10. Build camps and expand manpower

“Boss, three more pirate forces have sent people to contact us today.

They looked at our weapons and listened to our offers.

They were very satisfied with our weapons and offer.

They said they would come and trade with us in two days. ”

In a camp, Hei Da reported to Li Rui.

Li Rui spent money to charter a camp and used it as a stronghold.

At this time, Hei Dazheng reported to Li Rui.


Li Rui nodded.

However, Li Rui immediately said: “Hei Da, you have to arrange it here in our stronghold, I am worried that someone will make trouble.” ”

Li Rui is worried that the news that he is selling arms here will soon leak out.

At that time, someone will come looking for trouble.

There are many people who will come to find trouble, and some pirate leaders who have no money may take risks and come to attack Li Rui’s stronghold and grab weapons.

It is also highly likely.

Also, other international arms dealers saw Li Rui suddenly appearing, coming to grab their business.

They may also send people to sabotage.

Therefore, Li Rui’s side must plan ahead.

“Boss, then should I recall the cyborgs outside?”

Kuroda asked.

At this time, the other ten junior biochemical people were all running business outside.

On this side of this stronghold, there are only two people, Li Rui and Hei Da.

“No need, I’ll summon another batch of junior cyborgs.”

Li Rui waved his hand and didn’t let Hei Da recall those biochemical people.

Then, Li Rui converted all the last million funds in his hand into points, and then exchanged ten junior biochemical people.

At this time, Li Rui’s funds ran out.

Fortunately, he unlocked a lot of light weapons at this time, only steel was needed to make them, and he also had a lot of reserves.

No funds are needed for the time being.

“I still need to make more money, I need more cyborgs, and I need to unlock more weapons manufacturing permissions.”

Li Rui said in a low voice.

Hei Da is paired with ten junior biochemical people, which are used temporarily.

When Li Rui’s side traded with those pirates again, with more funds, Li Rui continued to create more cyborgs.

Two days later, the pirates finally came to trade with Li Rui.

On this day, a total of three pirate forces came, and three batches of weapons were purchased, worth five million ugly yuan.

At this moment, Li Rui is rich.

Immediately, Li Rui and Heida took the Ghost again and went to the Sand Country, so that the biochemical people who remained there could deposit the five million ugly yuan in the bank.

Even, Li Rui specially checked his bank account and found that the funds in it were gone.

It turned out that the system deducted his funds, it was really deducted!

But soon, with these five million ugly yuan deposited in the international bank, the funds in Li Rui’s system directly soared to more than five million.


Then, Li Rui re-boarded the Ghost with Heida and returned to the stronghold on the Crimson Continent.

Then, Li Rui directly exchanged all five million into points, and then spent one million points first to exchange for an intermediate biochemical person.

Spent another two million points and exchanged it for twenty junior biochemical people.

In this way, in Li Rui’s stronghold, there was an intermediate biochemical person, with thirty junior biochemical people.

Then, Li Rui equipped them with weapons, surrounded by checkpoints, watchtowers, and walls, which seemed to be a small military camp.

“Well, this finally smells like an arms dealer camp.”

I’m now a human horse, no longer alone. ”

Li Rui looked at the strong biochemical team under his command, as well as this perfect military camp, and smiled with satisfaction.

In the following days, because Li Rui sold weapons to those pirate leaders, they also killed their enemies and started the hegemony mode.

Subsequently, the secret of their rise was quickly disseminated.

It was because they bought cheap weapons from Li Rui.

At this time, after more pirates knew this, they sent people to contact Li Rui’s side, and also purchased weapons from Li Rui’s side.

In just one week, Li Rui’s side sold weapons and equipment worth tens of millions of ugly yuan.

This directly made Li Rui’s remaining more than two tons of steel basically run out.

Immediately, Li Rui created a batch of biochemical people and sent them to the Saudi side to buy scrap steel.

As for the Qizhou side, Li Rui naturally did not expect to be able to buy scrap steel.

At the same time, the funds in Li Rui’s system also exceeded 10 million.

Then, Li Rui exchanged five million points to unlock more weapons and equipment manufacturing rights.

For example, artillery guns, field guns, these guns.

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