The Mortal Immortal

Chapter 89 Golden Elixir Foster Care

Shu Han had to sit up and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Shangguan Ruolin glanced at him with a cold snort, and said with a flushed face: "You're not old, but you're very lustful." Then she looked at Shu Han's still pale face and asked with concern: "How do you feel?"

Shu Han rubbed his head: "I felt like I slept very comfortably last night..."


Shangguan Ruolin pulled her clothes tightly and said angrily, "I'm talking about my body!"

Shu Han smiled and said: "I have lost some essence and blood, but it is not serious. I just feel dizzy from time to time. I should be able to recover after a period of rest."

Shangguan Ruolin pressed Shu Han's pulse gate and frowned: "What, it's obviously close to 40%...I have actually absorbed so much blood and essence from you?"

Shu Han was speechless and couldn't hide it. He thought to himself, who told you to be so good at sucking...

Shangguan Ruolin said worriedly: "Loss of too much essence and blood will cause damage to your cultivation in the future. It is the five spiritual roots in the first place. Coupled with the loss of essence and blood, it will be more difficult to make progress in the future. We must find a way to supplement you. Loss."

Shu Han naturally also knew that not only was his body losing too much essence and blood, but the Tianque Mysterious Art had also caused huge damage to his body.

He didn't say anything, but the current condition of his body was really not optimistic.

Even with the help of Shu Han's unlimited batches of healing elixirs, it might be difficult to recover all the blood essence and injuries within five months.

Shangguan Ruolin said: "If you can't recover your essence and blood, you won't be able to go to the Immaculate Realm, and it will be useless."

Shu Han retorted: "Your situation can't last much longer. Although my Five Elements Essence and Blood suppressed the conflict of skills last night, my cultivation level is not high, and the Five Elements Essence and Blood still can't have much effect. The Immortal Realm I have to go! I will find a solution to my situation, don’t worry.”

Shangguan Ruolin let out a long sigh.

"Now there is only one way to quickly restore your body! That is to use the source of golden elixir to replenish your blood essence as before!"

Shu Han frowned: "But the golden elixir fragments you left in my body are about to be exhausted. You don't want to get a few more fragments... This is not possible, your golden elixir itself can hardly hold it anymore!"

"What are you thinking! How could a brat destroy the golden elixir of my life!"

Shangguan Ruolin explained: "This method of mine is called the golden elixir fostering method. It gives you the completeness of the golden elixir. Although it will consume a lot of its origin, it will not cause damage to the structure of the golden elixir."

"Put the golden elixir in my body? Isn't your life in danger if the golden elixir is separated from the body for too long?"

Shangguan Ruolin shook his head: "This move is risky. Once the golden elixir enters your body, because you need to contact the natal golden elixir, you cannot leave my palace ten feet away for more than half an hour, and..." Speaking of this, Shangguan Ruolin hesitated and was unwilling to continue.

Shu Han nodded: "This is easy to handle. We have been together for the past six months. And what...why are you hesitating?"

Shangguan Ruolin's face turned red and he hesitated: "Furthermore, it takes three hours of one-body cultivation every day... for me to absorb the energy of the golden elixir..."

"One body practitioner?"

Shu Han's mind suddenly thought of the scene when Shangguan Ruotong was fighting against Shangguan Ruotong, and Shangguan Ruolin asked him to relax and cultivate the two people's skills to be closely connected, and they were indistinguishable from each other.

He couldn't help but touch his nose and said, "Are you talking about the situation when you were fighting against your sister half a year ago?"

Shangguan Ruolin blushed and turned her head, nodding helplessly.

Shu Han laughed in his heart, walked over, and deliberately tried to tease her by saying, "This is okay, we only talked about the golden elixir twice, and once we were naked to each other, and now we have to practice together every day, this doesn't seem appropriate." "


Shangguan Ruolin's face turned red with anger, she slapped her in the face and said angrily: "You're so young, you're a bad brat! Where did you learn that?"

