The Most Lord

Chapter 206 Arrogant Demon Swordsman

Chapter 206 Arrogant Demon Swordsman

The victorious fighter was slightly surprised when he saw Alan leaping onto the ring.

He is basically familiar with the famous strongmen in the academy, but he has never met Alan.

"Who are you, which class are you in? I don't think I've seen you before." The winning fighter stared at Allen and said.

Allen smiled lightly: "My name is Liuhuo. As for which class, it doesn't seem to affect our battle?"

"That's right, it doesn't really matter. Since that's the case, let's get started."

After the winning warrior finished speaking, he rushed towards Allen with a knife.

The weapon used by the winning fighters was the double scimitar commonly used by the Harirands.

Looking at the oncoming opponent, Alan pulled out the dry fire sword behind his back and smiled slightly.

He entered the ring this time just to create a stir in Lieyang Academy, and a magic swordsman is definitely a good gimmick.

Allen poured fighting energy into the sword, waved the sword in the air, and a ferocious animal head made of flames appeared out of thin air, with a long mouth and rushed towards the opposite warrior.

Fire method. Flame beast attack!

The sudden appearance of the flaming beast head shocked the soldiers on the opposite side and the crowd watching at the same time, and even Xavier in the distance showed an unexpected expression.


The soldier on the opposite side exclaimed, and hastily poured the battle energy in his body into the scimitar, and swung the knife towards the head of the flame beast that rushed in front of him.

With a single slash, the flame beast's head shattered into the air. Before the victorious warrior could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a white figure rushing towards him and slashed it down with his sword.

The winning fighter hastily swung his knife to block it, only to feel a huge force rushing towards him, and his body retreated involuntarily.

"Go down!"

Allen gave a soft drink, took a step forward, and slapped the winning soldier on the chest.

The winning fighter let out a muffled grunt, and flew directly off the ring, falling into the crowd.

Allen easily defeated the warrior without using the laws of the thunder system or the space-time power of the Time-Space Mask.


"He is a magic swordsman!"

The onlookers exclaimed that no matter where the magic swordsman is, they are all rare species. In the entire Lieyang Academy, there are no more than ten magic warriors, and except for one, none of them are too strong.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"He's in that class, and I want to be friends with him."

Some girls couldn't help feeling jealous when they saw Alan defeating his opponent with ease, and he was so handsome.

In the distance, Xavier looked at Allen on the stage, showing great interest.

A magic warrior with such strength at such a young age has not appeared in Lieyang Kingdom for many years, right?

Even the hopeful boy in the academy, who is called the magic warrior, is probably inferior to the young man in front of him.


Allen looked at the crowd in the audience and smiled lightly.

"I'm coming!" A burly warrior jumped up from the audience.

Seeing that Allen easily defeated the warrior and dared to challenge him on stage, it was obvious that this burly warrior was extremely confident in his own strength.

It's a pity that he is only a fighter at the top of the fifth level. Allen easily knocked him out of the ring, and he didn't understand where his self-confidence came from.


Allen said again.

The fighters jumped onto the ring one by one, and were knocked off the stage by Allen. In a blink of an eye, Allen had defeated five of them. According to the rules, Allen has already obtained the qualification to participate in Xavier's lecture, but he has no intention of getting off the stage at all.

"Hey, since you won, come down quickly, we have to continue."

Someone in the audience shouted anxiously, there are only five places to participate in Xavier's lectures, two were born before Alan, and Alan now occupies one, and there are only two places left, how can they not be in a hurry?

Allen looked at the audience and smiled slightly.

"To tell you the truth, I am not actually a student of Lieyang College."

Allen's words are like a stone thrown into calm water, stirring up waves.

"You are not a student of our academy, why are you here to join in the fun!"

"That's right, it's just making trouble, all the competitions just now are cancelled, let's start again!"

"I knew he was not from our academy. If there is such a handsome and powerful handsome guy in the academy, how could this girl not know about it!"

Allen looked at the audience who were filled with righteous indignation because he was not a college student, and the noisy students raised his index finger and made a "shh" gesture around his mouth.

The students in the audience were even angrier. In their view, Allen was simply provocative!

