The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 48 Rude Request

The video call just ended.

The faces reflected on the mobile phone screen began to change.

Ai Liang casually threw his cell phone into the drawer.

As soon as he raised his hand, the clothes in the travel bag flew into his hands.

Ai Liang changed clothes while walking.

The courier's cell phone, pistol and holster, cash he might need, and other gadgets were all floating around him.

After changing clothes.

Those things that should fly into pockets fly into pockets, and those that should be hung on the belt hang on the belt.

When Ai Liang walked to the bathroom mirror, his figure, clothes, and temperament all changed into a different person.

Ai Liang looked at the messenger in the mirror, turned slightly sideways, and looked at both sides of his body.

This is a habit left over from years of transformation.

Ai Liang put on his leather jacket, went to the door of the room and hung the Do Not Disturb sign, and then inserted a toothpick diagonally into the crack of the door.

After checking the face shape and fingerprints again, they were confirmed to be correct.

He opened the window and jumped down.

With telekinesis still in place, the natural fall stopped when it was still twenty centimeters from the ground.

Ai Liang took a step forward, stepping on the ground as if going downstairs.

He had already investigated it. Behind the hotel was a small alley without any surveillance.

And after exiting the alley and walking a few dozen meters to the left, you will find a construction site.

If there is nothing else, most people would not run here at all.

Walking out of the alley, as Ai Liang expected, when he looked around, there was no pedestrian on the street.

Only the tin house on the construction site had dim lights flickering.

Ai Liang walked to the road and trotted all the way to the bus, avoiding the surveillance cameras on the road.

However, he did not take the bus, but found a taxi nearby to go to Jiuhua City.

Under the money offensive, Ai Liang got off the car outside Jiuhua City an hour later.

Less than a month later, he visited here again as a messenger.

As for why the driver is not allowed to drive in directly.

As mentioned before, Jiuhua City is one of the well-known tourist attractions in Qianhua City.

Tourists from all over the Asian Federation come to visit every day

Today is Friday night again, and many middle school and college students who are on vacation will come here in groups to play.

Some come just to shop, while others come here to play chess in the hotel.

Others just come to wash their feet and get a massage.

Anyway, there are a lot of people.

If a taxi wants to come in, it has to wait in line for about ten minutes even if it is midnight. It is better to get out of the car and walk in directly.

As the saying goes, things get familiar again and again, and Ai Liang has long understood the structure of Jiuhua City's streets.

I took a shortcut and climbed through alleys one after another, and soon arrived at the underground tunnel of Jiuhua City Development Zone.

Ai Liang walked alone in the spacious and silent underground tunnel.

Although the tunnel is brightly lit, it always gives one a cold and lonely feeling.

During this period, many taxis whizzed past Ai Liang.

Ai Liang didn't raise his hand to stop another car, because even if he stopped the other party, he wouldn't stop.

There are not many good guys who go to Jiuhua Outer City.

They don't carpool with strangers.

Ai Liang directly used telekinesis to accelerate his flight, and flew out of the tunnel not long after.

Jiuhua Outer City is still Jiuhua Outer City.

Colorful neon lights, gangsters smoking cigarettes standing in front of the bar, scantily clad street girls.

Jiuhua City at the other end of the tunnel is completely two extremes.

Ai Liang followed the last route and came to Xuanlong Bar again.

But this time I came here and I didn’t want to go back.

As soon as Ai Liang walked to the door of the bar, the security guard at the door reached for the stick on his waist and stared at Ai Liang with vigilant eyes.

The main reason was that Ai Liang's leather jacket was not zipped up, and the pistol on his waist was not even concealed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the person coming is not good.

Although Jiuhua Outer City is chaotic, not everyone can hold a gun.

It's because Nevada City is so chaotic that the gun ownership rate remains high.

Here in Qianhua City, except for the group of people who escaped from Neihua City, many people do not use guns as much as possible.

In addition to the different customs of the city, it also has something to do with local policies and laws.

Many places in the Asian Federation have their own autonomous regulations.

Some residents in some cities can legally hold guns after being reviewed, such as the city of Winter in the East Third District.

And some areas, such as Qianhua City, completely ban guns.

In addition to the boss and his confidants, there are also some killers who take orders.

The vast majority of people in Qianhua City do not have firearms and are not willing to get them.

Because it is easy to be caught by the police or reported by the enemy.

The other aspect is sentencing.

Those who injure someone with a knife can be imprisoned for up to eight years in Qianhua City, but if you are armed with a gun, even if you just bought it and never used it, the minimum is eleven years.

The police don't care what your reasons are, they will go to jail for you.

So except for those drug dealers, few people use guns to solve problems.

Unless you completely break your skin.

"I'll find Zhang Yan to make arrangements."

Ai Liang didn't mean to stop, he put his hand on the holster on his waist and walked into the bar.

It doesn’t matter if the security guard at the back stops me, or if I don’t.

You can only call your boss for instructions first.

This request did not take much time. Anyone who dares to wander around other people's territory alone with a gun is a ruthless person and is qualified to meet Zhang Yan.

So Ai Liang was invited to the box on the second floor.

Before entering, two doormen stopped him again.

One of them stretched out his hand and signaled Ai Liang to stand still with his eyes. They were going to search him.