Shu Han covered his face and thought: It's probably that boy Fei Zhengyang who has been chewing dirty jokes in his ears every day for the past two days and led him astray.

Suddenly, Shangguan Ruolin gritted her teeth, turned over and sat on his lap, opened her silver teeth, and bit Shu Han's lips fiercely, and a warm golden elixir was stored in his body.

Shu Han was sweating from the pain, but after the golden elixir entered his body, the warm vitality immediately began to warm and nourish his body.

Shangguan Ruolin let go, his silver teeth were stained with blood, and said in a show of power: "If you dare to tease me again in the future, this will be your fate!"

Shu Han covered his mouth and hesitated: "I was wrong... let's stop making trouble and look at the gold foil page brought by the incarnation."

Shangguan Ruolin took out the gold foil page from her storage bag and had already handed it over when she transferred to her external incarnation.

Shu Han carefully examined the gold foil page in her hand. It looked like ordinary paper to the naked eye, and it also recorded the contents of "Three Hundred Solutions to Refining Weapons".

Shangguan Ruolin said: "This disguise is very subtle. If I don't have clear eyesight, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to see through this disguise even if I resume my alchemy cultivation."

After saying that, her and Shu Han's eyes lit up at the same time, and they looked at the front and back of the page respectively.

The camouflage of the gold foil pages gradually faded away under the light of clear eyes.

Shu Han: "The art of changing the world and changing the earth!"

Shangguan Ruolin: "Shrink the Earth to an Inch Technique!"

The two pairs of clear spirits looked at each other with clear eyes, full of surprise!

So, the two of them read the paper carefully, and the more they read, the more frightened they became.

The spell of changing heaven and earth recorded on the gold foil page can completely change a person's appearance, temperament and spiritual root skills. The spell can also be disguised as a spiritual consciousness when it is completed. When it is completed, it can transform into everything in the world.

Unless the opponent's cultivation level far exceeds his own, or the opponent also possesses the level of insight and magical power of Qingling Mingmu, it is absolutely impossible to find out the clues.

As for the shrinking technique, it's even more terrifying.

By practicing this spell, the monk's speed will be greatly improved, far exceeding all the escape magic powers that Shangguan Ruolin has come into contact with.

When you are small, you can truly shrink into an inch and shorten the distance between your destination and yourself. Once you have mastered it, you can even move instantly.

"These two spells are too terrifying!"

Shangguan Ruolin murmured: "Any spell on this gold foil page can cause the Nascent Soul monks to fight to the death."

She looked down at Shu Han, her eyes full of surprise, and shouted ecstatically: "Shu Han! Originally, the Qingling Mingmu Technique and the External Incarnation Technique were already magical enough! I didn't expect that the spells recorded on other gold foil pages were even more wonderful! Just one Xiang is as precious as the towering creation liquid!"

Shu Han focused on the issue of spell cultivation and said: "But these two spells are also very difficult to practice. If you want to succeed in the art of changing the sky and changing the earth, you must have a large number of False Dragon Crystal Ginseng that is more than a thousand years old. And the art of shrinking the earth into an inch is The best space crystal you need.”

"I know this space crystal is the raw material for refining storage bags. But what is this false dragon crystal ginseng?"

Shangguan Ruolin shook his head: "The best space crystal is as rare as the best spiritual stone, but it is not used to refine storage bags, but to refine the world within the world. As for this false dragon crystal ginseng, I have heard about it. ”

"It is said that this elixir naturally disguises itself as other plants to avoid being picked by monks. After a thousand years, it can even create an illusion around the body, causing the monks to die unknowingly in the illusion. Then this dragon crystal ginseng will take root in the monks' corpses. , to absorb nutrients, it is an extremely dangerous and rare elixir. "

"Let alone achieving great success in these two spells, even if they are somewhat successful, they will still be difficult to reach the sky."

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