"I've heard for a long time that the elites of the younger generation of the kingdom are all in Lieyang College. Now it seems that, tsk tsk, that's all."

"I'm so hot, I'm less than 20 this year, and I'm not older than you, but with your strength, I can handle it with one hand!"

Allen said arrogantly, as if he didn't take everyone in the audience seriously.

Xavier in the distance laughed when he saw this. This magic swordsman kid didn't know where he came from, but he looked very interesting. He didn't know his purpose in angering the students of the academy like this.

Xavier has a wealth of experience, and he can tell at a glance that Allen's arrogant appearance is a fake. It's not that Allen's acting skills are poor, it's that Allen himself is not that kind of character, no matter how he pretends, he doesn't look like him in his bones.

It's okay to deceive those young students in the audience, how can you hide it from Xavier's eyes?

Allen's attitude successfully angered everyone present.

"Boy, you only defeated three or two people, how dare you underestimate our Lieyang Academy?"

"The strong ones from our Lieyang Academy haven't appeared yet. The ones you defeated just now don't even rank in the top 100 of the academy!"

"If the top ten of the academy come over, they can kill you with one hand!"

The students in the audience shouted at Allen angrily.

"There is no evidence to say that you say how powerful the strong men of your academy are, why haven't I seen any of them?" Allen said with his nostrils turned to the sky, "I will set up the ring here today, and I will meet the strong men of your Lieyang Academy for a while." I want to see if there is anyone in Lieyang Academy who is my opponent."

Allen stuck his sword on the ground, folded his hands on his chest and said.

"Hurry up and find the strong man in the academy, and give this kid a good lesson, preferably the top ten strong man in the academy!"

"I'm going to find Senior Darren, I know where he is!"

"I'm going to find Senior Clark!"


The students who were watching dispersed one after another, and went to the young and strong men of the academy to help.

Allen looked at the back of leaving, with a smile on his mouth, and now the plan is half done.

After these people who left spread the news in the college, Allen believed that most of the students in the college would gather here. At that time, he can start his own plan.

"The top ten experts in the academy haven't arrived yet, so I'll meet you first."

After a fighter under the stage finished speaking, he jumped onto the ring.

The warrior was wearing sky-blue light armor and held two scimitars in his hands.

Seeing this soldier come to the stage, the students in the audience immediately cheered up.

"It's O'Neill. He just won five consecutive victories. He is not weak. He should be able to compete with this arrogant guy."

"Onion just broke through to a sixth-level fighter some time ago, and his strength is enough to rank among the top 100 in the academy. Maybe O'Neill can kill this guy without Senior Darren and the others taking action."

The fighter who became O'Neill was one of the two fighters who won five consecutive victories.

"Come on, I only use one hand."

Allen said, holding the sword in his right hand and his left hand behind his back.

"Conceited fellow!"

After O'Neill finished speaking, he rushed towards Allen with a knife.

Twenty seconds later, O'Neill was kicked off the ring by Allen.

O'Neill's defeat made the faces of the students in the audience turn ugly.

Even O'Neill, a level 6 fighter, was easily defeated by this magic swordsman named Liuhuo. Are those strong men in the academy really his opponents?

After asking for a day off, the subscription is simply reduced to the cowhide wanting to cry.

Before asking for leave, after uploading at night, before and after 12 o'clock, there were 20 to 100 subscriptions, around 180 the next day, and over 200 on the third day.

Now, it is about 50 on the first day, 100 on the second day, and more than 140 on the third day, which is 50 less than before! As for the recommended ticket and monthly ticket, I won’t talk about it. I want to cry when I talk about it.

To be honest, with poor grades and no recommendation for several weeks in a row, Cowhide often has the idea of ​​whether to give up. However, thinking of the promise he had made to the book friends in the group that he would never be an eunuch or unfinished, and thinking of the unwavering support of many book friends, Niu Pi still had to grit his teeth and persevere. You don't have to worry about cowhide eunuchs or reducing the plot, absolutely not!

In any case, wait until the book is finished. If it turns out that Niu Pi is really not suitable to be a writer, then Niu Pi has no choice but to give up.

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