Inside the Queen's Bar.

Da Tianer took the money bag that Li Jiaxin put on the bar, walked up to Chen Haonan and said, "Brother Nan, this is sister-in-law..."

Chen Haonan looked at Li Jiaxin, who was a little depressed, and asked, "Did you pay me back this money?"

Li Jiaxin nodded: "Yes."

"That's fine. Chen Haonan raised his head again and said to Da Tianer: "You take the money and go to Saigon, and go to Dasha to redeem my car."

"Okay, Brother Nan. Da Tianji took the money and prepared to leave.


Da Tianer, who was stopped by Chen Haonan, turned around and asked, "Brother Nan, what else is going on."

Chen Haonan took out a handful of large and small tickets from his pocket and stuffed them to Da Tianer: "Take the car and take the brothers to dinner."

"Okay. After Da Tianer was finished, he shouted at everyone: "Brother Nan, please eat, let's go

!" "Oh!"

"Thank you, Brother Nan."

After a commotion, everyone left directly with Da Tianer.

When he got downstairs, Da Tianer said, "Go to He Ji to eat at 5 o'clock, and now let's disperse first." "

Brother Tian, aren't you going to Saigon?" Watching Da Tianer walk in other directions, a junior brother asked.

Da Tianer glanced at him and scolded: "You shouldn't ask, don't ask!" Da

Er turned a few corners and met with Foreskin in a billiard hall.

The two of them were each carrying a black plastic bag, and they looked at each other's bags and suddenly laughed.

Foreskin said: "Brother Nan is too awesome, you come and go, and you still make 300,000!" Da

Tianer smiled: "Haha, it's worthy of being my eldest brother, I'm really convinced." Everyone else spends money to make stars, but Brother Nan is making star money while soaking. "

Hahaha, Brother Nan is really awesome, this is the most beautiful Hong Kong sister Li Jiaxin." I admire Brother Nan so much.

"You don't know, just now we called her sister-in-law, and she didn't mean to refute it at all, but Brother Nan was denying it.

"Well, Brother Nan, this is too much! This is Li Jiaxin

!" "Hahaha, anyway, I don't understand Brother Nan's methods, but it's obviously very effective!" Chen Haonan's

two hardcore brothers are throwing themselves to him.

And Chen Haonan's routine continues.

In the Queen's Bar, there is only one man and one woman left.

Li Jiaxin asked: "You used the car as a car?"

Chen Haonan looked away with some embarrassment, and said: "Let you laugh, I can't take out 300,000 yuan for a while, so I can only respond to the emergency like this first."

Li Jiaxin was once again moved, but asked a little angrily: "Do you not believe that I will send the money so much?"

Chen Haonan hurriedly explained: "Miss Li, you misunderstood. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that the main hall is urgent, I'm afraid that you are frightened today, and it may take a few days to come over, so... I'm really sorry. Seeing

Chen Haonan's somewhat embarrassed appearance, it was completely different from the domineering just now.

Apparently, he's not very good at apologizing.


Li Jiaxin smiled, then took off her sunglasses, revealing a beautiful face, and stroked her long black hair, which was full of charm.

"Forgive me, is this your bar? Why don't you invite me to sit down?"

"You can sit casually, this bar is my eldest brother's property, and I and my brothers usually take care of it. It doesn't open until the evening.

Li Jiaxin looked around, and then sat down in front of the bar.

Chen Haonan walked into the bar and asked, "Miss Li, do you want something to drink?" "

Bring me a drink, thank you." "

From early to present today, Li Jiaxin has experienced repeated stimuli, and she really needs a cup of pressure shock.

Chen Haonan casually took a bottle of whiskey, then took two glasses, put some ice cubes, and poured a little each.

Then he opened another bottle of drink, poured more than half a cup of one of them, and handed it to Li Jiaxin.

Li Jiaxin saw everything in her eyes, took the wine glass, took a sip, and felt that it was not strong at all, and it was strangely delicious.

"It's the first time I've seen whisky like this. Why don't you add some drinks?"

Chen Haonan took a shallow sip and said, "I'm Xi used to drinking pure."

Half of Li Jiaxin's hair fell, and she blinked and asked, "Then why did you add a drink to me?"

Chen Haonan smiled casually and said, "I don't know how much Miss Li drinks, you can dilute it a little with some drinks, so you won't drink too much."

Li Jiaxin smiled, her smile was sweet, revealing shallow dimples.

"You're pretty careful. "

No... I just thought about it.

Li Jiaxin lifted the wine glass and said, "I toast you, thank you for saving me."

"You've already thanked you, I just happened to bump into it, just a gesture. As he

spoke, Chen Haonan also raised his wine glass and touched it with Li Jiaxin.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiaxin picked up the wine glass and poured it into her mouth.

"Miss Li, slow down.

Chen Haonan's words made Li Jiaxin drink faster.

With a fair neck, after a few swallows, a glass of wine will be in the stomach.

Although most of the glass is a drink, even if the drink part is removed, it is quite a lot for a girl to drink so much whiskey in one sip.

"Bang dang

" Li Jiaxin finished taking a sip, put the cup on the bar, and said, "Pour me another glass."


that Chen Haonan was silent, Li Jiaxin stretched out her white and slender jade hand, gently wiped the remaining wine from the corner of her mouth with her fingers, raised her eyebrows, and asked, "What, you Chen Haonan can't afford to ask for a few glasses

of wine?" Chen Haonan smiled lightly and said, "I will definitely invite the wine, I'm just afraid that Miss Li will drink too much."

Li Jiaxin pushed the wine glass, the corners of her mouth curved, and teased: "You are the first man I met, who is afraid that I will drink too much." I'm not that bad at drinking, pour it.

Chen Haonan looked at Li Jiaxin, who leaned over slightly, and looked down at the wine glass pushed in front of him, without any more hypocrisy, he directly opened the whisky cork and poured Li Jiaxin a glass again.

The same is whiskey plus drink.

In fact, this way of drinking is the conventional way of drinking in mainland bars in later generations. In this way, not only can you eat it, but you can also

drink too much! Because people who are not used to drinking strong liquor can't drink it, how can they drink too much?

When the wine glass was full, Li Jiaxin lifted the wine glass again and said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Why did you suddenly become so cold to me in the morning? "

It's time to put your acting skills to the test again.

In Li Jiaxin's eyes, as soon as her words came out, Chen Haonan, who was originally smiling, suddenly darkened his eyes and lowered his head slightly.

He said in a low voice, "It's nothing." Li

Jiaxin's first reaction was that there is definitely a story in this!

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