53. Li Rui wants to press himself to win

And at this time, Li Rui naturally saw this announcement issued by this ‘Eight Alliance’.

“Hey, these eight old things, play this with me!”

After Li Rui saw it, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Boss, the other party is seeing our submarine, which can have ultra-long-range endurance.

Even if they mobilized warships to go over, it would be difficult to find us.

That’s why they came up with this idea.

These want to lead us into the net, he knows the boss your current situation, will definitely go.

This is Yang Mou! ”

Hei Da is also a smart person, and at this time, it can be seen at a glance that the announcement of this ‘Eight Alliances’ has bad intentions.

“Yes, these eight old things are really human spirits, and they know what I urgently need now.

They now put themselves in the ring and told me to go over and fight.

If I don’t go, it will be equivalent to admitting it, and it will be more difficult to enter this industry in the future.

In this line, the requirements for strength are still very high.

Without strength, no one dares to do business with you.

Now, I do want to overturn these eight arms dealers and step on their corpses.

These eight old things directly saw through my mind, and simply laid down such a yang scheme.

In this way, they can also search the world’s oceans for us without the warships they mobilize.

Just guard their fleet and wait for us to pass. ”

Li Rui also couldn’t help but sigh, these old immortals, one by one, are really human spirits, worthy of the old things who have lived for so many years.

Seeing through people’s hearts, rich experience, and laying down Yang Mou, Li Rui did not refuse.

“Boss, shall we go over now?”

Hei Da asked directly to Li Rui.

Hei Dai didn’t ask if Li Rui wanted to go back.

Because Hei Da knew very well that if Li Rui wanted to completely enter this industry, he had to overturn these eight alliance arms dealers and get an admission ticket.

In this way, this time Li Rui has no other choice and will definitely go back.

This is also in line with Li Rui’s temperament.

“Well, let’s go now, there is no more business for us on this side of the Pacific.”

Li Rui nodded and said.

Because the fleet sent by these eight allied arms dealers was from their home side, across the Atlantic, to the South American side

Therefore, Li Rui wants to rush from this side of the Pacific Ocean to the other side of the Atlantic.

Anyway, for Li Rui, it was the same to deal with them in that ocean.

After all, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine is Li Rui’s base, and fighting in that ocean is all the same.

Li Rui’s ultra-stealth attack nuclear submarine, unlike other submarines, also needs a base for resupply.

Li Rui’s nuclear submarine was originally a base, and the system that Li Rui carried with him was the best supply station.

Therefore, Li Rui can fight around the clock anytime, anywhere.

It is precisely because of his nuclear submarine that Li Rui has the confidence to compete with these world-class arms dealers.

Even these world-class arms dealers have huge energy and hands and eyes.

They can mobilize the warships of their countries to deal with Li Rui, but Li Rui is still not afraid.

When Hei Da commanded the nuclear submarine and went to the Atlantic Ocean, Li Rui also looked at the cyborgs on the shore and gave him various news on the shore.

“Huh? And this kind of thing? ”

After Li Rui saw a news, he couldn’t help but laugh.

It turned out that this news said that the confrontation between Li Rui and the eight alliance arms dealers on the arms dealer side attracted a lot of attention.

At this time, many bigwigs in the underground market have opened their own markets, allowing people to bet on the outcome of the struggle between Li Rui and the eight allied arms dealers.

“Good fellow, the odds I don’t dare to go to are actually one to three, so high?

It’s all voted by those guys, which is too underestimating me.

To say that I dare not go is a waste of money. ”

Li Rui looked at the news, shook his head and said.

“Hehe, vote for me, but the odds that were destroyed are now one to fifteen.”

What are you people thinking, am I so weak? ”

Li Rui looked at it, the number of people who voted for him would be killed was so large, and the odds were so high, it was also very unpleasant.

“You fools, all the money you invested has been lost.”

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Li Rui’s mind, making his face ecstatic.

“I can also make people bet, I can win by myself!

With odds of one to fifteen, wouldn’t I have made a fortune. ”

Li Rui’s eyes lit up at this time, and he said excitedly.

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