The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 176 Assault (Thanks to the leader of the Shining Galaxy Boss)

The weapons that Ai Liang snatched from Jia Dong last week were not for his own use.

They were used to practice the accuracy of remote mental control.

Ai Liang could make Mu Si do radio gymnastics in the hotel through imprinting.

But once he lost the medium of imprinting, it would be difficult for him to control Mu Si to make fine movements.

Not to mention radio gymnastics, even taking off clothes was very difficult.

From last week to now, Ai Liang paid the price of three experimental bodies and slowly regained the feeling of making mental puppets.

And he used the fourth puppet to kill many people of Lame Wolf.

It's a pity that in the first two days, because the puppet was unfamiliar to control, it was not as skilled as usual.

As a result, when the puppet took action, there was a small mistake, and the Lame Wolf's people accidentally shot off half of his head with a shotgun.

With the previous experience, Ai Liang learned his lesson this time and spent a night to practice the two puppets of Jia Dong and the driver.

Except for the micro-control of expressions, there is basically no difference between them and ordinary people.

After instilling the muscle memory of gun shooting and fighting skills, two perfect killer puppets were freshly produced.

Unfortunately, after the proficiency of mental ability was reset to zero, Ai Liang could only perform remote control and could not directly possess Jia Dong as usual.

The difference between the two is probably similar to playing a third-person shooting game on a computer and playing a shooting game in a virtual stealth chamber.

To reach the level of being possessed at any time like the Thousand Faces Man, a lot of practice is needed.

Ai Liang controlled Jia Dong and parked the off-road vehicle halfway up the mountain.

Then he took out the equipment to be used tonight from the trunk.

After putting on all the things, Jia Dong gained a lot of weight.

He looked very bulky.

The fully armed 'Jia Dong' walked step by step towards the small temple on the mountain.


Usually, even if there are road guards at the bottom of the mountain.

The hideout will still send people out every half an hour to check the situation.

But slacking off is ubiquitous regardless of occupation or environment.

Two drug dealers who were on night watch were squatting at the door with cigarettes in their mouths, smoking and playing games, with their phones connected to power banks.

They had no idea that death was approaching.

Aim intentionally, fire unintentionally, feel the wind speed, and pay attention to the false light.

This was the shooting program that Ai Liang heard from Xia Qiyuan that year.

Although he didn't use it much.

Bang! Bang!

'Jia Dong' raised his hand and fired two shots, directly blowing up the heads of the two drug dealers.

The two gunshots sounded particularly harsh in this deep mountain forest.

Not only the drug dealers in the temple, but also the members of the drug enforcement team under Wu Ke, were alert after hearing the gunshots, and hurriedly quickened their pace to the direction of the ruined temple.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Simply controlling Jia Dong to make various actions cannot reflect the actual combat level and the ability to adapt to changes.

However, for now, the result is not bad.

Facing the tightly closed temple door, ‘Jia Dong’ took out the grenade launcher from his waist and loaded two grenades in succession.

Accompanied by a smooth sound similar to hitting a water tank with a stone, the grenade drew a beautiful curve and hit the temple door.


The five-centimeter-thick wooden door was blown into pieces by the grenade and scattered everywhere.

Ai Liang didn’t stop and fired the second grenade into the temple.

This time it was a tear gas grenade.

Although the temple is small, it is obviously impossible to cover it with just one grenade.

Ai Liang controlled Jia Dong, loaded two more tear gas grenades, raised his hand and aimed at the window and shot into the inner room.

Screams, curses, coughs, and the sound of bottles and jars being knocked over and broken on the ground were endless.

Jia Dong, wearing a gas mask, rushed into the room with a gun and fired at the drug dealers.

The room was so small that a volley of bullets instantly knocked down a large number of people.

Jia Dong held a rifle and shot each person in the head one by one to ensure that no one would be left alive.

At this moment, several drug dealers from other rooms in the small temple rushed out and shot at Jia Dong without saying a word.

Jia Dong dove forward and hid behind the iron table, luckily he didn't knock out his front teeth.

The real way to find cover is far less smooth and handsome than in the movie.

Everything is based on survival, so why would you care about whether your posture is elegant or not?

While controlling Jia Dong to drill under the table, Ai Liang did not forget to point the muzzle of the gun at the door to fight back.

In addition to using telekinesis to wrap Jia Dong's legs to replace walking.

He did not use telekinesis for other things.

Ai Liang wanted to use actual combat to deepen his control over the mental puppet, rather than coming here specifically to arrest drugs.

If telekinesis is used to confirm the location of the drug dealers in the temple, or directly twist their necks.

But it will not have the effect of training.

Inside the temple, while Ai Liang was taking a breath to change the magazine, two drug dealers hiding behind the rockery began to communicate in a low voice.

A drug dealer with a scar on his arm spat: "Where did this evil star come from! When did Qianhua City have such a fierce bounty hunter!"

"Could it be someone from the drug enforcement team?"

The accomplice said anxiously.

"Drug enforcement team? Bullshit! I used to deal with the drug enforcement team in Neva more times than you went to the club. I don't know what their style is?"

Scar's drug dealer grimaced, took out a grenade from his arms and pulled out the ring: "Whether the brother inside is asking for money or life, let me know!

It's easy to do things with money. How about I spend five million to make a good relationship? Many friends mean many ways out! "

Ai Liang's attack was too fierce.

This kind of ruthless attitude of saying nothing, shooting first and asking questions later.

The drug dealer couldn't help but think of his old days in Nevada City.

At that time, I really put my head in my belt and lived a life of licking blood every day.

Far more companions died at the hands of bounty hunters and colleagues than at the hands of anti-narcotics teams.

Although the business atmosphere in Nevada City is not too friendly.

But the only advantage is that many situations in Neihua City can be settled with money.

One second the two parties are fighting to the death, and the next second they may shake hands and make peace because one of them is willing to bleed a lot.

Even if many of them died at the hands of the other.

companion? Loyalty?

Can these be eaten as food?

The real black zone has no so-called heroic feelings, only despicability, betrayal, and reality, without any friendship at all.

As for the number of five million, for a drug dealer like him who is in the management level, it is not taken seriously at all.

Not to mention anything else, just a few pieces of white noodles from the warehouse are worth a million.

Do you think they will be short of money?

Ai Liang said nothing.

The other drug dealer wanted to follow his elder brother and yell a few words, but who knew that the drug dealer with a scar on his arm threw the grenade into the house when Ai Liang didn't reply.


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