The Most Lord

Chapter 201 Arrested

Chapter 201 Arrested

After all, Wei Erli was just an ordinary person, and because she was nervous for the first time to kill, she slashed at the bodyguard, not to mention failing to kill him, not even hurting her vitals.

The guard was slashed on the body by Wei Erli, and he screamed in pain.

After Weierli stabbed her once, she stabbed her again.

One knife, two knife, three knife...

Poor this guard, who is already a mortal man, still suffers from this kind of pain.

Wei Erli kept hacking dozens of knives before the guard died completely amidst the screams.

The other three guards were already terrified by this scene!

"Master Allen, please, you kill me yourself, please give me a good time, don't let her do it!"

A guard begged.

It's good that he didn't speak, but when he spoke, it just caught Wei Erli's attention. Valerie walked up to him, stared at him with eyes full of hatred, and chopped him down with a knife.

It still took dozens of knives to die, and the four guards on the ground all died so tragically.

After killing the four scumbags who bullied her, Wei Erli seemed to have exhausted all her strength, the scimitar in her hand fell off, and she slumped on the ground.

"Woo woo woo..."

Valerie cried with her head in her arms.

Alan and the others stood quietly by the side, no one comforted or urged them, and Wei Erli was allowed to vent her emotions by crying bitterly.

After a long time, Wei Erli stopped crying and stood up from the ground.

"Thank you, Master Allen."

Valerie bowed deeply to Allen.

Allen sighed softly: "You don't need to thank me, you are Bivis' wife, this is what I should do."

"Actually, I feel very guilty for not being able to find you earlier so that you would not be bullied by these villains."

"But this matter is not over yet, and there is another person who should be responsible for this matter, who has not been punished!"

"Although he is not the culprit, he is no different from the culprit!"

Allen said coldly.

What he was talking about was naturally Adelaide, the steward of the outer court of the Senlan family.

Helping the families of the family guards from being bullied is one of the duties of the stewards of the outer court, but Adelaide has completely neglected his duties.

If he could help when Wei Erli asked him for help, even if he just sent a family guard to warn the four scumbags, nothing would happen.

Allen led the crowd out of the casino, and just as he stepped out of the casino gate, he heard a burst of heavy footsteps coming from the other side of the street.

"My lord, it's heavy infantry." Galen said.

Galen has been through battle for a long time, and he can tell the general type of troops just by listening to the voice.

As soon as Galen finished speaking, at the corner of the street, a large group of soldiers came out and went straight to the Glory Casino where Alan and others were.

These soldiers are all heavily armored, holding a huge knife in their hands, and they are menacing, and they are elite soldiers at first glance.

The most striking thing is that there is a scimitar logo printed on the armor of these soldiers.

The scimitar can be said to be the family weapon of the Harirand nation, and the weapon represents killing and punishment. This army is the punishment department of the Lieyang Kingdom, the army of the noble court!

When Allen saw the soldiers of the noble court appearing, he knew that it was aimed at him.

Sure enough, the soldiers came to the gate of the Glory Casino and surrounded Alan and others.

"Are you Alan Senlan?"

A general in golden armor walked up to Allen and asked.

Allen nodded: "It's me."

"You killed the director of the government affairs office in this area?"

"That's right."

The golden-armored general took out an official document from his pocket: "Alan Senlan, you are suspected of killing an official of the kingdom, a nobleman of the kingdom. I am now representing the noble court to formally arrest you."

"Come with us."

The golden-armored general was not at all polite because Allen was the young master of the Senlan family.

The noble court is directly under the kingdom, and is jointly managed by the royal family and the major families, so it doesn't care which family you are the young master of.

Galen leaned in front of Allen, holding the hilt of his sword: "My lord?"

Allen shook his head: "Don't be impulsive, I'll go with them, and you go back to the family to inform my father."

The Noble Court is one of the most powerful departments in the capital, and with the strength of Alan's subordinates, a head-on confrontation with the Noble Court will definitely not be able to get the slightest advantage.

What's more, the noble court represents the kingdom. If Alan chooses to fight against the noble court, then he will fight against the entire kingdom!

The large number of twelfth-level powerhouses in the kingdom alone is not something Allen can deal with!

But even if he was taken away by the noble court, Allen was not afraid.

Allen dared to kill the director of the government affairs office because he was furious and impulsive. Secondly, he knew that even if he killed the director of the government affairs office, he would not pay an unbearable price, such as his life.

Apart from other things, the Senlan family would not just watch him die.

You must know that Allen, who has already comprehended the power of the law, has become the hope of the new generation of the Senlan family, and the family will definitely not let a future legendary strong man have the slightest mistake.

As long as he is alive and has the system and Huaxia leadership, Alan dares to fight even the kingdom.

"My lord, we are not by your side, in case someone takes the opportunity to harm you." Galen worried.

Allen smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I still have enough gold coins on me."

The one million gold coins on him are enough for him to instantly summon several heroes to protect him.

Allen was taken away by the soldiers of the noble court, and Galen and others returned to the Senlan family to pass the news of Allen's arrest.

Alan was led by the soldiers and headed all the way to the noble court. Because he has a title, Allen is not in shackles.

The noble court is not only one of the most powerful departments in the capital, but also one of the most luxuriously built departments in the capital.

After Allen was brought into the noble court, he was directly locked in a detention room, awaiting trial.

At the same time, Galen and others also sent the news of Alan's arrest back to the Senlan family, which caused an uproar in the family.

In the meeting hall of the Senlan family, seven people gathered together.

These seven people are Alan's grandfather Arman Senlan, Alan's uncle Kevin Senlan, Alan's father Bowen Senlan, and four other elders who are similar in age to Arman.

These seven people are the seven people at the top of the Senlan family, and they all know that Allen has comprehended the power of the law.

"What do you think about Allen?" Alman said.

"At all costs, Alan must be kept!" Alan's uncle Kevin said, "Everyone knows that Alan has comprehended the power of the law, and if nothing happens, he will become a legendary powerhouse decades later. "

"Our Senlan family can't afford the loss of a quasi-legendary!"

Kevin's words were unanimously approved by the other six people.

Arman nodded: "In that case, Ulysses."

"Brother." An old man replied.

"You go to the noble court now. Before the trial of Allen begins, take care of Allen, and don't let anyone take the opportunity to attack him."

Ulysses nodded: "Don't worry, brother, with me here, no one can hurt Allen."

The noble court is jointly held by the royal family and the major families, and Ulysses is the representative of the Senlan family in the noble court, and is one of the giants of the noble court.

Unfortunately, the structure of the aristocratic court determines that no one can exercise dictatorship in the aristocratic court.

For example, the Senlan family, even if they want to keep Allen, they can only find a way when Allen is on trial, but they cannot rescue Allen before Allen is on trial.

Anyone who enters the noble court must be judged, this is the iron law.

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