The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 62 The troubled sea hare

"How did you know this place?"

As soon as Ai Liang came in, he was greeted with the expected questions.

However, Aplysia just asked casually.

There was no hope that Ai Liang would actually explain the source of the information to him.

Aplysia kicked one foot, turned and turned her attention to Ai Liang: "Did that guy Jin Ping'an tell you?"

Ai Liang didn't answer, but in Hare's eyes.

Not answering is the default.

"I knew it was that brat. The next time he asks me for help, I will kill him!"

Aplysia said viciously.

Ai Liang: "..."

Aplysia stood up and walked to the water dispenser and took out two disposable cups from the cabinet.

Then he used the coffee pot and poured two cups of coffee over.

Aplysia put the coffee on the table and motioned to Ai Liang to choose first: "Tell me, if you come to me personally for anything, let's talk it over first. There is no progress in what you entrusted me to investigate."

Several days have passed since the throat-cutting case occurred.

Although the police are looking for traces of the murderer through Jin Pingan's sketch.

However, they still haven't figured out the murderer's intentions.

The deceased's social circle was completely unrelated to that of the perpetrator.

Not to mention conflicts of interest, the deceased had never even met those people.

Through sketches and portraits, comparison with information from Nevada City, and personal confirmation from Shi Hongfang.

Musi's identity has been determined.

The police's best guess at the moment.

It was the Hermit and Moose who came to Qianhua City, preparing to recreate Neihua's hunting night in Qianhua.

Under Shi Hongfang's push and pressure, the criminal police team decided to investigate in the direction of the hermit first.

This is also the meaning above.

Few people in power will like people who judge other evildoers based on their personal views of good and evil.

In other words...not afraid.

Even though Tian Hao had doubts about Shi Hongfang's decision.

But he could find no reason to refute this conjecture.

We had no choice but to follow the police team's thinking and investigate first.

However, while Tian Hao was investigating, he also asked Aplysia to pay attention to the movements in the black zone.

After all, the glorious deeds of the hermit are there, even if those people verbally disdain the hermit.

You will definitely be more cautious in your actions.

"I came here this time just to talk about the commission."

Ai Liang picked a cup of coffee and took it in his hand, but didn't drink it.

"Didn't I say that nothing can be found in such a short period of time? The police still haven't even figured out the motive for the crime..."

Hare was halfway through his complaint when he was interrupted by Ai Liang: "In other words, Tian Hao is the only one who suspects that this case was not committed by a hermit?"

Aplysia raised her eyebrows and regained her composure in less than a second: "I didn't say that."

"It seems that your intelligence source in the police is no one else."

Ai Liang looked around leisurely at the equipment in the warehouse: "Didn't the police team start to move the case closer to the hermit?"

Ai Liang's confident tone inevitably made Aplysia a little embarrassed.

Since you already have other sources of intelligence, why would you pay me to do it?

Could it be that you came here to see me to get your money back?

"I came to you not to urge you to continue investigating intelligence, but to ask you to give up the investigation and borrow a computer by the way. I have some things that I want to pass on to the people in the criminal police team."

Ai Liang put down the coffee and took out a card reader from his pocket.

Aplysia looked puzzled: "Why didn't you suddenly stop investigating? There is no refund here."

"For the sake of your life."

Ai Liang replied calmly.

Aplysia became extremely nervous instantly: "Is there something shady about this case?"

The Messenger's past is obvious to all.

Now that he has intervened, will it be another scandal involving high-level officials?

Aplysia guessed in her heart.

"That's not the case." Ai Liang shook his head.

Aplysia breathed a sigh of relief and planned to take a sip of coffee to relieve her nervousness.

As a result, the second half of the sentence almost choked him to death.

"Most of the unsolved missing persons cases in Qianhua City can be linked to this case."

"Pfft, cough, cough, what's up...what did you say?"

Aplysia asked again with the mentality of going to the grave.

"This was a serial murder case. Many people died at the hands of the murderer, but this time the victims were displayed in a high-profile manner as "exhibits."

Hare's eyes widened: "Have you already identified the murderer?"

We are in such a state of confusion that apart from the surveillance video, we can’t even see a single person.

You told me that the murderer has been identified?

Do you want it to be so efficient?

"The perpetrators are people from the Maoyan Gang in Nevada City. They continue to do their previous business in Qianhua. You are also an intelligence agent after all. The Maoyan Gang shouldn't need any introduction from me."

Naturally, it was impossible to tell Aplysia about the Apostles Association and the mask.

But it doesn’t matter that Maoyan kills people and takes their organs.

It's still the same, Ai Liang is going to use Chunqiu's brushwork to confuse the matter.

Tell the truth, but only tell the truth.

Deliberately leading people's thoughts onto the crooked path they have paved in advance.

There was no mention of the deeper darkness that lay beneath.

“I know that a little intelligence agent like you can’t be of much help, and I don’t want to involve you.

