The more they object, the more it means I did the right thing

Chapter 43 Ashley can’t understand Ansu’s design at all

The Sixth Church of Alchemy, third floor.

In addition to the priests and bishops of the Alchemy Holy See, there are also several examiners from the Order Holy See, two priests from the Glorious Holy See, and even a branch bishop from the Glorious Eighth Holy See.

There was silence as they gathered around the round mahogany table.

In the Holy See of Order, Priest Patsy stared at the naked man running around on the stage with a constipated expression. At this time, Arthur was looking everywhere for the clothes he had torn off.

After thinking for a long time, Priest Patsy finally sighed with relief.

The hanging heart finally died.

He had already told his junior sister that there were thorns coming from these three borders, so he had to be more careful, but he didn't expect that he would still be attacked by this guy.

"This does not belong to our Holy See." A priest from the Glorious Holy See broke the silence, "Our Holy See does not have this quasi-saint."

There is no use denying it, it belongs to your family.

Otherwise, could it still be ours?

The other two priests of the Holy See remained silent.

"Although this kid is a little reckless," Pastor Patsy said kindly, "he still has advantages, such as his good physical fitness."

The Holy See priests remained silent.

Indeed, Arthur Sonny's physical fitness is very good.

This doesn't mean his muscle mass or anything, but his physical talent.

Ashley has never learned martial arts, and has no talent for Paladins, but she only got an Arthur Sonny skin experience card, and in just a few moves, she can imitate it with style—— Arthur's physical talent is undoubtedly genius level.

A talent indeed.

"After he becomes the Glorious Saint," the branch bishop of the Eighth Holy See said slowly, "leave him to the Holy Knights of the Glorious Holy See."

The two priests looked at each other and nodded.

The Glorious Holy See actually has paladins. For example, the witch-hunting captain Agni is a paladin and has established a special Paladin Academy.

However, Paladins and Saints are two different systems.

The special Paladin exam will be set up in the first half of next year.

You're a sports student, why are you taking the liberal arts exam?

Do all border cities produce such talents?

This is the question in the minds of all priests.

"Ahem." Pastor Patsy coughed to ease the embarrassment, "The next border candidate has appeared. Do we have to change it?"

"This is also the request that Priest Ashley just made." Priest Patsy added.

"Yes." The priest of the Alchemy Holy See heard the implication of Passi's words, "It is necessary."

"Let's change the 'exam rules'."


"This is a new request made by Priest Ashely." Priest Patsy showed.

This is undoubtedly a rare thing,

The Saint Examination Rules of the Six Gods Holy See have never been temporarily changed because of a certain candidate.

This is exactly the reason why the so-called ancestral laws are immutable.

But today, it must be modified.

What if Liszt is also a muscle maniac and imitates Arthur by running around naked and beating each other naked in real people?


[Please ask the next candidate, test number 60, prepared by Liszt Munn]

Liszt exhaled calmly.

Today he was wearing a lavender tuxedo, gold-rimmed glasses, a top hat, a white shirt with a bow tie, and white gloves. He was as noble and elegant as a nobleman about to attend a dinner.

After hearing his name, he slowly stood up from his seat.

First, he bowed gracefully to the candidates around him, and his every move was full of aristocratic style.

As expected, Liszt was ranked second among the Saints he most wanted to associate with in the Seaside Morning News # . Liszt was very elegant and had the image of a cool and handsome gentleman.

Seeing that Liszt was so elegant and graceful, the candidates around him were relieved. He shouldn't be able to take off his clothes in public, right?

But thinking about them, they all came from the border, and Arthur looked like a normal human being before the exam started.

Their certainty is not very great.

I always feel like this guy still has to do his old tricks again!

At this moment, all the would-be saints were in a trance, and the calm voice of the Balance of Order reappeared in everyone's ears;

[Please note to all candidates]

[Change ‘Exam Description’]

[Original exam description: Under the restrictions of the alchemy circle, you have and can only have four memory grids. You can freely choose the following magic books for temporary equipment and allocate ten magic points for use]

[Now changed to:]

[You must choose to equip four magic books and allocate ten magic points for use]

The candidates nodded, so far everything is normal.

[It is prohibited to expose the body in the examination room. You must be neatly dressed and presentable. You must carry a staff, and the staff used is made of wood.]

It is forbidden to run naked in the examination room and hit people with a staff.

Is it considered normal and reasonable so far?

[Do not use force, let alone attack the examiner’s private parts]


[You must ensure that your physical condition is normal during the exam. You are not allowed to bring any ‘curse buffs’ to the exam, and you are not allowed to take magic items that may cause physical abnormalities in advance.]

When he heard this, Ansu's brows rose slightly.

Unexpectedly, Ashley also knew how to predict.

As long as you enter the field with an instant death buff, or a lot of debilitating curses, or take poison, both parties will be unable to move and can only wait to die together - as long as you defeat the examiner, this can also be judged as the examinee's victory.

There is progress.

Ansu narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Priest Ashley in the center of the hall.

This is a competition of wits, Priest Ashley.

Fighting against the system, against official patches, against real-time updated versions, and finding loopholes in various perfect rules to pass the game, this is the true cultivation of an evil player.

"Can you hold on?"

He said to Liszt.

"Brother Ansu, don't worry."

Liszt pushed up his glasses calmly and gracefully, with a solemn and sacred tone, "Calmness and restraint are the first virtues of aristocrats."

"I will let her understand what the noble spirit of perseverance is."

"I'm going to go first."

I saw him confidently and gracefully getting off the stage and walking slowly towards the examination room.

Pretending that Ashley had gradually recovered from the phantom pain.

Ashley is confident.

The authorization letter she personally revised this time must have no flaws, and it rejected the cheating route of this border countryman in every aspect.

Moreover, when signing the authorization this time, she will not be as negligent as last time.

Ashley will check Liszt's four magics in advance and design a plan in advance.


Is he a Holy Light Magician with a minor in Water Element?

It turns out to be all water magic.

It doesn't matter, Ashley is very confident, after all, she is a warlock with all attributes.

[Basic magic, surging water]

[Magic consumption: 1]

[Auxiliary Blessing Category]

[Can double the water flow]

This is an auxiliary magic. It is usually used in conjunction with [Water Spear] to obtain a thicker and larger water spear. But there are no water spears in the remaining magic slots?

There are also [water element gathering] and [water surface fluctuation].

Ashley couldn't understand the magic combination designed by Ansu at all!

Please give me a monthly pass!

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