The Monk

Text Chapter 1807 Physical Problems

In the past period of time, he had gone to the God Tree in the God Realm to try to condense his body. He was able to do it, but it was too slow. After staying on the tree for a day, he couldn't even condense a little skin. Not to mention other things. With Zhang Pa's current strength, the power of the God Tree can't help him at all. So, give up this method. Now, the five women raised questions, and Zhang Pa was quite troubled. He was thinking about whether to find another place with sufficient divine power, maybe he could refine his body again. But there was another problem. In such a huge universe, there was no place like the one Zhang Pa thought of. When he was looking for loopholes in the light curtain and identifying various auras, he had flown everywhere and seen countless places and countless planets, but there was no place with special divine power. There is no place that is not enough

And he was able to become so powerful now, first he was exploded by the black hole star, swallowed up a lot of power that he himself could not understand, and then by chance he merged with the Wanlian Jingjin, swallowed up a huge fire planet, which made Zhang Pa what he is now. It can only be said that it was luck, which is completely different from normal divine power practice

Thinking again and again, it is quite difficult. The simplest way is there, and it can be done at any time, but unfortunately Zhang Pa does not like that method of entering the body with the soul and resurrecting the body

With his current cultivation, he can make any body the same as the original body, but he does not want to occupy the corpse in his bones. Why should a good person use the body of a dead person? Especially now that he can survive without a body

Of course, he can also find a living person to forcibly take over, so he doesn't need a corpse, but that is someone else's body, who knows what it has done before, not to mention that it will kill someone for nothing. Zhang Pa will never do it

So, the simplest way can't be used, and no other way can be thought of, which is completely embarrassing. He just hopes to delay for a few more days as much as possible, maybe he can think of other ways. But Cheng Xier asked about the dual cultivation, and he replied that he would not practice for the time being. With the five women's intelligence, they guessed what happened long ago, so Song Yunyi and Chaolu came to ask him: "What happened?"

Zhang Pa didn't lie, and nodded: "Something happened" A simple sentence was the answer, and he really didn't dare to say more. With the smart brains of these two women, many things can be guessed from one word

Seeing his simple reply, he knew that he didn't want them to know. Song Yunyi and Chaolu looked at each other, and then said: "Prepare some dishes and wine, and come to call you"

Then eat Zhang Pa tried not to think about the body, After the banquet was over, Zhang Pa used the excuse of going to the God Realm to see the six descendants of the God of Creation and temporarily parted with the five women. The God Realm was sunny and beautiful, especially compared with the dark and empty starry sky. It was extremely beautiful. After Zhang Pa arrived, he first went to the God Tree to carefully study the relationship between divine power and the body, and then entered the starry sky below to see the six descendants. Those six people were chosen by the God of Creation Zhang San to inherit their skills and let them replace Zhang Pa to rule the planets in the God Realm. Each of them was kind and generous, but such a temper was not good at cultivation, so everyone was an ordinary cultivator. Even if Zhang Pa caught them for special training for a period of time, gave them elixirs, and then sent them back to their respective planets, they only became so-called masters, far from meeting Zhang Pa's requirements. After seeing their various performances and knowing his own temper, Zhang Pa deeply understood that his luck was really good. If he didn't have the luck that was against the sky, how could he be who he is now? However, at this moment, no matter how good his luck is, it is useless. The first thing to do is to find a suitable successor to take over his position. He doesn't want to be like the second creator mirror, guarding alone foolishly. He is too afraid of trouble, so afraid that he can only feel at ease if he stays away from all troubles. Therefore, he focuses his main energy on the six people. The six so-called inheritors are in six different starry skies. There are two women and four men. They look ordinary people and can be considered smart. Zhang Pa carefully checked them one by one, and then returned to the God Realm helplessly. The three great demon kings in the God Realm are making trouble. This time it is Monkey who wants to beat Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang is determined not to fight with him. He puts on a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water. He stands up and says confidently: "Grandpa won't leave, I'll beat you, come and fight." Monkey is so angry that he screams, but he can't do it. Monkey thinks he is a hero and never fights people who don't fight back. So even though he knows that Zhang Tianfang is playing rogue, he can only scold a few words to end the matter. After Zhang Pa came, he smiled and asked: "What happened again?" The big man came over and smiled and answered: "The monkey brewed some wine, and just made the liquid, but before it was sealed, this guy drank it." Zhang Pa was stunned and asked, "The monkey brewed wine?" The big guy whispered, "Keep your voice down, that guy didn't brew wine, he wasted countless precious medicinal materials, Qingyin was heartbroken." Zhang Pa was curious and asked again, "What does it have to do with Qingyin if the monkey wastes things?" The big guy replied, "The monkey brewed wine, but there were no materials, and it ruined the orchard. In two words, it was a waste. It was a waste. I couldn't bear to watch it." Zhang After hearing this, Zhang Pa looked at the big guy with a strange expression on his face. He was a little puzzled and asked, "Why are you looking at me? What's wrong?" Zhang Pa said, "Isn't Qingyin's orchard ours? Qingyin helped take care of it. Now that I'm gone, the orchard is yours. Don't you feel sad that the monkey has ruined your things?" "Ah" Hearing this, the big guy suddenly yelled and said angrily, "You only thought about watching the fun and forgot about this matter. What a depressing thing, you monkey, come here and die, you dare to ruin my things" and rushed towards the monkey

Youdao means that one thing defeats another. Zhang Tianfang didn't dare to fight with the monkey, but the big man didn't care. Although the monkey has talents and abilities, it can become stronger with each fight. As long as he doesn't die, he can recover from any serious injury and become a The masters are, after all, the so-called masters of the gods who have ascended from the lower world. Although Zhang Ai has done some tricks to make them extraordinary, they are far from being the opponent of the big man.

