81 Get huge compensation and go crazy to unlock weapons

Ten days later, Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine was still wandering on this side of the Pacific Ocean.

Toot toot!

Suddenly, Li Rui’s side once again received a video link from the side of the eight alliance arms dealers.

“Hehe, finally here, I know that you will definitely not last long.

Sooner or later, you will bow your head, and if you don’t bow your head again this time, I will give you a surname. ”

Before Li Rui connected the video, he said with a sneer.

It’s so confident.

Immediately, Li Rui put on his ghost mask and connected the video.

Then, Li Rui saw that eight middle-aged white men appeared on the opposite side, no longer the eight old guys before.

“Shout, changed?”

Li Rui chuckled and said.

“Mr. Li, we are the new president of the company, and the former president has made the wrong strategy for you and your company because of the irrational operation of the company.

They have been voted to remove them by our shareholders.

From now on, eight of us are the new presidents and will negotiate with you on behalf of our company. ”

A middle-aged white man at the head said to Li Rui.

“Those eight old things were removed by you.

Hehe! ”

Li Rui sneered after hearing this, he didn’t believe these people’s nonsense.

According to Li Rui’s conjecture, it must be those eight old guys, one by one too stubborn.

Resolutely unwilling to bow down to Li Rui and surrender, they can’t save this face, so they can only push behind the scenes and push these young people to the front of the stage.

It must be so!

And the actual situation is indeed similar to what Li Rui guessed.

Those eight old presidents just refused to want Li Rui to bow his head, after all, they were so old and arrogant all their lives, how could they be willing to bow their heads to a young man when they were old.

However, their company is not the final say of these eight people, and they are not even major shareholders.

They are so stubborn that the company suffers losses every day, and in the end, their shareholders are really unwilling.

He took the lead in holding a general meeting of shareholders and removed these eight old presidents.

Then change people and renegotiate with Li Rui’s side.

The only purpose is to reach a settlement with Li Rui’s side as soon as possible, so that Li Rui’s Ghost nuclear submarine can stop attacking their ships.

Restore their global business.

However, Li Rui was too lazy to calculate with them.

“Well, you little tricks, you thought you could hide it from me.

Too lazy to calculate with you, those old things are stubborn one by one, and Lao Tzu is too lazy to see them.

Now, since you say that you are the new president, you can represent your company.

That’s fine.

As for what negotiations, there is never a thing.

Now, it is you who need to surrender to me, and apologize to make up for the loss of our company during this time.

It’s that simple.

As for negotiations, that does not exist. ”

Then, Li Rui said very strongly to the eight newly appointed presidents of these eight alliances.

Now, Li Rui has completely controlled the initiative, at this time, no longer strong, then when is it strong.

Besides, after this time, Li Rui can be regarded as understanding a truth.

To deal with these arms dealers, they are ruthless, and you have to be more ruthless than him, so that he will obey you and be afraid of you.

In the arms industry, only the wicked and ruthless can eat well.

Humble gentleman, don’t come to make fun.

Therefore, at this time, Li Rui’s external performance is ruthless, strong, and domineering.

“President Li, the wrong strategy of our eight companies during this period of time has caused you huge losses.

We apologize, so on behalf of our company, I apologize to you.

Later, we will also publicly issue an apology statement on the official website. ”

A middle-aged man headed by the president on the opposite side lowered his attitude at this time and said this to Li Rui.

Moreover, these new presidents of these eight alliance arms dealers also collectively bowed to Li Rui and apologized, and their attitude was very humble.

This made Li Rui very satisfied.

“Well, a different group of people, really know the time more often.

It’s not like the eight old stubborns before. Very good. ”

Li Rui was very satisfied when he saw the other party admit defeat and apologize like this.

“Well, your apology, I accept.

Next, you just need to transfer the compensation to my account, and we will complete the settlement this time.

The amount of compensation, last time you old presidents, have already said.

I won’t repeat it. ”

Li Rui said lightly.

“President Li, this compensation amount…”

The eight new presidents on the opposite side also want to argue again, hoping to let Li Rui reduce the amount of compensation.

