The Most Lord

Chapter 270 Cross Talk, Sketch, Drama

Chapter 270 Cross Talk, Sketch, Drama

The nine flame birds danced around Anthony for a while, each making a soft "bang", and all dissipated into the air.

Anthony exhaled a few breaths, his head and face were covered with fine sweat, and he was a little tired.

He is only a first-level magician, and it is still a bit reluctant for him to release nine flame birds at the same time.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped……

Allen stood up and applauded vigorously. Anthony's performance was wonderful.

After Allen stood up and applauded, Lacus and other heroes, the guards standing around, and everyone in the hall began to applaud in unison. Anthony's performance just now opened their eyes.

It turns out that magic can still be played like this!

Everyone looked at Anthony standing in the middle of the hall with amazement and admiration, and their applause was definitely from the heart.

Under the applause of the audience, Anthony bowed deeply to everyone in the hall, and his eyes were already moist. When he stood up straight, he was already in tears.

Although his strength is low and down, he has always been proud of his fire control skills, but this fire control skills have not been recognized by others.

He once visited some powerful magicians, but these magicians sneered at his fire control skills and dismissed them. In the eyes of magicians, strength is the foundation of a magician. No matter how good the fire control is, it is just some heresy stuff, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Today, however, his fire control skills have finally been recognized, and he can hear that the applause in the field is from the heart!

More importantly, among the recognized others, there is also the lord of Huaxia, Alan Senlan.

Today's Allen, no matter in terms of strength or influence, is already well-deserved the number one young generation of the Sun Kingdom. Even looking at the entire continent, I am afraid that only Prince Karl, the son of God of the Harilo Kingdom, can overwhelm him.

Being recognized by such a person and being recognized by ordinary people are completely different things.

The applause died down, Allen didn't speak immediately, but waited for Anthony to calm down gradually.

"My lord, I lost my temper." Anthony calmed down and said with a little shame.

Allen smiled softly: "Master Anthony doesn't have to be like this. Your unique skill is called a magic skill. With this superb fire control skill, you are already enough to be called a master."

"But can't Master Anthony transform other things besides the flame bird?" Allen asked.

"Yes," Anthony said, "As long as I have seen anything, or even something I can imagine, I can transform it. Of course, the size of the transformed thing should not be too large, and the magic power in my body is not enough for things that are too large support."

When Anthony said this, his expression was a little gloomy. The low level can be said to be his flaw.

Allen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, with Anthony's fire control skills, if he was strong enough, he would definitely be famous in the mainland, why did he become so miserable.

The same fire control skill, if displayed by a legendary magician, would be a divine skill, enough to arouse the worship of the entire continent. But if a low-level magician shows it, it's a show of strength, and it's not useful, just like what happened to Anthony.

Things in the world are amazing.

"Master Anthony doesn't need to be emotional, I believe that one day, your hand-controlled Vulcan skill will be recognized by the entire continent." Allen comforted, and then extended an invitation to Anthony, "I don't know if Master Anthony is willing to sit down and discuss with you." Shall I interview the people behind?"

"Of course I would," Anthony replied.

Allen asked the guards to arrange the next seat for Anthony, and began to interview the people behind.

After a whole day of interviews, apart from Anthony, Allen selected a total of 34 actors and a person with a skill. Of course, those 34 actors must pass the re-examination before they can officially participate in the performance.

The skill of the person with one skill is beast taming. When he came for the interview, he brought five ordinary beasts and two first-level monsters, one of which was a flying monster.

Under the command of the man, the five wild beasts and two monsters made various funny or thrilling actions, causing people to burst into laughter and exclamation.

This kind of stunt is simply too suitable for performance! Allen felt that if this person was smart enough, he could form a circus by himself and perform everywhere, and he would definitely be rich for a lifetime.

Allen made a decisive decision to keep him, and his performance can definitely become one of the most eye-catching programs in the New Year celebration performances.

The next day, Allen continued the interview. He left more than 30 people for the re-examination of actors, but he did not find anyone with special skills that could make him shine again.

After two days of interviews, Allen stopped interviewing, much to the disappointment of those who didn't make it.

Alan had no choice but to stop the interview. He also hoped to interview for a few more days. Maybe there will be an acting genius who will make him shine later, but time does not allow it. There are only a few days before the New Year, and after Allen has selected the actors, he has to let them rehearse. There is really not too long to choose the actors slowly.

After the interview, Allen conducted a second round of interviews with nearly 70 remaining actors, and finally left 21 people to participate in the subsequent performances. These twenty-one people may not be useful, and the reason why so many people are reserved is to prepare for emergencies.

The scripts of cross talk and skit Alan have already prepared. Alan chose two classic works from the skits and cross talk that he had seen in China before crossing. He probably wrote them down from memory, and then went through some otherworldly scripts. Deal with it to make the jokes more suitable for the residents of the different world.

Allen is not 100% sure whether skits and cross talk can be successful in this world and whether they will be accepted by the residents of this world, but it is not a big problem in my opinion, because these two forms of performance are based on attracting people's attention. Laughter is the main thing. Allen showed the script to Galen and other heroes, and they all burst into laughter, especially Lux, who almost laughed himself away.

The script can have this effect, as long as the performer's performance is not too bad, it is relatively easy to succeed.

In addition to sketches and cross talk, Allen also plans to move the drama to this world, but Allen has not yet decided on the theme of the drama.

Allen selected more than a dozen actors from the twenty-one actors, and gave them the scripts of sketches and cross talk, and asked them to rehearse by themselves first. After they rehearse a few times and become familiar with the script, Alan will guide them again.

Although Allen is neither a master of sketches nor a master of cross talk, since he moved these two forms of performance to this world, and has seen dozens of classic works before traveling, let me give some pointers to these residents of different worlds who know nothing about cross talk and sketches Still more than enough.

After arranging for the actors to start rehearsing, Allen found the official Brent who was in charge of the celebration performance again.

"Lord, are you looking for me?" Brent came to Allen and said respectfully.

"Brent, do you know any legends that are widely circulated among the people?" Allen asked.

Allen didn't intend to make up a new story by himself. He wanted to choose a story that was widely circulated in this world. In this way, drama, the performance form of meeting the residents of this world for the first time, could resonate with people and be a success in one fell swoop. .

If Alan writes a new story by himself, and the residents of this world can't understand it, it will be bad.

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