The Most Generous Master Ever

Chapter 289: : Old man, can you recognize this sword?

Being scolded by Lianfeng, Hua Feiyu's face turned black in an instant, and gradually he laughed at himself again, and his heart fell into a burst of self-doubt.

He prides himself on being invincible among his peers and the most eye-catching existence of the younger generation.

However, in the face of an existence like Litian, he showed such fear.

Just like this, is he qualified to compete with Ye Qiu?

He couldn't help asking himself, Ye Qiu never showed the slightest fear when facing an enemy several times stronger than himself.

Instead, he slashed immortals with one sword and became famous all over the world.

Under his light, Hua Feiyu seemed more and more dim, and gradually faded out of everyone's sight.

In the current Great Wilderness, what everyone is talking about is more about the Sword Immortal who is ecstatic with his swordsmanship.

However, it is seldom heard of anyone mentioning the unparalleled holy son of Yaoshan who has passed the test of the three thousand stone paths of Yaoshan.

He could clearly see the disgust in Lianfeng's eyes, and at this moment he understood.

I can't have this chance again.

After Lianfeng scolded Hua Feiyu, he turned his head and stared at Litian coldly, and said, "Old man, I am here today, and you don't want to take anyone away."


Li Tian was so angry at this sentence that he was extremely angry and threatened: "Goddess of the sky, you must think clearly, for the sake of the two yellow-haired girls, do you really dare to be the enemy of my White Tiger God Clan?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I will make up the heaven, and I will never be afraid of any enemy in the world."

"I don't care what kind of **** clan, immortal clan, you can fight if you want."

Lianfeng is domineering and protecting the calf, without giving in at all.

Her words were undoubtedly the most effective reassurance for Lin Qingzhu and Zhao Waner at this time.

I was deeply moved. I didn't expect that the mistress who met for the first time would actually support them so much.

At this moment, Lianfeng completely confirmed the identity of the mistress in their hearts.

As soon as Lianfeng heard these words, Litian immediately became furious, "Haha, good, very good... Butian Pavilion? You have your own way of seeking death, so don't blame the old man for being rude."

"Do you really think that this old man is afraid of those old guys in your Butian Pavilion?"

Li Tian can't care about anything at this time, he must teach Lianfeng a lesson, let her know what it means to be high.

Even if the old monsters above went down in person, he was not afraid.

In an instant... Litian Yangtian let out a long whistle, the blood instantly dyed the East China Sea, and the world was in turmoil.

In that blood fog, Li Tian's body became bigger and bigger, and the terrifying crushing momentum was instantly suppressed.

Lianfeng staggered, a little unsteady, and his heart was extremely nervous.

She has never played against such opponents before, and she is also somewhat inexperienced.

When he raised his hand, the sky-repairing technique was full of firepower, and an equally terrifying force erupted.

Today's earth-shattering war, the entire East China Sea is in turmoil, and all living beings are trembling with fear.

"Oh my god, the gods fight, everyone be careful, a fight of this level can easily obliterate us with an aftermath, don't get close."

All the Holy Lands of the Immortal Clan, the great clans, were frightened and dared not approach that field at all.

Under the powerful eruption of the Heaven Repairing Technique, Li Tian snorted coldly as he vaguely wanted to tear open the blood curtain.

"Hmph, you don't have the qualifications to fight with this old man. If it weren't for your special status, this old man would kill you today."

As soon as the words fell, Li Tian glanced at him coldly, and in an instant, a blood-colored light shot out, and instantly disintegrated the domain of Lianfeng.

Immediately after the thunder and lightning, she was going to be trapped in it. In the thunder and lightning cage, Lianfeng did her best to break the confinement in one fell swoop.

However, she didn't have a magic weapon in her hand that could tear through the Immortal Dao Domain, so she suffered a big loss.

Just watching Li Tian, ​​after imprisoning Lianfeng, waved his big hand, and a terrifying force rushed towards Lin Qingzhu and Zhao Wan'er in the crowd.


Seeing this scene, Lianfeng became anxious, but she was still in the prison, unable to break free, she could only watch the two girls helplessly, being swept away by Litian.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard, and Lu Feng watched helplessly as the two nephews were taken away.

He roared, "Stop me."

With that said, everyone dispatched together in an attempt to stop Li Tian, ​​but the other party fought back with energy and beat everyone back.

At this critical moment, suddenly... a stone sword full of blood and energy came through the sky.

In just one breath, the qi was cut in half.

In the panic, Lin Qingzhu and Zhao Wan'er turned pale, and after losing their restraints, they fell from above the nine heavens.

The stone sword turned around and took them over. The two of them were attached to the sword, and they were a little shocked.

Lin Qingzhu's reaction was quite timely, and he touched the sword under his feet, feeling all kinds of grievances in his heart, and another burst of ecstasy.

"Zhu Xian, Master has arrived..."

At that moment, she seemed to have found her soul, and the grievances in her heart finally found the source of venting.

At the moment Zhu Xian appeared, the expressions of everyone present changed, and many people's eyes flashed a trace of panic.

Obviously, they all know this sword, and the one with the most complicated expression is Hua Feiyu.

No one knows this sword better than him, not so much the sword as the master of the sword.

"Ye Qiu!"


Hearing the sound of this familiar name, the scene trembled, and everyone looked around, trying to find the extraordinary figure.

In the thunder and lightning imprisonment, Lianfeng's eyes were also startled, and for the first time, a happy smile appeared on that cold face.

"he came."

At this moment, all the worries in her heart seemed to be dispelled, and she was no longer so timid.

Because she knew that the man who could make her feel at ease was here.

Sure enough, in the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, the void distorted, and a moment of light flickered.

A white figure slowly appeared over the East China Sea.

"Hey...what kind of scary guy is this?"

Under the Undersea Asgard, the monkey who had been watching the play showed a timid expression at this time.

I don't know why, when I saw this guy, I felt a sense of familiarity, and there was a bit of fear in the familiarity, fear from the soul.

It seems to be engraved in the bones, a very wonderful feeling.

I saw Ye Qiu's expressionless face, straddling the void, and came to the battlefield in one step.

At the moment he arrived at the sea, tens of thousands of figures appeared behind him, and those figures were undoubtedly all people from the Heaven Mending Sect.

"Brother in charge."

In the crowd, Lu Feng saw a familiar figure, and said something casually, in an instant... all the disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect present, their despairing hearts were instantly washed away by the **** of the battle, and they regained their confidence.


Seeing this sudden change, Li Tian's expression changed and he scolded coldly.

I saw Ye Qiu ascend to the sky in one step, and after placing the two disciples in place, he summoned Immortal Zhu.

With one hand on his back, his face expressionless, he calmly looked at the behemoth in front of him.

After slowing down, Ye Qiu launched the Immortal Execution Sword with one hand, roaming freely in the sky above Jiutian, and placed it in front of Litian.

"Old man, can you recognize this sword?"

Li Tian looked at it, and when he saw the bloody, violent stone sword, Tong Kong instantly shrank, revealing a terrified look in his eyes.

"Zhu...Zhu Xian."

"How is it possible, wasn't this sword already destroyed on the battlefield of Immortal Ancient?"

The high white tiger Litian, the moment he saw Zhu Xian, finally showed panic and fear on his face.

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