The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 74 The Status of Disciples

Xia Qiyuan had some guesses about the reason for Ai Liang's change in personality.

He thought that Ai Liang was most likely affected by something strange or weird.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why a perfectly good investigative reporter turned into a murderous, throat-slitting maniac in just a few days.

Although Xia Qiyuan's movements were restricted and he did not go to the crime scene to observe it in person, he did so through the documents and information transmitted back.

It is obvious that the hermit is killing the criminals in a tooth for tooth and eye for an eye manner.

The rapist and murderer had his private parts cut off and hung from the balcony;

The arsonist was tied to a pillar and burned alive with gasoline;

The 206 bones in the perpetrator's body were all smashed to pieces...

There was no direct conflict between these people and the hermit. The hermit killed them simply to vent his anger.

In Xia Qiyuan's eyes, the rampaging hermit is uncontrollable.

Since he went crazy once, there will definitely be a second time.

This time he pointed his knife at the criminals in the black zone, but what about next time?

No one can be sure who the hermit's butcher knife will hit next.

The most important issue at the moment is to stabilize him first.

If the hermit loses contact again, it would be too dangerous to let such an uncontrollable guy wander around the Asian League.

"Of course we won't ignore it, but there are too many incidents, and the countermeasures bureau has few manpower, so it won't be able to handle them in a short while."

Xia Qiyuan said truthfully.

If you don't have enough manpower to deal with this, you can only deceive Jin Ping'an and others.

Ai Liang will not accept this trick.

"You can see Moose's memory. The cat's eye back then was obviously the mask of the Apostles. And in all my years in Nevada City, I have never seen anyone from your countermeasures bureau."

No matter what, Ai Liang has lived in Neihua City for more than ten years.

During this period, he never met anyone from the Countermeasures Bureau once.

The Maoyan Gang is so rampant in Neihua City, and no one is there to deal with it.

Is this something that can be covered up by a lack of manpower?

"There are considerations from above. It's useless even if you tell me. After all, I was still lying in the recuperation room in the laboratory at that time."

Xia Qiyuan interrupted and dropped the topic of Neihua City.

Ai Liang seemed to be just talking casually, he followed Xia Qiyuan's intention and said: "But I don't like their considerations.

I am a selfish person and have no interest in saving people. I just want to live my own life.

Even if you lie, I will not formally contact the Countermeasures Bureau. "

There is no formal contact, which means temporary cooperation is not excluded?

Xia Qiyuan smiled and said: "We have been talking for so long and it's all off topic. Why don't we discuss how to solve the disciple's problem?"

Xia Qiyuan and Gao Bin came to Qianhua Market originally for their disciples.

The search for the hermit was out of Xia Qiyuan's personal will.

It's just that he was lucky. The two things collided and became double happiness.

Ai Liang pondered for a while and asked: "How do you plan to deal with Janus?"

There is drama.

Xia Qiyuan was secretly delighted: "The disciple's ability is about space. You can understand it as space teleportation or something like that..."

"There is relevant content in Moose's memory. Let's focus on the key points."

Even if Xia Qiyuan didn't mention these abilities of Janus, Ai Liang could still know them through Mus' memory.

It can be said to be worthless.

Xia Qiyuan smiled and nodded: "Oh, then it's gone."

The sudden turn of events made Ai Liang feel like he was being fooled: "Are you kidding me?"

After so many years, only this much information has been collected about the Apostles?

What kind of waste organization is the Countermeasures Bureau?

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but the Countermeasures Bureau only has so many records about the disciples' abilities."

Xia Qiyuan replied: "There will be thousands of faces among the apostles. Except for Gao Bin, few people can get any valuable information from the minds of the masks.

All we can see is what they are willing to show publicly. "

Ai Liang recalled the countermeasures in Gao Bin's memory. There weren't many weird and weird things that seemed to be spiritual.

It would be good to have one or two in each city.

In remote places, there isn't even one.

“Although there are fewer weird things related to the spirit of the countermeasures bureau, it is definitely not weak in terms of combat power.

I will not force you to fully cooperate with us, but our interests are aligned in dealing with the disciples. "

Ai Liang's frown relaxed slightly: "Answer my question first, how are you going to deal with Janus."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't even plan to give me the right words, and he wants our combat information, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Don't forget that you are the one asking me for help now."

When Ai Liang saw that Xia Qiyuan was at this point, he refused to give in and put down his words: "It's a seller's market now, I can totally stand aside.

In other words, if I don't add insult to injury at this time, it is enough to prove my position. "

Xia Qiyuan saw that Ai Liang refused to give in even a step, so his attitude softened: "Well, it's not really a big problem. The main reason for looking for you is to block the disciple's distress signal."

Xia Qiyuan was worried that Ai Liang wouldn't understand, so he began to explain the reason in detail: "Every member of the Apostle's Association has the spiritual clone of the Thousand-Faced Man.

This is to ensure that when members of the Apostolic Society encounter danger, people nearby can receive the message as soon as possible to support those seeking help. "

Speaking of this, Xia Qiyuan felt helpless: "In fact, many years ago, the five major political bodies jointly organized a round-up plan against the apostles. They didn't know this at the time and suffered a big loss.

Originally, the apostle, who had only one ability and was weak against groups, could no longer hold on. However, the disciples opened the portal and brought members of the apostle association to support them, almost wiping out the capture team.

Therefore, the Countermeasures Bureau decided to deal with the most mobile disciples first. Only in this way will there be a chance to defeat the members of the Apostles one by one in the future. "

After Xia Qiyuan's explanation, Ai Liang roughly understood the purpose of their visit to Qianhua City.

Janus is similar to the summoner in the game. If you don't get rid of him first, a steady stream of bosses will come.

Although his power is not strong, his position is very critical and is equivalent to the central hub of the Apostles.

If the Thousand-Faced Man is spiritually connected to every apostle, then Janus is physically connected to every apostle.

The spiritual clone of the Thousand-Faced Man is like a prop in the game. It can provide a temporary invincibility buff, which can be used to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend.

And Janus's space teleportation is equivalent to a scroll of return to the city for shaking people or escaping, and can save people between fire and water.

It's a life-saving thing.

The status of the two is about the same.

No wonder he, with his weak lethality, is known as Janus within the Apostles, as well as Gaia.

"According to my observation, there should be no limit to Janus' teleportation ability. How do you plan to control him? Don't tell me that I need to invade his brain."


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