The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1097 Destroy the country on the 7th

"I didn't hear it clearly, maybe he was begging for mercy or something."

Xu Chu shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's a good thing that Le Chongjin is dead. Let's reunite with General Zhou Yu."


Soon, Zhou Yu led the navy to fight over and joined with Xu Chu's Tiger Guards.

"Haha, General Xu Chu, it's a great achievement for you to kill Le Chongjin this time." Zhou Yu looked at Xu Chu and smiled.

"Good luck, good luck."


Xu Chu smiled.

It's just that the smile is quite proud. Le Chongjin is the general of Zhendong of the Liyang Dynasty. Killing him is an absolute great achievement.

The saber-toothed tiger was no longer depressed when he heard that, this should be his talent, but it fell under Xu Chu's knife in the end.

Zhou Yu didn't say anything more, and led the navy to quickly clear the enemy troops by the Evil Dragon River.

At the same time, the battle between the army of Zonglan Kingdom and Yue Fei's army was at the last moment.

The Zonglan Kingdom's army without a leader was no match for Yue Fei's army at all. The battle lasted less than half a day, and the Zonglan Kingdom's army was completely defeated.

After that, Yue Fei and Lu Bu led their respective armies to chase down the enemy.

As soon as the night fell, the war was over.

In this battle, Yue Fei and Lu Bu joined forces to kill Zonglan Kingdom's army of more than 1.5 million, and all the rest of the army were captured alive.

Especially with the help of Jin Yiwei, no enemy was allowed to escape.

That night, the army led by Zhou Yu also cleaned up the Liyang Dynasty army by the Evil Dragon River and joined Yue Fei.

"General Yue, we have won a great victory in this battle. The nail that the Liyang Dynasty inserted into our chest was completely pulled out by us!" Zhou Yu laughed when he saw Yue Fei.

"Yeah, this nail was finally pulled out by us."

Yue Fei sighed softly, his expression somewhat emotional.

In the battle of Lian Yundao, from the very beginning, he commanded the entire army to fight against Le Chongjin, and it didn't last for a short period of time.

Now it's finally over.

"All of this is also thanks to the general's strategy. If he hadn't thought of sending troops out of the Nine South Mountains, we would definitely not have been able to deal with Le Chongjin's army in such a short period of time." Yue Fei said.

Zhou Yu, Qin Qiong and the others all nodded when they heard it. They fought against Le Chongjin in Lianyun Road for many days, and naturally they knew how difficult it was to break the blockade of the Liyang Dynasty.

But in such a predicament, after Gao Shun came, the troops went out of the Nine South Mountains, which completely changed the whole situation.

Such a strategic vision, even a commander-in-chief like Yue Fei and Zhou Yu, had to admire him.

"The general has led troops to fight countless times, and he has rich combat experience. It is not surprising that he can see the breaking point of the predicament at a glance. Several generals can do it in the future." Jia Xu looked at the generals present with a smile.

As the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, he could naturally see that His Majesty the Emperor, Lu Feng, valued Yue Fei and Zhou Yu.

You must know that neither Yue Fei nor Zhou Yu are over thirty years old. On the battlefield, they are just hairy boys.

But His Majesty the Emperor let these two people, one of them lead more than two million troops, to fight against the Great General of Dynasty Zhendong,

A commander of the entire kingdom's navy, as the navy commander.

One can imagine how much Lu Feng values ​​them.

Before, Jia Xu was still a little unconvinced about Lu Feng's arrangement, but after this battle, that unconvincing in his heart completely disappeared.

This made him admire Lu Feng's knowledge of people.

Yue Fei, Zhou Yu and the others all had smiles on their faces, but they didn't say anything, but they all held back their energy, and they didn't want to lose to anyone.

"Prime Minister, after the victory in Chuanping County, what should we do next?" Yue Fei looked at Jia Xu and asked.

"Your Majesty has already made arrangements. After Chuanping County wins, you will order General Yue Fei to lead your troops to Zonglan Kingdom and cooperate with Zhao Yun to destroy Zonglan Kingdom."


After Yue Fei arranged for someone to clean the battlefield,

Immediately, he led the troops across Lianyun Road and headed to Zonglan Kingdom.


"General, the town is in front of you."

Zhao Yun on the other side, led the army under his command after a seven-day march, and was approaching the intended combat position.

"it is good."

Zhao Yun nodded, took out the map, looked at the town capital marked on it, and said: "Go on, the army will attack immediately after reaching the predetermined position, and the town must be destroyed in the shortest possible time, and the enemy must not react in any way. Opportunity."

"We must take the Zonglan Kingdom before General Yue Fei's army arrives, and we cannot let them underestimate us."

The news that Yue Fei led the troops to take down Le Zhongjin's army had reached Zhao Yun's ears a few days ago, and he also knew that Yue Fei's current army was rushing to Zonglan Kingdom.

If Yue Fei's army had arrived, and the army under his command hadn't broken through the town, it wouldn't be a glorious thing.


The lieutenant passed on the order immediately.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yun's army to reach a better offensive position.

At this time, the sky is not yet bright.

Under Zhao Yun's order, the army strictly prohibited the use of torches.

The defenders on the top of the town capital did not find Zhao Yun's army.


Zhao Yun didn't say much nonsense, and directly led the army to attack.


The first to follow Zhao Yun to attack was the former army of 200,000.

They are the fastest 200,000 people selected by Zhao Yun.

At this time, they held torches to illuminate the earth, and followed Zhao Yun to the town.

"what sound?"

The momentum of the charge of the 200,000 former troops was huge, and the defenders on the top of the city noticed the movement.

"what is that?"

The commander in charge of the enemy army who was on duty at night saw the night outside the city light up, and hurriedly ran to the edge of the city to look outside the city.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he saw the army under the torches.

An army in black armor was quickly rushing towards the town.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The commander had a terrified expression on his face, and roared frantically.

Now he can't care why the enemy army suddenly appeared in front of the town.


However, his voice fell, and before the defenders above the city had any reaction, the harsh sound of breaking the air had already come.

Puff puff!

Immediately after that, the sound of a sharp blade penetrating into the flesh came.

The defenders in the town and capital city on the top of the city were directly shot to death by random arrows without responding.


At the same time, Zhao Yun also came to the city gate of Zhendu alone, holding a long spear, infuriated with infuriating energy, and shot at the city gate.


With a loud bang, the city gate shattered.


Zhao Yun led the elite and rushed in directly from the city gate, and then quickly seized the city gate.

The entire process took less than two quarters of an hour.

At the same time, the sleeping master in the city also got the news.

Then he was furious, staring at the lieutenant who had the news, and shouted: "This is absolutely impossible! The city gate of Zhenducheng has a formation, how could it be broken so quickly? Hugh's nonsense!"

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