There was a dull thud.

Ai Liang knocked the man down with a backhand punch, and before the other man could react, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head.


A bullet struck the wall behind him.

Ai Liang pointed the gun at the other janitor's head again: "Don't get yourself into trouble, okay?"

The janitor couldn't hold himself any longer.

Brother! When you come up, you kill our people and shoot them. Who is looking for trouble?

The janitor raised his hands in the air and kept backing away, fearing that Ai Liang's hand would shake and the gun would go off and his life would be lost.

The people in the box heard the noise and came out to check the situation.

Just in time to see Ai Liang pointing a gun at his little brother.

The strong man quickly took out his pistol and pointed it at Ai Liang: "Put the gun down!"

Ai Liangli didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

This guy even forgot to turn on the safety of the pistol. In the hands of such people, the pistol is usually just a tool of deterrence.

There is rarely an opportunity to actually shoot.

The strong man seemed to realize something, and his fingers were ready to quietly open the safety.

But before he could make any move, Ai Liang understood his intention in advance.

A side kick, with the toe hitting the center of his wrist.

The strong man's arm went limp and his pistol fell to the ground.

After all, this guy was also a thug. When he saw that the pistol was gone, his heart skipped a beat and he rushed towards Ai Liang.

Faced with this kind of directness, it was like attacking at 0.01 times speed.

Ai Liang was too lazy to move.

The moment the strong man rushed towards him with the roar of the wind, he adjusted his body shape according to the opponent's movements.

Slowly raise your knees and put them on the opponent's chin.

Of course, this slowness is relative, and the strong man didn't even see clearly when Ai Liang raised his leg.

In the eyes of others, it was like a strong man taking the initiative to bump his chin into Ai Liang's raised knees.

Ai Liang didn't even need to use much force. The kinetic energy and reaction force when the strong man rushed over was enough for him to drink a pot.

As if the strong man had eaten a big spoonful of mustard, a burning pain spread in his mouth, crossing his eye sockets and filling his forehead.

He felt that his eyes were going dark and the sky was spinning, but he managed not to faint.

He lay on the ground and calmed down for a while before looking at the things in front of him clearly.


Zhang Yan walked to the door of the box and shouted with a sullen face: "Your Excellency and I don't have anything to celebrate, right? Isn't it a bit too much to make trouble here?"

"I'm just teaching your men what respect means."

Ai Liang stepped over the strong man's body and picked up the pistol from the ground.

During this process, he accidentally stepped on the strong man's palm.

This guy was quite tough and remained silent.

Ai Liang picked up the pistol, ejected all the bullets in the gun, and then threw the empty shell pistol towards Zhang Yan.

Firearms are not a threat to Ai Liang.

But if someone really shot him, it would be too troublesome to go to all the trouble of erasing their memory.

It's not as easy as holding the gun under control.

Zhang Yan laughed angrily at these words.

You came to my territory with a gun and injured my men. You tell me this is respect?

"Take me to see Ma Wei."

Ai Liang went straight to the point and put forward his own conditions.

Ma Wei is the boss Ma mentioned by the tattoo shop owner before.

Zhang Yan is just a watcher and part-time top thug.

Ma Wei is the leader of these streets.

Ai Liang came to him for no other reason than because of his connection with Song Jie's people.

Ai Liang wants to contact Song Jie through this line.

After all, he is now a messenger rather than a hermit.

No matter what you do, you must follow the basic laws, even if you can directly get the information you want through mind reading.

It's still a walk through scene.

This was also the case when he tortured the tattoo shop owner and drug dealer in front of Jin Pingan, and later when he arrested Tao Jun.

They are all done for others to see.

Otherwise, if people later find out that your messenger did nothing but just wandered around and got a bunch of information, they will definitely become suspicious.

Especially when the hermit was already on the Countermeasures Bureau's suspect list and Gao Bin and Xia Qiyuan were unable to find the hermit himself and could only attack acquaintances around him.

This behavior is undoubtedly a mosquito looking for a spider and throwing itself into the trap.

Zhang Yanhu said with a face: "Do you think Brother Ma can be seen by you just by meeting him?"

If he went to find Ma Wei as soon as something happened, wouldn't it look like he was incompetent in watching the situation?

Then what qualifications does he have to enjoy the cake of Xuanlong Bar.

Ai Liang, who has been living in the black areas of Neihua City since he was a child, naturally understands the rules on the road.

"I know you won't take me to see him easily, so."

As Ai Liang spoke, he began to exert force on his feet: "That's why I made this bad move, please forgive me."

Two crunching sounds.

Two of the fingers of the strong man at his feet were broken at once.

Zhang Yan looked furious.

But the muzzle of the gun in Ai Liang's hand was still pointed at the strong man's head, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Zhang Yan had a thought in his heart, which ruthless person was invited by his enemy? !

Without even meeting the person he spoke to, he opened fire on someone else's territory and wounded his own men.

This person is obviously here to cause trouble.

The guns were all used, but there was nothing he could do against the other party.

At this point, Zhang Yan could only inform Ma Wei.

He gave Ai Liang a vicious look.

The meaning of that look is nothing more than that you can make me submissive, but you just caught me off guard, and you will not be able to reap the consequences later!


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