The Most Powerful BOSS In the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 616: Float out of the water and shock the world!

  Chapter 616 surfaced, shocking the world!

   Bloody battlefield!

  The sky and the ground, the sky and the ground, the monks shuttled and intertwined, strangled together, and the pieces of the mechs continued to shatter, such as blooming fireworks, **** mech parts, broken corpses, and rain of blood, falling from the sky at the same time.

  Brilliant beams of energy penetrated the battlefield, and each beam took hundreds of thousands of lives, leaving **** ditches hundreds of miles long on the ground.


The severely damaged mothership fell to the ground with billowing smoke, and then exploded, releasing countless light and heat in an instant, forming a mushroom cloud rising into the sky. The tens of thousands of monks around them all had no time to scream , turned into fly ash.

   This was an extremely cruel and **** battle. The entire battlefield was like a meat grinder. A large number of monks died every moment, and their bodies fell to the ground like dense raindrops.

  A dark pyramid with a height of 10,000 zhang, suspended in mid-air, with countless mysterious iron cables hanging down, piercing into the depths of the earth, and connecting with the earth.

On the ground, there are many things that are not like fog or fog, and there are streaks of blood. The black matter that looks like fog but not fog and the streaks of blood, climbing up the iron cable, it is like a living creature. The living matter was normal, flowing into the dark pyramid in the void... that was the blood and soul of the fallen monk.

   "The evil god, it really is the evil **** descending from the depths of the starry sky... That dark pyramid is devouring the blood and souls of all the fallen monks. The evil **** behind it doesn't care how many monks have fallen on its side."

  In the Eternal Star Field, countless people saw the blood flowing on the iron chains through the equipment, and there were groups of blurred figures, all of them were scalp numb and trembling.

"Crazy, the monks of the Ziyun clan, and those monks recruited by the Ziyun clan, are they all fools? Don't they know that once they fall, their blood and soul will be swallowed by the dark pyramid of the evil god?" ?”

  Many people looked at the side of the Supreme Immortal Court, the countless monks who were crazily fighting, and seemed to have no regard for life and death at all, and their hearts were full of puzzlement.

  You can't understand how these people don't value their lives so much.

   This reminded them of some fanatics in the star field ruled by evil gods deep in the starry sky.

   Not afraid of sacrifice!

   Not afraid of death!

   Only fight for God!

   This is the label of those fanatics.

   Such fanatics are simply too scary.

  However, it is very difficult for fanatics to be born, and it takes the evil gods to spend a lot of time, energy and training. Even those evil gods in the depths of the starry sky do not have many fanatics.

  How did this evil **** who suddenly came to the Eternal Starfield turn the entire Ziyun clan, and all the monks in the Ziyun clan, into fanatics in such a short period of time?

   This confuses many people.

   It also made countless people in the Eternal Star Region more afraid of Ning Que, the evil **** - they didn't want to become Ning Que's fanatics.

   "Damn, are these people crazy? Why do they fight like they are desperate?"

  On the **** battlefield, the monks of the Canghai tribe were completely terrified when they saw groups of lunatics slaughtering them.

   Their strength was far inferior to that of the Supreme Immortal Court. In less than an hour after the start of the war, they had already lost more than 200,000 monks, a loss of almost one-fifth.

  All warships were also destroyed by half.

   Now it is facing the impact of one after another desperate monks of the Supreme Immortal Court.

  So, they collapsed directly!

   "Crazy, these desperate lunatics—"

   Those monks who were forcibly recruited by the Canghai tribe started to escape first.

  Subsequently, the monks of the Canghai tribe also began to flee.

   I can't stand it anymore!


  The king of Tianwu, with his purple hair flying, fought **** battles. He cut across the world with a violent sword, beheading the head of the Canghai tribe, and then commanded the army to kill the collapsed monks of the Canghai tribe.

  There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. The fleeing monks of the Canghai tribe were harvested one by one like wheat, and there were about 200,000 left. They all knelt on one knee to express their submission.

  Densely dense worms of primordial origin gushed out from the dark pyramid in the void, covering the more than 200,000 monks kneeling on the ground like dark clouds.

   These more than 200,000 monks were quickly added to the army of the Supreme Immortal Court, completely making up for the loss just now.

   King Tianwu didn't stop the pace of the battle. After leaving some people to collect and count the countless treasures scattered on the battlefield, he led the army to kill the ancestral land of the Canghai tribe.

   Soon after, the entire ancestral land of the Canghai tribe was reduced to ruins, and the treasures collected and accumulated by the Canghai tribe for countless years also became the spoils of war for the army of the Supreme Immortal Court.

   Moreover, the entire territory of the Canghai Clan has also been formally brought under the rule of the Supreme Immortal Court.

   The war of gods did not stop there.

  Zhao Clan!

  Fire Cloud Clan!

  The two royal families were also quickly wiped out. There were as many as one million monks who chose to surrender, and all of them were saved, but the army of the Supreme Immortal Court grew like a snowball.

  During these three battles, the demon towers also devoured a huge amount of blood energy and souls.

Immediately after the destruction of the three royal families, a large number of monks from the Supreme Immortal Court went to take over all the giant cities in the territory of the three royal families, and recruited tens of millions of people to build one dark pyramid after another, and officially declared the Supreme Court. The existence of the Supreme Immortal Court, as well as everyone in the territory ruled by the Supreme Immortal Court, must believe in the Supreme Demon Lord, otherwise they will be executed as unbelievers.

  The three great royal families were destroyed, the Supreme Immortal Court and the Supreme Demon Lord shocked the world, and nearly 4 billion people were forcibly transformed into followers of the Supreme Demon Lord—such news caused a sensation and eruption in the entire Eternal Starfield.

  All forces and monks fell into great fear and anxiety.

  It seems that there is a huge dark sky covering the entire Eternal Star Field, and it is going to bring everyone in the Eternal Star Field to hell.

   "The power of the evil god, the Supreme Demon Lord, cannot be allowed to continue to expand, otherwise our entire Eternal Starfield will fall, and everyone will either die in battle or become the minions of this evil god."

"We must stop him! The civilization of our eternal star field is so brilliant and brilliant that even two gods were born. For countless years, we have been the absolute overlord of this star field, and we have always been the only ones who plundered and enslaved other civilizations." , How can we be ruled by a foreign evil **** now?"

   "That's right! Such a brilliant civilization in our Eternal Star Field cannot be destroyed by an evil god."

"In order to deal with the threat from the depths of the starry sky, for countless years, we have prepared countless war forts and weapons, as well as arsenals... Now that our Eternal Star Field is facing the greatest crisis in history, it is time to use these war weapons With Kobuku."

  The destruction of the three royal families completely shocked all the forces in the entire Eternal Starfield and united them.

  They have already realized that if they don't join forces to destroy the Supreme Immortal Court, all their forces, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will step into the footsteps of the three royal families.

All the forces in the Eternal Star Field have joined forces, densely packed battleships, countless mechas, and war fortresses, all of which have been launched into the sky one after another, gathering together over several important cities of the Eternal Star, forming a dark and overwhelming sky. mighty army.

  Even all the forces on the three planets revolving around the Eternal Lord, including Xianyu Star and Shimo Star, sent a large number of warships to the Eternal Lord Star to join the army against the Supreme Immortal Court.

  (end of this chapter)

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