The 71 captains began to throw the pot

“Damn, what’s going on?”

At this moment, even the captains on the side of those warships were all stunned.

They also did not expect such a situation.

The torpedoes they fired, obviously going to the submarine, how could they hit the freighters of the eight alliances.

“Captain, the submarine has lost its track again, it cannot be found.”

Immediately, the captains of these five warships suddenly realized after receiving the report of their sonarists.

This can explain why the torpedoes fired by their warships did not hit the submarine.

But it hit the freighters of the eight alliances on the water.

However, it immediately made the captains of these warships feel cold behind their backs.

Because Li Rui’s ability to be stealthy at any time and appear at any time is simply too scary.

They have never encountered such a weird submarine before.

Fortunately, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine has never attacked them.

Otherwise, the captains of these warships seriously suspected that their warships had been sunk at this time.

“Fuck, we were deceived by the people from the eight allied arms dealers.

Didn’t they say that this time we are dealing with a private submarine or an old submarine?

It’s just a fart, have you ever seen such a terrible, ghostly private submarine or old submarine?

The eight allied arms dealers must have lied to us.

They let us deal with this time, this submarine does not know what it is from.

Anyway, it definitely can’t be some private submarine or old submarine, we were deceived. ”

At this time, the captain of the ‘Mistral-class’ frigate of the Italian guy said to the other captains like this, very angry.

He thinks his guess is correct, and that’s probably the case.

They were deceived and exploited by eight allied arms dealers.

At the same time, he was still afraid for a while in his heart.

I was really shocked by the Ghost nuclear submarine on Li Rui’s side, and these several tumultuous operations.

Now, this Italian captain no longer wants to stay here, he wants to leave here, and he doesn’t want to meet Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine again.

It’s like a martial arts man facing an assassin who comes and goes without a trace.

A fool hopes that he has been fighting this kind of assassin, because he thinks he has lived too long!

As they said, the task they carried out this time was not a critical task in the first place.

It is just to work for these arms dealers, and the captains of these warships are already somewhat resistant to this kind of task.

If not, they would have to obey due to the orders of their superiors.

They don’t come to carry out such a task.

“yes, I want to say that too, we must have been deceived.

The eight allied arms dealers hid important news from us.

They are responsible for all this, and we must report this matter to our superiors. ”

As soon as the Italian captain’s words were finished, the captain on the British’s side immediately echoed.

Because now things are getting bigger, the torpedoes they fired actually hit these freighters.

If this gets out, it will be a joke.

Moreover, in this situation, they really do not want to fight with this ghostly submarine anymore.

It’s scary!

So, at this time, they have to throw the pot!

Throwing the pot on the heads of the eight alliance arms dealers, they all blamed them for deceiving themselves and concealing important information about Li Rui’s submarine.

This is why the current situation is not much of a problem with the capabilities of their own warships.

Anyway, the captains of the five warships of these four countries were even terrified in their hearts, and then they were terrified of Li Rui’s ghostly haunting ability.

But in words, they will definitely not admit it.

Otherwise, it would be a real shame, and not their own face, but the face of their fleet and even their navy.

If this is the case, they will definitely not be better off when they go back.

So, by this time, the captains of these five warships were surprisingly unanimous.

It’s all this kind of thinking.

Throw the pot on the bodies of the eight allied arms dealers, they can’t carry this black pot anyway.

“Gentlemen, now we need to report this situation to our superiors immediately.

Let our superiors contact the eight allied arms dealers and let them give us an explanation. ”

The captain of the ‘Horizon-class’ guided-missile destroyer on the Gallic side also said righteously at this time.

“Yes, I agree.

Then let’s report to the superiors. ”

Then, a very funny scene appeared.

These five warships were not in a hurry to find, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine, anyway, they also tried, but they could not find it at all.

They are now in a hurry, make a small report to their superiors, and dump the pot to the eight allied arms dealers.

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