At the same time, the eight of them also cursed the old president before them in their hearts.

The amount of compensation demanded by Li Rui at this time was exactly the amount that the eight old presidents asked Li Rui to compensate last time.

At that time, they were all lions with their mouths wide open and desperately wanted.

Well, now it’s up to themselves.

“This is what your eight old presidents said at the beginning, do you want to regret it?

Then let’s keep going! ”

Saying that, Li Rui was about to hang up the video.

“No, no, no, Mr. Li, we accept, we accept!”

The eight new presidents gritted their teeth and agreed.

No way, the initiative is completely in Li Rui’s hands at this time, and they have no bargaining power at all.

“Well, in twelve hours, I’m going to see you make a public apology and an announcement welcoming our Ghost Arms Company to the bandwagon.

Also, your compensation needs to be in place.

Otherwise, I will see you break the covenant, then we will continue to work!” ”

After speaking, Li Rui directly hung up the video.


“It’s too much to deceive, it’s me off!”

As soon as the video on Li Rui’s side was hanged, on the opposite side of the eight presidents, someone couldn’t help it and dropped the cup.

Fortunately, these middle-aged men would endure more than those eight old things after all, and they would not show it in front of Li Rui.

“Good, good, this ghost arms company, I remember you.

This time, we lost.

Come to Japan, we’ll see later.

Do you really think that if you enter this industry, you will be able to make money? Easy to think. ”

Someone said with a sneer.

Soon, an hour later, the eight coalition arms companies issued a unified announcement on their respective official websites.

Above is their apology to Li Rui Ghost Arms Company and welcoming the establishment of Li Rui Ghost Arms Company.

After this announcement of the eight alliance arms companies was issued, a small earthquake suddenly occurred in the world arms community.

“God, eight alliance arms companies, this was turned over by this ‘ghost’?

Otherwise, with their temperament, how could they apologize! ”

“Do you still need to say this, it must be so!

This ghost arms company, is really a dragon, eight alliance arms companies combined, such a strong strength, have been turned over?

What an unexpected! ”

“Haha, how many years have passed, this line has finally been joined by new forces, which is rare.”

“It’s a pleasure to see the eight coalition arms companies depleted.”

“If anyone knows the inside story, hurry up and let us listen to it.”

The story inside must be very exciting! ”

For a while, the international arms market was all discussing this matter, and it was not lively.

At this time, Li Rui looked at the extra two billion ugly yuan in his bank account, and he was very happy.

“Haha, this time I really got rich.

Two billion ah, really extortion and blackmail these arms dealers, more profitable than selling arms! ”

Li Rui couldn’t help but laugh and said.

The eight allied arms dealers added up to compensating Li Rui with a total of two billion ugly yuan.

Li Rui sold arms some time ago, and he earned less than 200 million in total.

And now, he has overturned eight allied arms dealers and directly asked the other party to compensate two billion.

“At this time, you finally have points, and you can unlock more weapons manufacturing permissions.”

Planes, tanks, warships, this time it should be fine! ”

Li Rui thought excitedly, then opened the system interface, exchanged these funds for points, and began to unlock weapon manufacturing permissions on a large scale.

“Army equipment, M2 infantry fighting vehicle, eight million points? Unlock.

Cougar infantry fighting vehicle, 8.2 million points? Unlock.

‘Leopard’ IIA6 tank, 100 million points, not expensive, unlocked.

Type 99 tank, 100 million points? Unlock!

‘Challenger’ main battle tank, 95 million points? Also unlocked.


Li Rui was the happiest at this time.

He looked at the weapons and equipment that could be unlocked, and kept unlocking.

Soon, a whole bunch of army equipment was unlocked.

Unlocking these tanks, tanks and whatnot, with the points in Li Rui’s hand at this time, it can still be done.

“Damn, it takes three billion points to unlock an ICBM.

Damn, can’t be solved, can’t be solved, bother. ”

Gradually, Li Rui floated, and unexpectedly saw the back, wanting to unlock those intercontinental missiles,

Then, after seeing the high unlock points above, I was directly scared back.

