The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 124 Male Corpse

Maoyan's corpse, not to mention the sound and appearance.

To say the least, it is not humanoid.

There were many fractures all over the body, including the ribs and spine, and almost no bones were intact.

The right arm was cut off at the joint, and the severed right forearm was wrapped around his left hand with a strip of cloth.

The fleshy buds on his entire face were squirming, and his facial muscles seemed to have been torn off by something.

It can be called a makeover in the physical sense.

Maoyan did not suffer any damage during the battle with 1208.

In fact, his body had long been riddled with holes.

It's just that all the injuries suffered by Maoyan were resisted by the weirdness in the body.

The body's operation can completely skip the injured organs, temporarily replaced by weirdness.

If there is something weird in the body, then the person will be fine.

He only needs to return to the apostle to heal his body afterwards, and he will be a good man again.

But if the machine suddenly stops while being injured...

Sorry, if you are lucky, you can still breathe, but if you are not, you will die suddenly on the spot.

Maoyan's luck itself is not that good.

After a strange shutdown, he was kicked by Moose again.

Of course it's absolutely dead.

Although Maoyan, the mastermind of the throat-cutting case, died, Tian Hao did not appear happy.

Because except for Jin Pingan's retracement, no one can prove that Maoyan is the perpetrator.

The investigation into the taxi has just begun, and the team cannot produce any substantial evidence.

And Jin Ping'an's retrospection cannot be used as evidence.

Once the detention time is up, the police must release the person.

Even Jin Ping'an's backtracking can speed up the process of collecting evidence.

But the detention time is only that long, and there is no way to catch up.

The ability of this guy Moose is clearly stated in the information.

Once you let him go, you may never see him again in this life.

Even if they got the evidence then, it would be in vain.

Tian Hao turned around: "You should have a teenage child, where is she?"

Do you even know this?

But when Moose thought about it, they even knew that he and Maoyan had acted together.

It's no surprise to know that Nata exists.

It's just that Moose is a little curious.

He was worried that Maoyan wanted to use the murder to bring him into trouble, so he went to the extreme in terms of confidentiality.

Even if I were to investigate it myself, I wouldn't be able to find anything useful.

How did the small Qianhua City Criminal Police Team know this?

Shi Hongfang has no such ability.

"Ask you, where is the other person?"

Seeing that Mu Si was distracted, Tian Hao came over and poked him with a wooden stick.

"That little guy is dead. His body should still be nearby. Are you looking for it?"

Moose said matter-of-factly.

Tian Hao immediately grimaced: "Get up!"

Musi said sarcastically: "What are you doing? You make me squat for a while, and then you ask me to get up again and do deep squats?"

"You are now a criminal suspect, have a good attitude!"

"Fuck, I told you I'm not on the same side as them! I'm really an undercover!"

Musi defended loudly: "In a while, people from the army will come to clean up the scene!"

Jin Ping'an said with disdain: "The people who returned to the army are here, where are you lying?"

"Believe it or not."

Moose didn't bother arguing with the brat.

Tian Hao did not participate in the bickering between the two. He directly ordered: "Go ahead and find the body in the forest."

Moose's hands were now handcuffed and he couldn't run far.

Tian Hao knew that under such circumstances, he must not be separated from his teammates.

If one person stays to guard Moose, the other person goes to look for the body.

If there are other people in the forest, taking the initiative to separate from Jin Pingan will give the other party a chance to defeat them one by one.

And Jin Pingan alone may not be able to trust Mus.

So it's fitting that Moose leads the way.

Musi stood up from the ground with his hands behind his back and strode towards the position of Nata's body.

He knew exactly where the body was, but Tian Hao and Jin Pingan went up the mountain too quickly.

He didn't have time to collect the body of Nata, the unfortunate child.


Tian Hao scolded again.

You're the only one who has a lot of trouble!

Moose cursed secretly in his heart.

Nata's body was not far from the cabin.

Moose remembered throwing his body under a certain tree.

Following the path of memory, they soon saw the body that was still a little warm.

Jin Ping'an was obviously stunned when he saw it: "This is obviously a man!"

in his retrospective.

Nata always appears in women's clothing.

Jin Pingan subconsciously believed that Nata was a girl.

Musi rolled his eyes at Jin Pingan: "Nata is originally a boy, but usually, Maoyan will make him dress up as a girl. Don't ask me why, I don't know."

"W-how is this..."

Jin Ping'an was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Tian Hao didn't listen to the argument between the two. He squatted down and inspected Nata's body.

Compared to the tortured cat's eyes, there were not many scars on Nata's body except for a few contusions.

There are just some mud marks on the body and face.

The soil on the mountain is moist and loose and granular, while on Nata's body, it is thick and extremely moist silt.

Mud with this kind of humidity obviously does not come from the mountains.

Tian Hao immediately thought of what he saw on the road, which was a taxi that was knocked over into a field.

If it was Nata who was driving, then he was most likely kidnapped and brought here.

Tian Hao put forward such a hypothesis in his mind.

He turned to Moose and asked, "Are you having a fight among yourself?"

"You just insist that I am on the same side as them, right?"

Moose was too lazy to argue at this time.

Anyway, the Rangers will be arriving soon.

Seeing that Musi was unwilling to cooperate, Tian Hao didn't ask any more questions. When he entered the interrogation room, he had plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

Anyway, the criminal police team is almost here.

But not before again.


Tian Hao suddenly shouted.

Jin Pingan, who was still looking around nervously, saw Tian Hao winking at him and immediately understood.

He raised his hand and grabbed Musi's hair, giving it a strong tug.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing!"

Musi wanted to knock Jin Pingan sideways away, but he was worried that his collision would knock him into a fourth-level disability, so he had to turn his head slightly to avoid his clutches.

Jin Pingan's purpose is to collect materials for retrospection.

It's just that after Mus' body was strengthened by engraving, his hair was like an abalone that had been touched, tightly sucked to his scalp, and no matter how Jin Pingan swayed, he couldn't pull it off.

With this kind of hair, programmers would probably faint in the toilet from crying.

In desperation, Jin Ping'an could only take out a multi-functional knife from his pocket, and with all his strength, he finally cut off a small handful.

This inexplicable behavior naturally attracted Mus's confused eyes.

But before he could ask any questions.

The buzzing sound came from a distance, and the sound became louder and louder from far to near.

A strong light fell from the sky and shone on the three of them.

Moose raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Rangers are finally here.


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