The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1105 I Said You Will Die Under My Gun

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Chapter 1105 I said you would die under my gun

"It's cruel enough!"

Zhao Yu felt it when the Qi-breaking arrow just appeared in the sky.

But there was no fear in his expression.

"Seven Coil Snakes!"

The long spear in his hand trembled slightly, and then stabbed out fiercely, a spear gas condensed into a silver giant snake in the void, opened his big mouth, and bit down on the air-breaking arrows in the sky.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

When Dong Wuze saw it, he sneered and said, "The Qi-Breaking Arrow is the most powerful in attacking these qi-condensed things, and now he dares to use such an attack to deal with the Qi-Breaking Arrow, it's just courting death!"

Cui Zhenqi, who had a lot of dissatisfaction with Dong Wuze's arrangement in his heart, nodded when he heard this. Indeed, the Qi-breaking arrow has a natural restraint on the things that condense true qi.

The silver giant snake that the gun gas transformed into may become very, very powerful against warriors of the same level, but for the gas-breaking arrow, it is not deterrent.

In fact, just as Dong Wuze had expected, when Zhao Yun's spear gas transformed into a giant silver snake that hit the air-breaking arrow in the sky, it suddenly stagnated and could no longer move forward at all.

Although the air-breaking arrows in the sky also stopped, as long as you carefully observe, you can see that these air-breaking arrows are slowly advancing again after they stopped for less than three seconds.

Although the speed is very slow, it is indeed advancing. Correspondingly, the silver giant snake is slowly weakening. As long as it takes a long time, you don't have to think about it, and the silver giant snake will definitely be scattered.

"I want to see what else you can do." Dong Wuze looked at Zhao Yun with a sneer.

To be honest, he was still a little worried when the Qi-breaking arrow and the silver giant snake hadn't collided with each other. After all, Zhao Yun was too brave to break through the formation alone, which left a deep impression on him.

But after seeing that the silver giant snake could not move forward at all under the air-breaking arrow, he was no longer worried.


At this time, Zhao Yun used another supernatural power of his own, coupled with his innate supernatural power 'Fearless',

The whole person is even more powerful.

"What does he want to do?"

Dong Wuze frowned slightly and looked at Zhao Yun strangely.

"Could it be that he wants to break these air-breaking arrows?" Qiu Tang said uncertainly.

"It shouldn't be so."

Cui Zhenqi hesitated and said, "He should know very well that even if he breaks these qi-breaking arrows, there are more qi-breaking arrows behind us. It's not that we want to be able to fight against each other."

"For him now, the best choice should be to temporarily avoid the edge and look for opportunities, but his current appearance does not look like he is temporarily avoiding the edge."


As soon as Cui Zhenqi's words fell, Zhao Yun's crotch horse suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye it indicated that it had rushed out a long distance.

And in that direction, it turned out to be facing the Chinese army chariot.

"No, his purpose is us!"

Dong Wuze reacted at once, his face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Quick, the bed crossbow is quick to fire arrows, quick, quick!"

In the central army, there are many chariots, and the chariots are equipped with huge crossbows.

After the soldiers in charge of these bed crossbows heard the order, they all fired arrows at Zhao Yun.

Unfortunately, although the slave arrows used by these bed crossbows are powerful, they are ordinary slave arrows, and for Zhao Yun, they cannot pose any threat at all.

"Bang bang bang!"

These crossbow arrows were directly shot by Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun's speed has not been reduced in any way.

Quickly approached the position of the central army where Dong Wuze was.

"Go, kill him for me, kill him!"

Dong Wuze's face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly ordered the soldiers below.

These soldiers obeyed the order and rushed up, but they were of no use and could not stop Zhao Yun at all.

"Come on, let's go."

When Dong Wuze saw it, he didn't dare to stop any more, and quickly retreated with Qiu Tang and Cui Zhenqi in a chariot.

"Where do you want to go?"

Zhao Yun sneered, his figure suddenly left the war horse, and in a few flashes, he caught up with Dong Wuze and the three who wanted to retreat.


Dong Wuze scolded angrily and rushed up with his sword in hand, trying to do his best.


It's just that he just rushed up, and Zhao Yun's spear just waved at will, directly knocking Dong Wuze into the air.

Dong Wuze stabilized his body in the air, and wanted to rush over again, but Zhao Yun's speed was faster, and he went directly in front of him, and the spear stabbed through Dong Wuze's body.


Dong Wuze looked at Zhao Yun in disbelief. He never thought that he would die here or be killed by Zhao Yun.

It's just that, without waiting for his word to say more, Zhao Yun's body was poured into Dong Wuze's corpse, shattering his soul, making Dong Wuze completely disappear on the Kyushu continent.

Compared with Dong Wuze, Qiu Tang and Cui Zhenqi's reaction was much smaller.

Qiu Tangshi was frightened, so he didn't react, but Cui Zhenqi was different.

He looked at Zhao Yun, swallowed his saliva, and said, "The silver snake you just turned into is not to break those gas-breaking arrows, but to block the sky, paralyze Dong Wuze's nerves, and relax. Be vigilant so you have enough time to get rid of us?"

Zhao Yun glanced at Cui Zhenqi in amazement. He never thought that the Prime Minister of Zonglan Kingdom would actually see his purpose.

The purpose of the 'Seven Coil Snake Spear' he just used was the same as what Cui Zhenqi said. It was not to break those air-breaking arrows at all, but to block the sky. It didn't take too long, just let him rush to the The place where Dong Wuze is located will do.

As for those air-breaking arrows, he didn't even think about hard-connecting them. He knew very well that for those air-breaking arrows, it was impossible to hard-connect them.

When Cui Zhenqi got Zhao Yun's accurate answer, he smiled helplessly.

Sure enough, none of the people who came out of the Nanyan Kingdom were simple characters. In the situation just now, what he thought was not to avoid the edge for a while, but to use that opportunity to attack him and these people.

With this kind of thinking, Cui Zhenqi had to admit that he had not seen one in the entire Zonglan Kingdom.

Even Dong Wuze, who came from the dynasty, is far less.

"Hey, I really don't know what the emperor of your Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng, has the ability to gather so many heroes under his command. It's really not easy." Cui Zhenqi sighed.

Now he is more and more wanting to know what kind of person Lu Feng is, and how he can convince so many heroes.

"If you want to meet His Majesty, I can introduce you." Zhao Yun said.

He saw that Cui Zhenqi had some ability, not a waste material. For the rapidly developing Nanyan Kingdom, such talents were very scarce.

But after he said this, he didn't say anything more to Cui Zhenqi, but looked at Qiu Tang, smiled slightly, and said, "The monarch of the Zonglan Kingdom, now it's your decision."

"Death? Or order a surrender!"

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