“Forget it, don’t unlock this intercontinental missile for the time being, now that it’s unlocked, it is estimated that no one will dare to buy it.”

I still unlock these tank armored vehicles, which are more practical.

It just so happens that my Ghost Arms Company is going to do business in the bright light.

At that time, exactly with these tank armored vehicles, first open the market.

When the later business is bigger, someone may come to me to buy more advanced arms.

At that time, I should also accumulate funds, and after exchanging them for points, it will be enough to unlock these intercontinental missiles, ballistic missiles.

It’s all a small meaning, sooner or later. ”

Li Rui is still quite confident in himself.

Immediately, Li Rui’s side spent seven or eight billion points to unlock a large number of army weapons and equipment manufacturing authority.

The lowest-end army weapons and equipment, at this time, Li Rui’s side can make the system manufactured.

Mid-range, such as tank armored vehicles or something, Li Rui also selected the most famous models in the world and unlocked them.

Other backward and not famous, Li Rui did not unlock it, wasting points.

“Army equipment unlocks these, which is enough for the time being.

I have to unlock some plane-building privileges.

After my Ghost Arms Company, we can not only sell army equipment, but also aircraft.

Our ghost arms company will turn over the ‘silver wave’ and step on the ‘Thor’ in the future.

These world-class arms companies sell everything, how can we be worse than them. ”

Li Rui said with a smile, ambitious!

Then, Li Rui rowed to the interface on the side of the aircraft, ready to find a batch of aircraft to unlock the manufacturing permission.

“Air Force fighters can only unlock third-generation aircraft.

It’s all so expensive, it’s hundreds of millions of points to unlock ah.

Then find a few third-generation machines to unlock first. ”

Li Rui looked at it and found that the points required to unlock the fighter were very high.

Li Rui only looks at the third-generation aircraft for the time being, and below the third-generation aircraft, Li Rui is too lazy to look at it.

That kind of backward flight, even if it is unlocked and manufactured, no one will buy it!

As for the fourth-generation aircraft above the third-generation aircraft, Li Rui did not look at it.

That’s too high-end, don’t look at it, Li Rui also knows, can’t unlock it temporarily.

Even these third-generation machines, many of which need more than a billion points to unlock, are really expensive.

Soon, Li Rui found many third-generation aircraft.

For example, the F16C/D Eagle Falcon, Mirage 2000, Tornado fighter, Hornet, MiG-29, Su-27, Su-30, etc., these are all third-generation aircraft.

However, unlocking them is expensive.

Li Rui then found that the two billion ugly yuan in his hand, the points exchanged for it, were simply not enough!

For example, unlocking the MiG-29 requires 500 million points.

Unlocking a Phantom 2000 also requires 700 million points.

In fact, this is already very cheap.

Because, this is equivalent to Li Rui spending 500 million points, that is, 500 million ugly yuan, to obtain the permanent manufacturing qualification of a good third-generation machine such as MiG-29.

Later, Li Rui only needs to get all the materials to let the system manufacture these fighters.

It’s a pity that who let Li Rui at this time, is still too poor!

Two billion funds, in front of Li Rui’s huge arsenal, it is still not enough to look at!

“Damn, there are so many good things.

Don’t say that I have two billion points now, even if it is two billion.

I feel like I can run out more in a while! ”

Li Rui couldn’t help but complain,

In the end, Li Rui still chose two third-generation aircraft, one is the MiG-29.

This third-generation machine, Li Rui knows, is very popular in many countries around the world.

Especially those who prefer hairy bear weapons like this fighter.

Li Rui believes that if it is manufactured, it should not be sold.

Another fighter, Li Rui chose to unlock F16, which requires 900 million to unlock, which is a very expensive third-generation aircraft.

Li Rui chose to unlock F16, naturally there is a reason.

This is also a very good third-generation aircraft, but because it comes from the clown country.

Therefore, most of Guo Jia, who is more equipped with Western weapons and equipment, will definitely be willing to buy this advanced third-generation aircraft.

As for the other third-generation machines, Li Rui did not unlock them for the time being, because there were not enough points.

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