Some things are not convenient to say on the phone, so I came here to ask you not to interfere in this matter. "

Ai Liang had a certain understanding of Aplysia's character.

This person can't be said to be too bad. In most cases, he is willing to help Jin Ping'an and others investigate intelligence.

But once it comes to big events, he will be hesitant.

For example, in the previous kidnapping case planned by Hu Yingshao, he chose to remain silent from the beginning and blocked Jin Ping'an's phone number, unwilling to get involved.

So as not to put yourself and your family in danger.

It wasn't until Gao Bin's arrival and a turn in the case that he hurriedly caught the last train.

Speaking of which, Aplysia is quite similar to the messenger himself in some places.

They all have a sister who they love very much, and they all work for the police.

While watching the courier's investiture ceremony, Aplysia once regarded the courier as a goal.

It's just a shame that he doesn't have the heroic qualities of the Messenger.

After hearing what the messenger said, Aplysia made a very strange expression.

His cheeks were raised and the corners of his mouth were turned down, as if he was avoiding something or feeling guilty.

As an information dealer, it's natural that he doesn't know about the Maoyan Gang.

In its heyday, the Maoyan Gang was able to provide organs for transplants to several cities around the country at the same time.

Taking organ rejection into consideration, they can perfectly satisfy the black market supply.

One can only imagine how many people they killed.

As Ai Liang said, if he, a small information dealer, gets involved in this kind of thing, he will undoubtedly bring about his own destruction.

Aplysia pursed her lips tightly, and after a while she asked, "Do you need me to help you deliver something to the criminal police team?"

When it comes to the Maoyan Gang, there is no need to say more about the dangers.

With his character, he would definitely not mess around.

But Ai Liang's expression of "I know you are too timid to get involved in dangerous incidents" strongly condemned his conscience and self-esteem.

Ai Liang uses the face of a messenger.

The messenger was once, after all, Aplysia's idol.

The idol looks like he has no expectations for himself.

It deeply stimulated Aplysia.

"No need, I will hand it over to them personally."

Regarding Aplysia's offer, Ai Liang refused without even thinking about it.

If Maoyan and Song Jie knew, this information was sent by Hare.

Even if he knew nothing about the content, others wouldn't believe it.

They can't find the courier, so why can't they deal with you, a little information dealer?

"I have collected some intelligence during this period. In addition to warning you, I am here to borrow your computer. Is that okay?"

After Ai Liang finished speaking, regardless of whether Aplysia answered or not, he crossed the sofa and walked to the computer desk.

Signal Aplysia to come over and enter the lock screen password.

It's okay to know the location of this secret stronghold. If he even knew the computer password, Aplysia would be in trouble.

Under normal circumstances, Ai Liang does not read other people's memories and thoughts.

Aplysia hesitantly entered the password and turned on the computer.

Ai Liang skillfully plugged in the card reader and brought up Notepad.

Let’s start by describing the information we got from Mus.

Among them, there happens to be matters related to the cooperation between Song Jie and Maoyan.

Although there are no pictures or videos, if you put it in the group, you will definitely be criticized by the group friends, saying, "If you don't have any pictures, just post it."

However, Ai Liang still used Mu Si's perspective to describe the time, place, process and content of the cooperation in detail.

Except for the content of the discussion.

For other information, the criminal police team can still confirm it with a little effort.

What Ai Liang is doing now does not make Aplysia avoid it.

The boy stood next to Ai Liang, with an attitude of wanting to see but not daring to see.

When he mustered up the courage to look at the computer, Ai Liang's voice suddenly came: "I'm a little thirsty, do you mind pouring me a glass of water?"

The other party's intention to get rid of him was so explicit that it was impossible for Aplysia not to hear the subtext.

‘They gave me a deposit of 5,000 yuan, but I can’t get anything out of it, so I should get a glass of water.’

Aplysia breathed a sigh of relief, pouted her lips as if to comfort herself, and walked towards the water dispenser.

After putting down the water glass, he sat on the sofa and never returned to the computer desk.

Fifteen minutes have passed, and Ai Liang has listed the key information one by one.

Ai Liang moved the mouse, saved the document to the memory card, and unplugged the card reader.

"Then let's say goodbye. For the sake of your life, don't mention to anyone that I was here."

After Ai Liang finished speaking, he walked towards the garage door.

"Wait a moment!"

Aplysia seemed to have something to say and tried to stop Ai Liang.

But Ai Liang's footsteps did not stop because of this loud shout.

She made it clear that she didn't want to have anything to do with him.

To put it bluntly, Hare is an acquaintance of Jin Pingan, and the messenger has also cooperated with him.

But Ai Liang was not familiar with him.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time the two have met.

Is it possible to expect Ai Liang to sit down with him and have a drink and talk about current affairs?

In Ai Liang's eyes, Aplysia is just a tool.


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