8. Mass manufacturing of biochemical people

Two days later, Heida drove a pickup truck, pulled this batch of arms, and once again came to the pirate’s camp.

This time, Li Rui did not come.

Hei Da came over to trade, and Li Rui was worried that if this group of pirates did not keep their promises, he would not be safe.

So, let Heida come and trade by himself.

Li Ruiquancheng can monitor in the nuclear submarine.

If this group of pirates dared to take the opportunity to rob them, Li Rui would not mind letting Hei destroy them.

Fortunately, things didn’t go that way.

This pirate leader also knows that these arms dealers are not easy to mess with, and they have to trade well with these arms dealers and cannot rob them.

In the past, there were also pirates who were robbing these arms dealers of weapons.

As a result, it didn’t take long for the pirate leader to be killed by a group of mercenaries into the camp.

With the lessons of the past, no pirate dares to grab the weapons of these arms traffickers casually.

You can only trade, each takes what you need, and everyone is happy.

“The weapons were delivered, the deal was completed.

This is our boss’s contact information, feel free to contact him next time if you need a weapon. ”

After the black master delivers the weapons, he throws the funds prepared by the pirates in advance onto the pickup truck.

Throw the pirate leader another business card and prepare to leave.

“The black transaction is completed and the money is in hand, but why hasn’t my funds increased?”

At this time, I found that the funds of my data panel had not changed.

Immediately, Li Rui asked the system.

I realized that the original system did not recognize these real banknotes.

Only if Li Rui deposits the money in the bank, or preferably in exchange for gold and silver, the system will enter the assets.

“So that’s it!”

Li Rui understood.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, continue to expand the scale of the business, progress is fast.

In order to facilitate the host, continue to expand the business scale to meet the development needs of the host.

The host is now rewarded with the ‘Biochemical Manufacturing’ function. 】

At this time, Li Rui’s data panel became.

Host: Li Rui, 21 years old

Funding: 650,000

Points: 08,000

Weapons manufacturing center: AK rifles, grenades, bazookas, light machine guns ….

Arsenal: 150,000 rounds of bullets, 100 grenades …

System function: biochemical manufacturing, metal recycling (primary).

Metal material: steel 2.7 tons

Armed forces: a super-stealthy attack nuclear submarine (base).


Li Rui was also very satisfied when he saw that his system function had an additional ‘biochemical manufacturing’.

Biochemical human manufacturing, as the name suggests, is to directly use the points to let the system make biochemical people like Hei Da.

Li Rui immediately clicked on it and took a look.

It was found that in this biochemical human manufacturing, biochemical people are divided into many levels.

The most junior biochemical person only needs 100,000 points to make.

However, they only have the IQ of a normal person, the force of a normal person.

Intermediate cyborgs need one million points to be crafted.

Their IQ is slightly higher, and they are also more experienced, and their strength is similar to that of people who practice martial arts.

Advanced cyborgs require 10 million points to craft.

They have the IQ of Xueba, and their strength is comparable to that of special forces.

A top cyborg, it takes 100 million points to make.

Such a biochemical person not only has a super IQ, but even his strength belongs to the level of a soldier king.

What Li Rui can manufacture is these four levels of biochemical people.

As for Hei Da, he did not belong to any of them, he was a more advanced biochemical person.

It’s just that this kind of biochemical person can only be obtained by Li Rui from the lottery rewarded by the system, which is relatively rare.

But there are these four levels of biochemical people, after Li Rui manufactures them on a large scale, they are enough for him to use.

“Let’s make a few primary biochemical people first.

The system is quite intimate, and I really need more subordinates to expand my business below. ”

Immediately, Li Rui exchanged 500,000 funds for points.

Then, five primary cyborgs were created.

Half a day later, Kuroda returned with a large sum of cash.

“Go, go to the nearby sand country.”

Li Rui immediately asked Hei Da to control the ‘Ghost’ and go to the side of the Sand Country.

He was going to exchange this ugly dollar there for gold or put it in a bank.

In this way, the funds within his system will increase.

Anyway, the Phantom is fast, and the Sand Country is not far from here, and they can arrive in half a day.

In half a day, the Ghost arrived in the waters of Saudi Arabia, and did not need to float and would not be detected.

Then, Li Rui asked two junior biochemical people to go ashore with this batch of cash.

Soon, these two junior biochemical people deposited this cash in an international bank.

Li Rui’s funds skyrocketed to nearly two million in an instant.

“Haha, if you have money, there is no shortage of points.”

Li Rui laughed.

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