The Most Powerful BOSS In the Heavens

Chapter 443: Kanglongxing and Tianxixing's request for help

  Chapter 443 Kanglongxing and Tianxixing’s Request for Help

   "The master of the future has finally condensed."

  Ning Que turned around, looked at the mysterious Buddha with nine eyes sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, and couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face.

   This future lord is the highest achievement of the "Future Wusheng Sutra".

  The Lord of the future is a separate individual, a body outside the body, both Ning Que and not Ning Que, which is so mysterious that it is difficult to explain it in words.

  The master of the future, who claims to be able to calculate everything and gain insight into the future...

   This point, Ning Que knows it is impossible, the future is infinitely variable, he believes that no one can really calculate the future, but the calculation ability of the Lord of the Future is terrifying, that is for sure.

  Ning Que's mind was in harmony with the future master, and he immediately saw countless symbols, countless large formations, and countless future scenes from the future master.

The Lord of the Future, like the incarnation of an extremely large calculation, is performing extremely complex and extremely fast calculations all the time, stronger than the calculation ability of a supercomputer, calculating astronomy, geography, formations, tactics, human hearts, virtual reality, The future and all kinds of things are almost omnipotent.

   In short, this is a plug-in existence.

  In the original book, after Hong Yi got the future master, he fused his own Taiji primordial spirit created by the way of the Book of Changes to create "Xi", and then counted almost everything, and grasped all the opportunities in the later plot.

  Now Ning Que also got such a cheat, and he was one step ahead of Hong Yi.

  For Ning Que, the greatest significance of the future master is to help him analyze and calculate the countless martial arts and martial arts he has collected, and calculate the profound meaning and essence of various martial arts and martial arts.

  Although, he can also do this through the magic way upgrader, and even the result of the magic way upgrade deduction is more perfect.

  However, using the magic path upgrader to upgrade the deduction requires a lot of potential points.

  Using the magic way upgrader to upgrade a few core martial arts and martial arts is okay. If you want to deduce all the martial arts and martial arts he has collected, no matter how many potential points Ning Que harvests, I am afraid that it will not be enough, and it is too wasteful and extravagant.

  The Lord of the Future happened to take over these "hard work", not only saving Ning Que a lot of potential points, but also saving Ning Que countless energy.

   "The Lord of the future, calculate all the martial arts and martial arts in the demon towers, and calculate the profound meaning and true meaning of all the martial arts and martial arts."

  Ning Que waved his hand, and two "rings of civilization" appeared in front of the future lord, and scriptures emerged from the two "rings of civilization" one after another, constantly revolving around the future lord.

  After throwing these "hard work" to the future master, Ning Que stepped out of the Demon Towers.

  Outside the Tower of Demons, there are already many magnificent and magnificent temples, which stretch from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. On the mountainside, there is also a huge white jade square, where stands a majestic statue hundreds of feet high that resembles the appearance of Ning Que himself.

   This is the holy place of the original sin religion - the court of original sin.

  There is no doubt that this headquarters is much more majestic, magnificent, and grand than the headquarters of the Original Sin Sect in the Dagan Dynasty.

In order to build this Court of Original Sin, Cen Yue, Elder Nian and others recruited 30,000 of the best craftsmen on Jupiter, as well as 300,000 coolies, including 50,000 warriors, consuming countless manpower and material resources... This ability can be achieved in a short period of time. In just half a month, such a majestic and magnificent Court of Original Sin was built.

  Ning Que didn't care much about whether the Court of Original Sin was majestic or not, but he thought that a majestic and majestic headquarters would be more conducive to spreading the faith, so he acquiesced to the actions of Cen Qing and others.

  After leaving the Tower of Demons, Ning Que immediately walked into the main shrine, sat on the main altar, and then summoned Cen Yue, Elder Nian and others through sound transmission, asking them about the current situation of the Original Sin Sect.

"My God, after our original sin religion was established, we selected a large number of elites to join on Jupiter. There are currently 30 martial saints, 400 grand masters, 3,000 innate martial artists, and 500,000 ordinary believers. Jupiter Temples have been established on all the cities. There are also corresponding priests stationed on each temple, and there is also a temple guard composed of 100 people. The priests of the temple will arrange for the people in the city to conduct a visit to my **** every seven days. worship…"

  Cen Yue stood in the center of the main temple, explaining the religious affairs of the Original Sin Sect.

Ning Que listened carefully, and found that Cen Yue and others had done a better job than he had imagined, so he nodded in praise and said, "You guys did a great job. The future master of the body outside the body of the **** is on the first floor of the Tower of Demons." Sitting in the town, this **** allows you to ask him about Taoism or martial arts."

   "Thank you for the gift of my God!"

  Cen Yue, Nian Elder and the others all had expressions of surprise on their faces.

They only came into contact with Taoism for the first time half a month ago, and got the cultivation method of Taoism, but Taoism is difficult to understand, and they all have a lot of questions in their hearts. Now they have the opportunity to ask the future master, which really makes them Great joy.

  Although they didn't know what kind of existence the future lord would be, the fact that the future lord could be Ning Que's body was definitely enough to solve all their doubts.

"My God, there is one more thing here. Two days ago, King Kongwu, the Lord of Kanglong Star, and the Lord of Tianxi Mansion, the Lord of Tianxi Star, both sent envoys to seek support from our Original Sin Sect. Their envoys are still here. In our court of original sin, how should we respond to them? Do you agree to help them?"

  Cen Yue said solemnly.

  Hearing Cen Yue's words, the faces of the elders and the others became serious.

  Whether to support Kanglong star and Tianxi star, this is a major matter related to the life and death of Horn Jupiter and their original sin cult.

  The army of the central world is invading the six stars around their horn Jupiter, Kanglong star and Tianxi star are just two of them. And these two stars asked him for help, so the situation was clearly in jeopardy.

  Whether you choose to support or choose not to support, it is a difficult choice.

If you choose to sit on the sidelines, once the army of the Central World captures Kanglong and Tianxi, the two Central World armies that have freed up their hands are likely to be wiped out by the Central World army that invaded Jupiter. Come here immediately Revenge angle Jupiter.

  If you choose to support, then first of all, let alone whether you can defeat the two Central World armies that invaded Kanglong Star and Tianxi Star...but they will definitely offend the Central World Team to death and become a thorn in the side of Central World.

  No matter how you choose, it seems that the result is not good.

   Only Ning Que can make this kind of fate-determining choice.

   "From the moment the **** destroyed the Central World's army of nearly one million, there is no room for our original sin gods and the Central World to relax. Therefore, we cannot sit back and watch the Central World's army destroy the nearby stars and grow stronger."

  Ning Que said calmly, his face was calm, even when it came to being an enemy of Central World, he didn't show any fear.

   "My God means to support Kanglong and Tianxi?"

  Cen Yue said.

"Support is for support, but we can't do hard work in vain. Go and tell those two envoys, if the star master behind them agrees to join our original sin **** religion and accept the rule of our original sin **** religion, this **** will help them destroy immediately The invading central world army... If they agree to join the original sin gods, the **** allows them to choose a superior Taoism from the hall of demons."

   Ning Que said.

   "My God's will, this subordinate understands, this subordinate will go and tell those two envoys our conditions, so that they can contact the star master behind them."

   As Cen Yue spoke, she left the main temple.

   Four more updates!



  (end of this chapter)

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