17 Set up ‘Ghost’ to be a big customer

“I can’t make a fuss now, it’s time to set up an arms company.”

At this time, Li Rui also began to think about this problem.

Previously, the reason why Li Rui did not establish an arms company was to start a low-key development.

Now, Li Rui has earned his first pot of gold, and at the same time, those international arms dealers have also noticed him and even taken the initiative to attack him.

Since this is the case, there is no need for Li Rui to keep a low profile.

Li Rui wants to set up an arms company to grab business with those international arms traffickers.

“Since my base is called ‘Ghost’, then my arms company is also called ‘Ghost’.

In addition, I am designing a logo and waiting for my arms company to make a name for itself.

These are all used. ”

Immediately, Li Rui asked his biochemical people to register an offshore company in the archipelago country.

In this way, if others want to check the origin of Li Rui’s company, they basically can’t find out.

Anyway, Li Rui just wants a company name, and he doesn’t need anything else.

What factories, workers, transport fleets, fleets, he does not need.

“System, can the weapons manufactured in the future be printed with our company’s emblem!”

Li Rui asked the system.

The recovery of the system is possible, but it costs an additional 100 points.

“No problem, just a hundred points.”

Li Rui readily agreed.

Li Rui’s ghost arms company’s emblem is also a ghost.

Then, Li Rui used the remaining funds in his hand to buy a scrapped repair shop on the Saudi side.

The area is very large, which is just right for Li Rui to use this place as a camp.

It’s just that the order here in the Saudi country is much better than on the Somali side.

Li Rui naturally couldn’t be upright, and to build such a military camp, he could only come in secret.

This is also the common way for other international arms dealers.

Immediately, those biochemical people under Li Rui worked separately according to Li Rui’s orders.

There are those who go out to find customers and learn about the international arms situation.

There are camps built here.

“Boss, there’s news.”

Two days later, Heida suddenly found Li Rui.

“What news?”

“One of our salesmen, who came into contact with a person yesterday, seemed to have the idea of buying arms.

However, this guy is sneaky and doesn’t seem to want others to know.

He also did not have contact with the international arms dealers, but knew that we were a new arms company.

But quietly contacted us, they wanted to buy a batch of weapons.

Light and heavy weapons. ”

Hei Da introduced to Li Rui.

“Okay, of course!”

Li Rui is also very happy, he has been here in the country for almost a week, and he is finally about to open.

“Boss, I’m worried about their origins, if I don’t check them carefully.”

“No need.”

Li Rui waved his hand directly.

“Heida, you remember, our company’s purpose is: customers give money, we sell weapons.

As for the customers, who they are, what they buy weapons for, we don’t care about all this.

And don’t check, who they love whom, as long as it is not bought to hit us, then it doesn’t matter. ”

Li Rui said directly to Hei Da.

Hei Da nodded: “Understood.” ”

Half a day later, Hei Da brought in a middle-aged man.

“Go, take you to see our stuff!”

Li Rui directly took this person to see the weapon.

I didn’t care at all, Li Rui didn’t plan to ask about the origin of this middle-aged man.

It’s still troublesome to ask.

After all, this kind of guy who secretly buys arms in private often has no obvious identity.

Just give the money.


This middle-aged man didn’t expect Li Rui to be so happy.

Soon, Li Rui took this middle-aged man to a warehouse with various weapons placed inside.

From pistols and rifles to rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, field guns, and helicopters.

“Tell me, your request?”

Li Rui asked.

“We need a lot of small arms, but we also need a few heavy firepower, such as rocket artillery and the like.”

The middle-aged man said.

Shout, is it really a big customer?

Li Rui suddenly became interested.

“Hei Da, you introduce him.”

Li Rui gestured to Hei Da to introduce it.

“Good. Among the small arms, on the rifle side we have AK, M16, AUG and so on.

In heavy firepower, this is a rocket artillery, which is an SR-5 rocket artillery produced by Julong China, with excellent performance, computer digitalization, and accurate strikes.

At the same time, rockets of 122 mm and 220 mm caliber can be fired at a range of up to 70 km.

And this self-propelled gun …”

Hei Da immediately began, introducing to this middle-aged man the various light and heavy weapons that Li Rui could sell at this time.

At this time, Li Ruidu had already unlocked the weapons that could be made to rocket artillery and self-propelled artillery.

This type of heavy weapons is enough to serve as the main weapon and equipment of their armies in some small third- or fourth-rate countries in the world.

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