The Monk

Chapter 1792 Bald Black Man



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Zhang was afraid of flying in. After slashing with his knife, he stopped where he was and looked at the monkey in the distance quietly. At this time, when he heard the cultivator shouting, he still remained motionless. He was confident that no matter how powerful the monkey had been, it would not be able to escape his grasp at this time.

He didn't move, and neither did the eight-armed monkey. He only waved his arm, and then watched the broken arm fly away. After flying far, far away, he turned his attention to Zhang Ai and asked in a low voice: " Who are you?"

Zhang Afraid replied: "My name is Zhang Afraid." The eight-armed monkey nodded and asked, "Why don't you kill me?" Zhang Afraid said, "I want to ask you a few questions." The eight-armed monkey smiled and whispered He said: "No matter what you want to know, I won't answer." His tone was very firm, and Zhang was afraid that he had stopped asking questions, so he nodded and said, "Then I won't ask."

After saying this, he thought for a while and said: "It's not enough not to ask. I have to know who you are and where you come from. After you die, will there be people from the Celestial Clan coming to make trouble? These are all questions. Don't you think so?" You really don’t want to say anything?”

The eight-armed monkey smiled and said: "You know about the Celestial Clan? But it's useless to know, I won't say anything." He is going to die anyway, why should he tell the other person things to make him happy?

Zhang Wen laughed when he heard this and said softly: "Then I won't ask you these questions. Let's change the question, how long can you hold on?" It means how long can you live. The eight-armed monkey replied: "How long I can hold on depends on when you want to kill me. How boring do you have to be to ask such a question?"

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "That's right, then I'll kill you. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? Forget it, it's better to stop saying it. You definitely have nothing good to say." After saying this, the figure flew forward. , the next moment, I saw the eight-armed monkey explode into a blood mist, and Zhang Awei directly exploded his body and soul.

After killing the eight-armed monkey, Zhang Ping also disappeared. Wan Sheng was confused, where had he gone? Just as he was about to tell everyone to withdraw, they saw Zhang Wen flying back again. Stopped above the formation and spoke to him: "That broken arm was also exploded into nothingness by me, so fellow Taoists don't have to worry anymore."

Fearing that he might have wiped out the root cause, Wan Sheng cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life. It's such a great kindness. I can't repay it. My life will belong to senior from now on."

After this incident, Wan Shengyi changed his name to Zhang Ai and recognized his existence. Only in this way can we save our own planet.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "Don't say this, collect the body first."

At this time, Zhang Weijing finally had time to scan the entire battlefield. He looked much more carefully than before, and was more moved in his heart.

This starry sky was like a meteor shower, filled with countless corpses. Everywhere. Too many to imagine. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to count them in detail and couldn't bear to take a closer look. He stepped back some distance and stood quietly, looking at the planet below.

At this time, the large formation of ten thousand people finally withdrew. Tens of thousands of people flew back and forth to collect the corpses. Wan Shengyi flew to Zhang Ai alone. He cupped his fists and said, "Senior, I have been so kind and kind, but I will never be able to repay it for a lifetime..." He didn't finish the rest of his words. Zhang Awei interrupted: "How many people died?"

Hearing this question, Wan Shengyi's expression darkened, and he replied softly: "There are about more than 900,000 cultivators who can escape from the constraints of the planet, all are here." As he spoke, he turned around and looked at the busy people. There were tens of thousands of cultivators, a total of more than 40,000, dropped from nearly one million to 40,000. The losses were really staggering. At least hundreds of masters of the sects died in this battle.

Hearing this number, Zhang Ain sighed: "If we persist for so many years, more people will die."

It's about the monsters attacking the planet in the past many years. Wan Shengyi didn't answer. In today's battle, such a big planet is in name only. As long as some random monsters come, they don't need to be as powerful as eight-armed monkeys, as long as two monsters with the cultivation level of two-headed scorpions come, their planet will be possible. perish.

Seeing that Wan Shengyi was silent, Zhang Awei thought about it and asked, "Those two people also died in the battle?" He was asking about the two master cultivators who had fought alongside Zhang Awei five days ago.

Wan Sheng nodded and said, "If they hadn't sacrificed themselves, we wouldn't have been able to wait until the seniors arrived."

Five days ago, Wan Sheng and his team went to the monster lair, wiped out all the remaining monsters, and then returned to their own planet. Cultivators from all over the world celebrated together, finally solving the great danger and trouble. But I didn't expect that great joy would be followed by great sorrow. On the second day alone, another monster arrived. Although it was just a weird monkey, it was very powerful and killed hundreds of masters as soon as it appeared.

As soon as Wan Sheng realized something was wrong, he quickly ordered people to find Zhang Wen for help, while he and the other two masters set up a battle formation to meet the enemy.

He thought about delaying time with a battle formation, waiting for Zhang Wei to come to his aid. In fact, the fighting didn't last long in total. In more than two days and less than three days, more than 900,000 people died. This killing rate was frighteningly fast. Fortunately, Zhang Wen was faster and was able to arrive in time. If it were as fast as the message cultivator, by the time he arrived, not to mention all Wan Sheng and others would be dead, even the planet below would have disappeared.

