The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 283 Confessions of a Sinner (Part 1)

Let me tell you...

Shi Hongfang looked at Xia Qiyuan opposite him, his expression a little dazed.

Asking Shi Hongfang to repeat what he had done from beginning to end was undoubtedly putting his conscience on the fire.

"All this probably started when I just returned to Qianhua City."

Shi Hongfang looked at Xia Qiyuan quietly, as if waiting for him to ask questions.

But the latter did not show any emotion, just looked at him calmly.

Shi Hongfang gave up the idea of ​​letting Xia Qiyuan ask questions and began his self-narration.

"Have you investigated my past?" Shi Hongfang asked.

"I have read the data files." Xia Qiyuan said: "But I want to hear your own thoughts more."

Shi Hongfang did not speak.

After a long pause, he continued: "Everything I did in Qianhua City was planned when I just came back from Neihua City." Xia Qiyuan looked directly into Shi Hongfang's eyes: "So, why did you do this?" "Why..." Shi Hongfang smiled, a numb and cold smile: "For revenge, revenge on that group of people." "Perhaps you will think that in Qianhua City, it is a very simple thing for me to take revenge on a group of people." Shi Hongfang looked up at the ceiling: "My family has been here for hundreds of years, in this city, and here I can do many things that I can't do in Neihua. Fate has provided me with countless choices and countless opportunities to make mistakes. I can ignore everything, throw away all my worries, and become a calligrapher, writer, and musician, because my family can cover my future. I can choose a position at will, just eat, drink and have fun every day, leave all work meetings to my subordinates, and enjoy the flattery and flattery of others. I can also take over some of the family's industries, become a rich young master, and go to different entertainment venues every day, living a life of luxury. I also I can strive to enter the official career, and through the cultivation and paving of the family, I can take over my father and represent the Shi family to enter the power center of the Asian Union.

A natural winner like me, what can't I do in Qianhua City?

How could I let myself fall to this point just to avenge a group of people? "

As he spoke, the numbness on Shi Hongfang's face gradually took on a hint of humanity: "But the other side of what I experienced, no one in Qianhua City can see it."

"I was squatting in Neihua City with Xingguo and others to wait for the fugitive. In order not to alert the enemy, I could sleep in the car for three consecutive days and three nights. The sour smell on my body, Even the cleaners who clean the toilets will stay away if they smell it. "

"In Nevada, my family relationship allowed me to receive a lot of care, but I am essentially no different from those police officers. At least when facing those criminals, I can also lose my life at any time."

"Though those days were hard, I felt that I lived a fulfilling life. In Nevada, I made a lot of close friends who I could trust with my life."

Shi Hongfang seemed to be thinking of some people, and the smile on his face was no longer cold, but soon, this smile disappeared from his face like a flash in the pan.

"But everything was ruined."

Shi Hongfang stared at Xia Qiyuan with eyes full of endless anger: "Everything was ruined by the group of people in Nevada. First, Xia Qiyuan's life and death were unknown, and then the hermit wielded the butcher knife.

Then they kidnapped Xiaoya, killed Xiaoya, and forced Amin into a dead end! "


While Shi Hongfang was speaking, he stood up and slammed the table heavily: "Li Yongming did nothing wrong! The entire Neihua City has been rotten from top to bottom!"

Xia Qiyuan looked at Shi Hongfang with red eyes and said nothing.

He knew that Shi Hongfang was accusing the upper level of inaction and venting his anger at the prosecutor named He Jun.

Because He Jun knew all this back then, but chose to turn a blind eye.

It was also under Yang Xingguo's repeated "persuasion" that he went to lobby He Jun and eventually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Now Xia Qiyuan is using He Jun's body. He has no way to explain to Shi Hongfang and can only remain silent.

After venting his suppressed emotions, Shi Hongfang sat back dejectedly.

"So after I came back from Neihua City, I started to prepare a plan, and Jiuhua Outer City was the product of that plan." Shi Hongfang lowered his head and drooped his eyebrows and said, "I first used my identity to establish relationships with influential companies in Qianhua City, persuaded them to participate in the transformation plan of Jiuhua City, and completely separated Jiuhua Outer City. Because my last name is Shi, they did not refuse my request. With Jiuhua Outer City as a cover, I began to use a fake identity to contact local people in Qianhua City, including Song Jie, Zhang Feng and Hu Yingshao." "It was at this time that I took over the Qianhua City Criminal Police The position of captain has cleared the obstacles for the development of their power and established a paradise for criminals. "Shi Hongfang said in a grim tone: "Because only a place with enough chaos can attract the criminals in Neva City, gather them together, and catch all the fish that slipped out of the hermit's hands!" Shi Hongfang slowly raised his head: "And now, it's time to close the net." Xia Qiyuan looked at Shi Hongfang with a distorted face: "So in order to collect enough evidence of the crime, you chose to cooperate with the boss behind Song Jie? Do you know who he is? " "Hehe. "

Shi Hongfang laughed at himself: "Does this matter? I am already acting as a protective shield for the person I once hated most, so why would I care about who he is?

He Jian, a person's energy is limited after all. I alone cannot collect the criminal evidence of every criminal.

At the same time, I have no chance and cannot plan a second grand operation like this, so I only have one chance. As long as I can be given the evidence, I don't care even if the other party is the devil. "

"Do you regret it?" Xia Qiyuan asked.

This question made Shi Hongfang silent.

Planning for several years, ruining his own future, risking his life, cooperating with others to cover up evil deeds, and suffering the condemnation of conscience every day and night...

"Regret? From the moment I walked into the office of the captain of the criminal police team, I lost the right to regret, because from that moment on, it was no longer me implementing the plan, but the plan pushing me forward."

Shi Hongfang let out a long sigh: "But if you ask me whether I have ever had any regrets when implementing the plan, I can tell you clearly that I have.

I am not a god, I am just a human being with all kinds of emotions. When I helped them cover up their crimes and looked at the victims and their families, I felt regretful more than once. "


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