The most important thing is that the big man is very smart. This guy knows the weird abilities of monkeys, so he never uses any magical weapons when fighting monkeys. He only uses his thick-skinned and thick-bodied huge body to fiercely hit the monkeys. The monkey is not as strong as him, so he He couldn't hit him, so he had no choice but to run away. So at this time, the monkey was running and cursing: "Are you crazy? You have a share in making the wine, why are you chasing me?"

The three demon kings were so capable of tossing. Generally speaking, when they were tossing around, there was no one around them, so after the big man chased the monkey away, Zhang Tianfang walked towards Zhang Afraid with a smile, and said as he walked: "That broken wine has a little taste." None, just treat it as a treasure, that is, me, not afraid of bad taste, if it were someone else..." Before he could finish what he said, he ran back when he saw the monkey, and immediately shut his mouth tightly, as if he had never spoken before.

After a while, the monkey ran past him, cursing as he ran: "Wait until I deal with you, take advantage of you and be a good boy." After saying this, the figure ran away into the distance, chasing the huge man behind him, also chasing and cursing: " Don’t run away if you can, stop for me.”

Zhang Ain looked at Da Le and asked Zhang Tianfang: "Where is Fang Jian?" Zhang Tianfang asked casually: "Is something wrong?"

"What's the matter? Why don't you chat?" Zhang Ai replied to Zhang Tianfang and said, "Talk to me." Zhang Ai said depressedly, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." He let go of his soul and searched for Fang Jian's figure, but no one was found. He turned around Then he asked Zhang Tianfang: "Where has Fang Jian gone?"

Zhang Tianfang said: "A few days ago, you came back and told me what was going on in the universe. Running around was boring. This silly kid got excited after hearing this. He ran to the star source and wandered around in the starry sky of the lower world. He said that wandering around was enough. return"

Zhang was afraid that he had not expected Fang Jian to go to the lower world, but it was always a good thing to walk more and see more. It was much better than staying motionless in the room, so he said: "I'm going to find the little monk."

Zhang Tian let out a sigh of relief and said, "I'm standing in front of you. You ignore me and instead look for this person and that person. What do you want to do?" Zhang Ai smiled and said, "I don't dare to stand with you. I'm afraid the monkey will think that we are the same." They are in a group and will come to beat me."

As soon as he said this, the monkey ran from a distance again, scolding again: "Steal my wine, just wait." It was like a gust of wind, after saying a word, it blew into the distance again.

Zhang Aixiao smiled and couldn't find it. Zhang Tianfang thought about it and walked together.

These days, Fu Kong mostly lives with Lin Sen. Because there are so many people living in the small courtyard, people are always coming and going, which is a bit too lively. Lin Sen just moved to live alone in the depths of the orchard. He is a grass Fine, there is no need to build any houses, there are homes everywhere. Fortunately, Fu Kong also likes peace and quiet, and also lives in the forest.

The two of them, a monk and an old man, talked easily together. Slowly, when they were bored, they actually talked about Buddhism. Although Lin Sen lived for countless more years, he had a specialization in Buddhism, and it was not easy for him to practice Buddhism. Fortunately, he had the sea. The spirit helps, and you can always say something

In order to pass the time for the little Hai Ling, Zhang Ping collected almost all kinds of books in the world, including Buddhist scriptures. This came in handy at this time. He tried his best to get some Buddhist scriptures for Lin Sen to read and let the old man debate. Have more fun

When Zhang Ao arrived, Lin Sen was debating Buddhist words with the young monk. Both of them read Buddhist scriptures. They used Buddhist words to refute Buddha's words, which was very interesting. For example, the most famous saying is that the words of Buddha cannot be said, but the fact is that the Buddha's words are unspeakable. After speaking many words, many later sutras appeared, and only then did the Buddhist school of cultivation come into existence. From a certain perspective, the Buddha said that it cannot be said, but he kept saying it.

The old man and the other kept reading, and they didn't even know that Zhang Awei was coming. Zhang Awei listened for a while, and it was just some words taken out of context. After thinking about it, he turned around and walked away. Zhang Tianfang followed him out and whispered: "These two guys are crazy. , the sky is so boring.”

Zhang Ain smiled and said nothing, and went to find Hai Ling and others. Hai Ling became the boss of a group of fat dolls. Even the tough piglets and kittens followed them. Seeing Zhang Ain's arrival, the dolls were naturally happy, so they made a fool of themselves.

After the nonsense is over, estimate the time and say goodbye to the dolls. Zhang is afraid of leaving the God Realm and returning to the fusiform spacecraft in the universe (To be continued)

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