Chapter 1093 is useless


Le Chongjin was taken aback, Lu Bu retreated? Isn't he going to attack his own army? Why did you retreat so quickly?

"Are you sure that Lu Bu's army has retreated?" Le Chongjin asked in a deep voice, staring at the person who reported the news.


"Really retreat?"

Several lieutenants around Le Chongjin looked at me and I looked at you, all looking puzzled, and they didn't understand what Lu Bu was planning.

He even withdrew the troops before he even fought, so why did he come so far from Kaichang City?

"Damn it, it's a trick!"

At this moment, Le Chongjin suddenly cursed in annoyance.

"Have you been beaten?"

The other lieutenants turned to look at Le Chongjin with puzzled expressions, not understanding what Le Chongjin meant.

Le Chongjin said with a sullen face, "The purpose of Lu Bu's iron cavalry is not to defeat us in one fell swoop, but to force me to use the Zhenshen Banner, so that after the effect of the Zhenshen Banner disappears, our army will appear again. flaw."

"At this time, if Lu Bu cooperates with Yue Fei's elite soldiers to launch an attack, my town flag cannot be used, and it can only be eaten away by them little by little."

"What a Yue Fei!"

In the end, Le Chongjin was already gnashing his teeth.

Now he fully understood that Lu Bu's iron cavalry had two functions.

If he didn't use the Zhenshen Banner just now, then the charge of hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry would most likely disrupt everything in his army.

At that time, Yue Fei's infantry was encircling him, and he would really be gone.

Once the Suppressing God Banner was moved, it would temporarily allow Lu Bu's iron cavalry to retreat, but when the effect of the Suppressing God Banner disappeared, the troubles he faced before would come again.

It can be said that this is a problem that cannot be avoided at all. As long as you go out of the city by yourself, you will face this kind of crisis.

He only hated that the spies and scouts he had arranged were so incompetent that they could not accurately report the whereabouts of Lu Bu Tieqi.

If he knew the whereabouts of Lu Bu's cavalry in advance, not only would he have a way to avoid this trouble, but he might even arrange an ambush ring waiting for Lu Bu's cavalry to be fooled.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know.

So now, it is time for him to face this crisis.

"General, what should we do now?"

After knowing that this was Yue Fei's conspiracy, the lieutenants around Le Chongjin were a little flustered, and their expressions changed.

"What are you panicking about?"

Le Zhongjin snorted coldly and said, "Since Yue Fei wants to play, then I will see if he can kill me!"

In fact, Le Chongjin was also very panicked. Just because he is the main general, he absolutely cannot show it.

Once he shows it, it may affect the Zhenshen Banner. At that time, without the need for the enemy to attack, the army formation under the Zhenshen banner will be in chaos.

"The order goes on, the army advances steadily, and the army must not be disturbed."


Le Zhongjin ordered it to go down, and the army maintained a stable speed under the guidance of the Zhenshen Banner.

"It seems that this Le Chongjin has some skills, and the Zhenshenqi is very skilled in using it."

There were three people standing in the sky not far in front of Le Zhongjin's army.

Yue Fei, Jia Xu, Guo Jia.

It was Jia Xu who spoke just now.

"I do admire Le Chongjin for this." Yue Fei looked at Le Chongjin's God-Suppressing Flag with envious eyes, and said, "I don't know when I will be able to condense the God-Suppressing Flag."

Condensing the Zhenshen Flag not only requires the general's outstanding ability, but also requires the general to gather enough blood and energy after many battles and victories.

Yue Fei's ability is enough, but he has experienced too few wars, and it is still a while before he gathers the Zhenshen flag.

"General Yue don't need to be envious. With your ability, when you gather the Zhenshen Banner, it will definitely be stronger than Le Zhongjin's Zhenshen Banner. You just need to wait for that time to come." Guo Jia smiled.

Yue Fei smiled and didn't answer, but the confident expression on his face clearly showed that Guo Jia's words were not false at all.

He has this confidence.

"Although Le Chongjin has the ability, he lacks too many things."

Yue Fei looked at Le Chongjin's advancing army again, shook his head, and said, "If he is given enough food and grass to support him, he may become a good opponent, but now..."

With a flicker of coldness in his eyes, Yue Fei said, "When the effect of his Suppressing God Flag on the army disappears, that will be the day he is defeated!"

Both Jia Xu and Guo Jia nodded, agreeing with this statement.

The Zhenshen Banner does not allow an army to permanently maintain a super cohesive force.

There is also a time limit. How long this time lasts depends on the strength of the Zhenshen Banner.

Once the effect of the Zhenshenqi disappears, the army will remain the same as it was originally, and there will be no change.

Even some over-exploited armies may become weaker than before after the Town God Banner disappears.

Unfortunately, this is the case with Le Chongjin's army now.

It is better that his subordinates belong to the elites of the original Liyang Dynasty, but the army of the Zonglan Kingdom is not like that.

Because there was not much food and grass, their supply was insufficient before, and the long and hasty marching was even more exhausting.

In this case, the effect of the town god flag disappears, which will definitely affect the combat effectiveness of the army.

At that time, only one charge of infantry and cavalry is required, which is enough to make the enemy rout.

In the eyes of Yue Fei and the others, Le Chongjin's choice now is completely chronic death.

"General, this will not work. Once the effect of the Zhenshen Banner disappears, the soldiers of the Zonglan Kingdom at the back will not be able to continue to guarantee their combat effectiveness. At that time, they will not only be unable to be our assistance, but will also affect our army's operations. "

One of Le Chongjin's confidants came to him and said in a low voice.

Not only Yue Fei and the others saw the appearance of the Zonglan Kingdom's army, but also the people around Le Zhongjin.

"I know." Le Chongjin nodded and said, "You must gather food and forage at the front of the army within two hours. When the enemy attacked, we immediately rushed to Lian with our original army of 700,000. Cloud Road."

Le Chongjin's army can only last for two hours.


Under Le Chongjin's order, the lieutenant quickly mobilized food and grass.

Naturally, this could not be concealed from the generals of Zonglan Kingdom, but because they were under the banner of Zhenshen, they did not ask Le Chongjin.

Two hours passed quickly.


When the time just came, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, the effect of the Zhenshen flag disappeared, and it returned to Le Chongjin's hands.

"The whole army obeys the order, kill!"

Yue Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the effect of Lezhongjin Town's divine flag disappeared, and immediately led the arranged infantry to launch an attack.

"Nanyan Iron Cavalry, charge!"

Lu Bu, who was in the rear, also launched an attack at the same time.

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