"I don't know why, but it feels really good," Aizel muttered as he yawned and woke up from sleep.

Aizel noticed that Rias was absent from the room, likely having departed early while he was still asleep.

With his meal ready and waiting, Aizel made his way to the table.

Seated in a chair, he swiftly consumed his meal. After that, he went back to practicing on the magic circles.

Unconcerned about what was ahead, his thoughts stayed clear and concentrated. Getting good at magic circles was, right now, the most important thing for him.

After 4 hours…

Beads of sweat trickled down Aizel's face, his focus entirely on the intricate magic circle taking shape before him.

The intricate patterns and lines began to weave together, and now he was at the last, most critical stage where mistakes could happen at the slightest error, so accuracy was of the utmost importance.

Something really special happened this time.

Aizel, immersed in intense concentration, skillfully linked all the intricate lines, and at last, the inaugural magic circle materialized beneath his feet, flawless in its entirety.

Aside from its mana etchings, its pure white radiance gave it no obvious characteristics.

Still, Aizel's expression of happiness was reflected in the brilliant white light. He had overcome the first obstacle, which was a step toward becoming stronger.

[Congrats Master]


"A great job; now I can teach you the very next step." Rias entered the room, clapping.


"When can we start? I am ready for it," Aizel replied.

"My my look at you,"

"It's no point in getting disappointed, angry, or going into depression or shit. You said you would give me everything…

"Then I will take everything from you and become stronger," Aizel replied that the calmness in his eyes reflected the confidence he had right now.

"Hahaha… incredible; you are really something else. Come with me."

Aizel followed Rias out of the room, traversing through the castle corridors. He saw many mage and guards doing their jobs as he went.

Notably absent were Rias's children, who seemed nowhere in sight. Gradually, they descended into the castle's subterranean depths.

They arrived at a massive door on their way, which Rias unlocked with the touch of a finger.

Together, they entered. Befitting a cave or dungeon, Aizel's gaze roamed the enormous chamber that stretched out before him.

Its dimensions extended for kilometers in every direction, like a never-ending tapestry.

Extending throughout this vast expanse, diverse landscapes and terrains materialized, each marked by the permanent marks of numerous conflicts and the aftereffects of potent magic.

As if a living tapestry of battles fought, the ground beneath his boots bore the scars of violent encounters.

The vast domain's mountains and valleys changed shape as a result of the violent forces that once swept over it. Dispersed fragments of magical objects lay scattered.

"Here you can practice the next step without destroying my castle," Rias said as she waved her hands all around, showing the room.

The next step really seems dangerous," Aizel thought.

"You have learned how to create magic circles. Now you have to fuse the properties into it.

"Like if you want fire, you have to visualize the spell and try to infuse it with the help of mana," Rias said.

"So let me get this straight: I only have to imagine a fireball and infuse that in the magic circle with the help of mana. Then I can shoot the fireballs with the help of the circle.

"Is that it? This doesn't seem that difficult," Aizel commented as he rubbed his chin.

"I haven't explained the full part yet; don't get ahead of yourself," Rias replied with a smirk.

"You have to think and create that fireball with every single detail."

Aizel looked confused after hearing that.

Seeing him, Rias started to explain properly, "When you are visualizing, you have to think about the size and shape of the fireball more clearly.

"How hot will it be, what type of effect do you want from it, the fire properties, how can a fireball get canceled out?

"It's speed, time, and distance, all while fusing and painting the magic circle."

Aizel was maintaining a calm expression in front of her, but from inside, he was going insane.

You gotta be fucking kidding me. Doing all this while also maintaining the magic circle?"

[No wonder Vespara said the second step is the most difficult.]

I don't know how long this will take to master. What about the other properties and magic? What about creating something new from scratch by imagining?

I have to think carefully about its properties carefully too…damnnnn"

"So… difficult right?" Rias asked.

Aizel had to nod after hearing that.

She started to walk towards him and ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry, my war god, for you, I can make it simple."

She suddenly summoned a thick tome.

Aizel's attention abruptly shifted to the tome. Its exterior was thick, aged, and rusted, giving off an air of antiquity.

"With this, your second stage will become easier," Rias said as she started to hand the tome to Aizel.

Just when Aizel was about to take it from her, the tome suddenly vanished, and Rias smiled.

"Not so easy. In order to get this from me, you have to show your true potential. Show me how good you really are.

"Show me the hunger to become stronger."

"How?" Aizel asked.

"Here is your first mission, war god,"

Suddenly, a scroll appeared in her hands. Then she handed it to Aizel.

"Don't open it here. Go into my room, open it, and study the details.

"Decide it for yourself when you are comfortable heading out and inform me. I will begin the preparation for it. Now go,"

Aizel nodded and started to head back.

[Master, can I ask you something?]

Yeah sure,"

He was on the way back to the room.

[Why didn't you look disgusted or appear mad when that bitch queen ruffled your hair?]

What's the point in doing that, Sekki? Look what she has presented us. With that book, we can master the arcane magic circuit easily."

"And just think, what more she can provide us, isn't that good?"

[Yes… but what about..]

I know, I know. Don't worry about them. I am sure Vespara will take good care of them and will keep them safe. We have to get more stronger so that we can see them again,"

[You are right Master, I am sorry]

Upon his return to the room, Aizel wasted no time getting into his chair. He began poring over the scroll's contents as he unrolled it.

His eyes widened with each passing line, a grin gradually spreading across his face.

[Finally, we can destroy them, fufu]

It appears even Rias knows my history with them."

[Master, for doing this, we need to hide our identities too.]

Yes, time to bring out Satan and go on a full rampage."


The next day,

Aizel immersed himself in the milky pond, sharing the space with Rias.

"What do you think about the mission," Rias asked.

"I will do it. I am ready," Aizel replied.

"Good, then I will begin the preparation, tomorrow we will begin the first step to conquer the Felgura Kingdom," Rias said.

"Who is going to pair up with me?" Aizel asked.

"It will be Erina; she will make sure you do your job properly and bring you back to me safely."


"Also, don't try to do anything that can make you regret it."

"I know; I will only head for the mission and nothing else."

"Good boy,"


Aizel spent the day practicing for his upcoming assignment in a dream loop; thus, the time flew by. Striking out flawlessly, he was hell-bent on never messing up. He planned to let out all his pent-up rage tomorrow.

Aizel joined Erina the next day in Rias's room. Erina wore the regalia of the Theodora Kingdom while flaunting his black assassin hood.

"There can't be a single mistake made in the mission, or else it will ruin everything.

Aizel nodded.

"Erina, don't disappoint me,"

"Don't worry, Mother, I will take care of everything."

"Now both of you can leave, and good luck,"

Both of them nodded.

Erina brought her hand and touched Aizel's back, and instantly they both vanished from there.

They both appeared to be on a coast surrounded by the ocean.

"Before we head out for the mission, we need to make sure everything goes well," Erina said.

"I am listening," Aizel replied.

"I will leave you a little far away from that place. You will head there alone and complete your mission."

"How are you gonna transport them all back?" Aizel asked.

"That's not your problem, don't try to do something that is not mentioned in your mission.

"I won't accept any failure. My mother doesn't care about Larisa, but I am different.

"I hope you disappoint Mother some day, so I can rip you apart slowly."

"Yeah,,, good luck. Maybe you should light some incense and pray for it," Aizel replied.

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