. Zhang Fei flew straight ahead like a stone thrown by someone. The force was too great and too sudden. Zhang was afraid that he wouldn't be able to react in time, so it was like a real stone, hitting the trees in front of him one by one. It wasn't until he ran out of strength that he was stopped by a big tree. He could only hear thumping sounds one after another, and many trees were broken. Finally, there was a loud thumping sound, and Zhang was afraid that he would be blocked by a big tree. Stopped and fell to the ground.

As soon as his body landed on the ground, Zhang Fei slapped the ground with one hand and flew up again. At the same time, he released his spiritual thoughts to figure out what was going on.

But just as his body flew upward, another burst of strong force came from behind, as if he was driving a pile into the ground. What followed was another powerful force hitting him, clearly treating Zhang Awei as a real pile. , it’s not finished until it’s broken. Moreover, the attack speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it can be hit thousands of times in succession.

Being attacked rapidly and continuously by such power, even with the protection of God's Heart, Zhang was afraid that it would be too much and he felt dizzy and dizzy. Although it was not painful, the continuous violent vibrations alone were already very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, being dizzy does not mean that he has lost the ability to move. Zhang was afraid that if his mind moved, the violent attack behind him would stop the next moment. Zhang Po adjusted his breathing slightly, then stood up and looked back. A hundred meters away from him, there stood a tall and heroic white wolf, but there were multiple wounds on the chest and abdomen, and blood was leaking out.

Those wounds were given to it by the Heart of God. Zhang was afraid of being attacked all the time. With a thought, the Heart of God formed a bunch of long thorns and pierced the white wolf's body instantly, successfully forcing the white wolf to retreat.

Therefore, at this time, the white wolf looked at Zhang Ai with anger, his eyes seemed to be able to spit out flames.

Seeing its expression, Zhang Awei sighed and said, "I don't want to fight with you, but you attack me as soon as you show up, just like you did just now. I can't just stand and wait for death. Please be reasonable."

The white wolf didn't say anything. Even though there was blood dripping from his body, he didn't go to heal his wounds. He just stared at Zhang Afraid fiercely. It was thinking about how to kill this bastard quickly. This bastard has an extremely strong turtle shell on the outside. He just attacked so many times in succession, but couldn't get a single crack. It seems that he can't fight hard.

Seeing that the white wolf was still staring at him with wolfish eyes, Zhang Wen sat down cross-legged, and while adjusting his body condition with his breath, he said casually: "You're bleeding, why don't you cover it?"

This sounds like nonsense. Of course, the mythical beast can bandage its own wounds. There is only one problem. Since the mythical beast has magical powers to bandage its own wounds, it can also use magic to directly heal its wounds, or just take some fairy grass and elixirs. But Skin injuries can be healed quickly, so why would you need to bandage the wound?

Therefore, when Bai Lang heard this sentence, his eyes became even more angry. How dare this guy make fun of himself? At that time, the figure moved and attacked again.

As a result, Zhang Fei, who was meditating, rolled away like a black iron ball. After a while, he broke many trees again and was stopped by a big tree again. Then he stopped, sat up and sighed: "Why bother? You can't hurt me."

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