After hearing Wan Shengyi's confirmation that the two men had died in battle, Zhang Ping sighed and said: "Death in battle, I don't think cultivators will have such a fate." Wan Shengyi also sighed, and then said: "They are dead, and there are I will collect the corpse. If I die, I don’t know who else can collect the corpse." This sentence is a disguised request for help from Zhang Ai.

Zhang Zi didn't say anything, but he was thinking about the matter in his heart. No matter what, you must solve this matter before you can find a way to return to your own universe. Otherwise, how can you feel at ease? To take a step back, if you can't solve it and die in battle, then just die. It's better than sneaking back to your own universe and regretting it later.

Judging from the performance of the monsters, every time a monster dies mysteriously, there must be an expert to find out the truth. Starting from the strange pigs and snakes at the beginning, until all the monsters are dead, this is the case every time, especially the eight-armed monkey that appears at the end, which is really powerful and scary. Fortunately, he didn't exist before. If this monkey had appeared before, how could Wan Sheng and others still fight now? The planet below has been destroyed long ago, and there is no telling how many planets in the starry sky will suffer as a result.

Since the eight-armed monkey didn't come earlier, there must be a reason. Zhang Ai thought about it for a while, but it was just because he had a high status and was unwilling to do the rough things done by monsters such as the two-headed scorpion. He would only come to find the reason and take revenge after all his subordinates were dead.

Now, even the powerful monkeys are dead, and we don’t know what powerful monsters will come next time.

Thinking of this, look at the planet below, and think about the primitive planet in the distance where many tribes live. He is only one person and can only stay in one place. If another powerful monster comes, he can only defend one of the planets, which makes him feel a little embarrassed. This choice between two is the most difficult question in the world. He doesn't want to see any innocent person die, let alone the entire planet. After thinking about it over and over again, I had to make a choice and decided to stay here because there were few people on that planet.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Wan Shengyi hesitated and said, "Senior has worked hard. If you don't mind it, please go back to the HOS with me and rest for a while." This was a different way to keep Zhang Ping. Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "No, just go and do your work, I will stay here for some time."

In this way, Wan Shengyi agreed to Wan Shengyi's request. Wan Sheng looked happy and said quickly: "Thank you, senior..." He wanted to say some words of thanks later, but was interrupted again by Zhang Aoi, who said softly: "Go first. Get busy, don't let the disciples' hearts fall." Wan Shengyi said respectfully, "I will take my leave now. If anything happens, just give me whatever you want."

Zhang Weijing nodded indifferently, and Wan Shengyi bowed to say goodbye.

Time passes quickly, but also passes slowly. It is said to be fast because in the blink of an eye, two hours are gone. It is said to be slow because tens of thousands of cultivators have to carefully collect the bodies of their brothers or friends, so the movement is slow. Whenever I see a familiar face, I feel sad; if I see a corpse with an unrecognizable face, I feel even sadder. In this way, time passes more slowly.

Two hours later, all the broken bones and corpses in the starry sky were cleared away, leaving only a faint blood mist still floating. The cultivators went back with countless corpses to piece together and identify the corpses.

Each of these two things was extremely difficult, making every cultivator who survived the war feel sad.

It is always said that cultivators are ruthless, but how can there be absolutely ruthless people in the world? Even an extremely powerful cultivator will get angry, and anger is a kind of emotion. Therefore, on this day, the more than 40,000 cultivators who collected the corpses and returned home, as well as the countless disciples who remained on the planet and whose cultivation was still shallow, all fell into deep sadness.

At this time, Zhang Ai was the only one left in the starry sky. Feeling the sadness of the planet below, thinking about the flesh and blood battlefield he had seen before, looking at the faint blood mist in front of him, he sighed in his heart, why do we always have to fight and kill? Is it really true? Can't have peace?

Just as he was sighing, he noticed unusual fluctuations in the starry sky. A hundred meters in front of him, a white light curtain appeared silently, and a person walked out, a man with a dark body.

The black man was not tall, slightly shorter than Zhang Wen. He had a bald head. After walking out of the light curtain, he glanced briefly, and then walked towards Zhang Wen.

The bald black man is really walking, walking step by step in the empty starry sky, as if he is walking on the earth beneath his feet. When he walked ten meters in front of Zhang Ai, the white light curtain behind him disappeared. At this time, the bald black man stopped, looked at Zhang Afraid and said, "Did you kill my general?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Ping immediately knew who he was. He was the absolute boss in another universe, the king of one hundred and eight galaxies. Immediately he replied and asked: "That eight-armed monkey is your general?"

"You are honest." The king of heaven came here because he was sure that the eight-armed monkey died here. Even if he wasn't killed by Zhang Wei, it still has something to do with it.

Zhang Ai replied: "There is nothing honest or dishonest. What are you doing here?". . )

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