The Most Lord

Chapter 346 Capture the entire territory of the kingdom!

Chapter 346 Capture the entire territory of the kingdom!

Brady fell silent when he heard the words, struggling a little.

Allen strikes while the iron is hot: "Brady, I will give you one last chance. As long as you are willing to sign a master-servant contract, I promise that I will not treat you as a servant in the future. Think about your two enemies, think about hiding The hatred in your heart for thousands of years, are you really willing to die like this?"

"I'm not reconciled!" Brady said, "I agree to sign a master-servant contract with you! I'm not reconciled to die now, I haven't made those two guys pay the price yet!"

Allen laughed: "Wise choice! Now, you draw up a contract and sign it with Lei Yan."

"I'm here to draw up the contract?" Brady asked in surprise.

"That's right, you draw it up," Allen said.

Lei Yan also said: "Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, I know you have recovered some strength, you can stand up now."

Brady smiled awkwardly and struggled to stand up, but was still a little weak. After Brady stood firm, he waved his right hand, and a dark red contract appeared out of thin air. Brady signed his name on the contract, and then said to Alan and Lei Yan: "Okay, I have already signed my name on the servant column, you only need to sign your name on the other column to take effect."

"Qing, check the contract for me." Allen said in his mind.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Qing replied.

After a while, Qing smiled and said: "I knew it, this guy is really dishonest."

"Why, is there a problem with the contract?" Allen asked.

"There's nothing wrong with the contract. It's a standard master-servant contract," Qing said with a smile. "It's just that he signed his name on the column for the master and left the column for the servant. If Lei Yan signs his name, Tsk tsk..."

"My lords, sign quickly." Brady urged.

Allen smiled slightly: "Well, Brady, did you sign your name in the wrong place?"

Brady was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "No, absolutely not, I signed the servant's column." Brady denied it, thinking that Allen was lying to him.

Allen looked at Brady with a smile, without any movement.

"Well, Master Allen, do you understand the abyssal characters?" Brady asked cautiously.

Allen nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Brady smiled embarrassingly: "Let me check it again, ah, it was signed in the wrong place." Brady said, erased his name, and signed it in another column. At the same time, Brady looked a little disappointed, it seemed that he could only accept the fate of becoming a servant.

"It's okay this time, let Lei Yan sign it." Qing said.

Allen nodded: "Lei Yan, go and sign your name."

"Obey, my lord." Lei Yan stepped forward to sign his name, the contract took effect, and Brady officially became Lei Yan's servant.

Allen couldn't help laughing, and there was another god-level combat power in the territory, and it was a god with an unlimited range of activities. Since then, the mainland has no forces that can threaten the Huaxia Territory, including the Guardian of Light.

"Brady, my first order is that you must absolutely obey the Lord Lord's orders in the future. Even if my orders conflict with the Lord Lord's orders, you must obey the Lord Lord's orders first, understand?" Lei Yan To Brady.

Brady nodded respectfully: "Of order, my master!"

"Brady, can you shrink your size and change your appearance?" Allen asked, "You look so conspicuous."

Brady shook his head: "I'm sorry, my lord, I can't do it. There is indeed such a method in the abyss, but I haven't mastered it."

Qing's voice sounded in Alan's mind again: "I have a method like this here. I will teach it to you now, and you can teach it to him."

"If you do this, won't you violate the operating rules of the system?" Allen asked.

"Of course not. I just dictated a practice to you, not directly giving you the real thing."

Allen was overjoyed: "Then do you have any secret skills and exercises suitable for me, and teach me a few!"

"Don't even think about it," Qing said, "the system has another rule, that is, the method I dictate must be completely useless to the host himself."

"Then you teach it to me. If I don't practice, can I let others practice?" Allen still refused to give up.

"No, whether you use it or not, it must be useless to you."

"Okay, tell me how the abyssal demon transforms." Allen said.

After a while, Allen said to Brady: "Brady, I have a method of changing the abyss demon here, and I will teach it to you now."

"Ah, my lord, do you have such a method?" Brady asked in surprise, "This method is very precious even in the abyss. Many god-level abyssal demons, including me, have no chance to practice it."

Allen smiled lightly: "If it's true or not, you'll know it after practicing."

About an hour later, Brady's size gradually shrank, and his appearance began to change. Both horns and wings were absorbed into his body, and he became a strong man over two meters tall.

"Lord, this method is really effective!" Brady grinned. At the same time, the image of Allen in his heart became mysterious.

As he said, this method is extremely precious in the abyss, how did the lord get it? Brady doesn't believe in chance and coincidence.

After solving Brady's problem, Allen let the army rest in the capital for a few days, and then began to attack the city. His goal was to capture the entire Sun Kingdom.

The capital of the kingdom has fallen, and the royal family has also been destroyed, so the city lords of the remaining major cities have little desire to resist, and the Huaxia leaders surrendered one after another when they arrived.

What if you don't surrender? The Kingdom has mobilized troops from major cities to resist the Huaxia Army several times, and now there are no soldiers to fight in the major cities, and resistance is futile. Among the city lords who surrendered, one was an acquaintance of Allen, the original lord of the city of Nice, Benedict.

After the Huaxia army attacked the city of Rota, Benedict immediately ordered to surrender to the Huaxia leader. It was Galen who led the army to attack Rota City, and he was an acquaintance with the Benedict family, so Galen didn't make things difficult for the Benedict family, but asked Allen for instructions on how to deal with it.

After Allen received Galen's message, he came to Rota City directly through the teleportation function.

In the Santo's Mansion, Allen received Santo Benedict, the third young master Clayte, and the butler Rogers.

"Benedict, Crater, Rogers, I have met Mrs. Alan!" The three of them saluted respectfully when they saw Alan. Today's Allen is different from before. Now Allen is the actual controller of the entire Lieyang Kingdom, and he will soon change his dynasty.

Allen smiled lightly: "You don't need to be too polite, you are already acquaintances, please sit down."

The three thanked Alan and took their seats. Benedict sighed: "It was the first time I saw Lord Alan. He was still a small lord in our city of Nice. At that time, I thought that Lord Alan must be extraordinary." Unexpectedly, it has developed to the present state in just a few years, it is really admirable!"

Benedict picked good things to say, and flattered Alan to his heart's content.

Allen smiled lightly: "Our Huaxia leader overthrew the rule of the Lieyang Kingdom. I don't know what the Lord Benedict thinks?"

"Well done!" Benedict said immediately, "After I read the article "Ten Deadly Sins of the Kingdom" published by the Huaxia leader, I realized that the royal family of the king has committed so many crimes that are beyond conscience. Heinous! At the beginning, I wanted to respond to Lord Alan and overthrow the rule of the royal family! However, I just took over Rota City not long ago, and I haven’t fully mastered Rota City.

Allen stayed in Rota City for more than an hour, discussed with Lord Benedict and others, and then left Rota City. However, when Allen left, he announced that Benedict would continue to be the lord of Rota City. This change of dynasty in the kingdom did not bring any loss to Benedict and the Farwin family to which he belonged.

At the beginning of September, the Huaxia leader finally captured the entire territory of the Lieyang Kingdom, including the thirty-one big cities including the capital, all of which belonged to the Huaxia leader. Coupled with the emerging big city Huaxia City and the Tianmu City in the sky, the Huaxia Territory already has thirty-three big cities.

After conquering the entire territory of the Lieyang Kingdom, Allen began to plan to establish the country and become king.

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