99 defrauded the bounty, and the fleets of various countries assembled

Three days passed quickly.

During this period, these 66 arms companies united to attack Li Rui’s ghost arms company.

It has long been in the circle of arms and has been quietly spreading.

This directly frightened the guys who wanted to purchase arms from Li Rui’s Ghost Arms Company, all of whom gave up this idea.

Even the leaders of the nine underground arms dealers all silently cut off their ties with Li Rui’s side.

He never procured any arms from Li Rui again.

And Li Rui also expected this situation, so that’s right!

In the past three days, Li Rui’s ghost arms company was distributed in five major branches in the world, and these biochemical people were all lurking.


When the appointed time came, these sixty-six arms companies struck at the same time and sent people to attack Li Rui’s ghost arms company, five major branches around the world.

It’s just that they are still late this time, and the biochemical people on Li Rui’s side have long run out.

In the end, they could only destroy Li Rui’s ghost arms company, some office locations and warehouses, and underground market booths.

“Hmph, this Ghost Arms Company is quite well-informed.”

Someone said coldly, very dissatisfied that they pounced again this time.

The arms dealers of the ‘Spirit Destroyer’ Alliance made a good start and completed their first goal.

And their next goal is to kill Li Rui.

It’s a pity that Li Rui has been haunted until now, and no one knows where Li Rui is.

Even those killer organizations, as well as the intelligence organization called ‘Prophet’, could not find Li Rui’s location.

But at this time, Li Rui’s side had already let Ding Yi prepare everything.

Li Rui was ready to satisfy these ‘Spirit Extermination’ Alliance arms companies, once again joyful.

Li Rui wants to cooperate with Ding Yi to cheat death and cheat the bounty.

“Ding Yi, are you all ready over there?”

Li Rui asked Ding Yi on the Phantom nuclear submarine.

“Boss, my side is ready, just waiting for your order.”

Ding Yi said excitedly.

“Good, let’s get started.

Since these arms dealers want to sleep, we have to send them pillows! ”

Li Rui showed a sneer.

Half a day later, on the Garden City side, an underground market was heavily guarded inside and out.

Not far away, five top killers have already touched here.

“Black dragon, is the golden pig really inside?”

One of them asked.

“Yes, but we have to find out, or we will come for nothing this time.”

On the other side, another top killer also echoed.

“Yes, this is it, Hydra has already confirmed.

If you don’t believe me, ask her. ”

The man at the head said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the other three people who had just arrived looked at the only female killer in the team,

The female killer wore a veil and said in a crisp voice: “I’m 100% sure, I still have the video.” ”

Immediately, he took out the video and showed it to everyone.

It was Li Rui who appeared inside, and under the protection of a group of guards, entered this residence.

“Haha, it’s really a ‘golden pig’!

I didn’t expect you guys to find it, great, this time we sent it. ”

Soon, after watching the video, these three top killers were all excited.

‘Golden Pig’ is the name of the reward assassination target of ‘Li Rui’ at this time, which is the code name for all underground killers.

In fact, the 300 million bounty on Li Rui’s body is too rich.

Some people joked and called Li Rui’s target ‘Golden Pig’, and then it spread.

At this time, the leader stood on the side.

In fact, it is Ding Yi, the first top biochemical person under Li Rui, a super killer.

At this time, Ding Yi also has an identity, that is, the A-level ace killer of the world’s number one killer organization ‘One Drop of Blood’.

This time, the four top killers summoned by Ding Yi were also from the other three world’s top killer organizations, and they were all ace killers.

They also knew Ding Yi before, and this time Ding Yi specially summoned them to act.

Because the reward and assassination order given to Li Rui by those arms companies was issued by all killer organizations, and killers from any organization can participate.

If the five of them cooperate, after killing Li Rui, the five of them could share a bounty of 300 million ugly yuan.

And this time, Ding Yi actually deliberately found four helpers, so that when the time came, it would be proved that they really killed Li Rui.

Otherwise, it is a little difficult for him to fake alone.

In fact, it is not a fake, because they are really going to stage a peak assassination today.

In this secret residence in the underground market, there really lived a ‘Li Rui’ at this time.

Of course, this Li Rui is fake, it is a biochemical person fake Li Rui, with Ding Yi’s action.

However, outsiders will not know that this ‘Li Rui’ is fake.

Therefore, to some extent, Ding Yi’s assassination is true.

It’s just that the target is a fake.

“Well, this time the operation must be successful.

Now, let me talk about the action plan…”

Ding Yi covered his face and said to the other four in an indifferent voice.

Half an hour later, five of the world’s top killers sneaked into this secret residence and assassinated ‘Li Rui’ inside.



Much later, there were explosions and fierce gunfights inside.

A few hours later, the five embarrassed figures escaped from here.

“Haha, it worked, we succeeded, we got rich!”

One of the thin young killers roared excitedly at this time, ignoring the injuries on his body.

Because, they successfully assassinated and successfully killed ‘Li Rui’ inside, and they also filmed videos.

Except for Ding Yi, the other four were all excited to death at this time.

They can go back and claim the bounty now, three hundred million!

Even if the five of them divide it, each of them can get 60 million.

For the authenticity of this assassination, these killers did not have the slightest doubt.

After all, this assassination is actually real, and they are also dangerous, dangerous, and finally a battle breaks out.

For this, four of the five of them were injured, and one of the guys almost hung up.

Such a dangerous assassination, intuition tells these killers, there is no problem.

And what Li Rui wants is this, fake drama is really done, and the fault cannot be picked out.

Soon, the five returned to their respective killer organizations, handed in the video, and asked their killer organization to contact the arms company, and it was time for the bounty.

This is also why Ding Yi chose the other three killer organizations to act together.

In this way, their five killers come from four killer organizations and are verified by four killer organizations at the same time.

Such verification results will make those arms companies trust.

Soon, Li Rui’s side was also very cooperative, directly releasing news on the official website of his ghost arms company that had not yet been closed.

Strongly condemning the assassination of his own president’s side will definitely cost the assassin.

Soon, the news spread.

“You heard no, the president of the Ghost Arms Company has been killed and killed.”

“Yes, yes, I just heard about it too.

It seems that it was killed by the top killers of several killer organizations such as ‘A Drop of Blood’ and ‘Red Spider’. ”

“Well, I have already said that this ghost arms company has provoked the wrath of the people, and it will be finished sooner or later.

Look, now that sixty-six arms companies have joined forces to him, can he still live?

In the past few days this time, first of all, all the shops and booths of the Ghost Arms Company have been destroyed, and people have been killed.

Now, even their president has been found and killed.

This also means that this ghost arms company is completely finished. ”

Someone gloated.

Li Rui’s ghost arms company has indeed robbed many people’s business, including these small arms dealers.

Therefore, at this time, there are too many people in the arms industry who hate Li Rui’s ghost arms company.

It’s not just these sixty-six large arms companies, they are just qualified to participate in the ‘Spirit Extinguishing’ Alliance because of their strength.

These other small arms dealers, they can only hate Li Rui in their hearts, they are not qualified to participate.

“From now on, this ghost arms company will only be history.

I have to say that this time this ghost arms company is really powerful, single-handedly shaking our entire industry.

Enough of the cattle.

It’s a pity that the president of that company of theirs is too crazy and too ambitious.

If you have to challenge most of the opponents in the entire industry with your own strength, and dare to use the rules and provoke the wrath of the public, how can you not die!

Without this ghost arms company, our industry can finally settle down.

Lao Tzu has run a lot of customers in the past half a year, but he has not made any money, all of which were harmed by this damn ghost arms company. ”

Someone said hatefully,

“Yes, this ghost arms company is extinguished!

Go back to the old days. ”

Just when this news spread to the outside world, the arms companies on the side of the ‘Spirit Extinguishing’ Alliance also received the news.

“Good news, good news!”

Half a day later, at a new video conference of the ‘Spirit Destroyer’ Alliance, someone shouted excitedly.

“What news?”

Someone asked.

“Just received a report from the four killer organizations such as ‘One Blood’, and the five ace killers of the four of them have joined forces and have successfully assassinated the president of the ghost arms company.

And we were provided with a video, which we verified and was true.

Moreover, the official website of the ghost arms company, the news sent by it, also verified this.

The president of the Ghost Arms Company has been killed, and our henchmen have been eliminated.”

In the video conference, someone shouted excitedly.

At this moment, they got rid of Li Rui’s ghost arms company, and the first two steps had been successfully completed.

And they did it in just five days.

This naturally surprised them, but many presidents of arms companies also took it for granted.

Only the presidents of the arms companies of the eight alliances frowned slightly, always feeling that their actions were too smooth this time.

In the eyes of the outside world, in fact, by this time, the action of these sixty-six arms companies to get rid of Li Rui’s ghost arms company should be successful here.

But the presidents of these arms companies know that they have completed the two simplest steps ahead, but there is also the most difficult step.

Only by finding out and destroying the mysterious submarine hidden behind Li Rui’s ghost arms company.

The battle of these arms companies to destroy Li Rui’s ghost arms company can be regarded as truly over and successful.

“Very good, I didn’t expect that the killer organization found the president of the ghost arms company so quickly and killed him.

This is kind of taking away the troubles from our hearts.

But then, we need to complete the final step, find and destroy the damn mysterious submarine.

This is also the most difficult.

We need to use our connections and connections, and use some warships. ”

At this time, the president of the ‘Tail Purple’ Group, the main alliance of the ‘Spirit Destroyer’ Alliance, spoke.

“That’s right, this time our action went very smoothly.

Next, there is the last step left, which must be completed and cannot be lost. ”

Someone next to him echoed.

“In the past few days, I and the seven arms companies on Guo Jia’s side have re-contacted our high-level officials and the navy.

They have agreed that this time they will send four warships to assist us again.

Find this mysterious submarine and destroy it.

I don’t know, how are you guys connected? ”

The president of the ‘Thérèvio’ group from Gaul said to the crowd.

In the past few days, these behind-the-scenes bigwigs have been using their connections to regain the support of the military and navy behind them.

This time, if these arms companies want to eliminate Li Rui’s mysterious submarine, they must need the cooperation of warships or submarines, otherwise they can’t do it.

“On our side of the British naval fleet, we will dispatch three warships and one submarine to cooperate with our actions.”

“Our Matador Navy side also agreed to send two warships to assist in the operation…”

“Our Italian navy also agreed to send three warships to cooperate with the operation…”

“Our Fairy Tale Kingdom Navy is also willing to send a warship to participate in the operation…”

Soon, the presidents of these arms companies from various countries on Xiou’s side expressed their positions one after another, saying the results of their contacts in the past few days.

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