The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1109 The death of King Zhenbei

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, no matter what the conspiracy and tricks of the Liyang Dynasty, the last will guarantee that the Yuanhong Pass will be defended!"

"As long as Yuanhong is in our hands, no matter what the Liyang Dynasty has arranged, don't worry!" Gao Shun said loudly.

Lu Feng nodded.

In fact, in the Kingdom of Nanyan, the best general defending the city was not Gao Shun, but Lian Po.

But now Lian Po was in Dunchuan City to defend the Jinshui Kingdom's attack, and he couldn't get out of it. Now Yuanhong Pass can only be handed over to Gao Shunlai to guard.

"I will let Tong Yuan stay at Yuanhong Pass and continue to guard against the enemy's martial arts masters. He will obey your orders." Lu Feng said.

"Yes!" Gao Shun said.


Gongxiu City, a small city in the Land of Nations that is closest to the Dazhou Poison Forest.

In the Land of Nations, Gongxiu City is just a very, very inconspicuous small city, and there are no more than 2,000 people in the entire city.

But today, there are more than 100,000 people in this small town!

And, they are all soldiers!

These people were all troops brought by Zhanglicheng, the king of Zhenbei of the Liyang Dynasty.

He was chased by Zhang Liao into this small town.

"Send the arrow, release the arrow!"

"Quick, shoot the arrow, quick!"

On the top of Gongxiu City, Zhang Licheng's lieutenant was desperately directing the bowmen to release arrows.

At the bottom of the city, it was Zhang Liao's elite soldiers, holding their shields and advancing slowly.


Arrows rained down, covering Zhang Liao's army.

Ding Ding Ding!

But these arrows are unable to shoot through these shields.

Soon, Zhang Liao's army had advanced to a very close distance, but at this moment, the army suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

On the top of the city, Zhang Licheng's lieutenant was full of doubts. His bowmen didn't cause much damage to Zhang Liao's army, so why did the enemy suddenly stop?

But the next moment, his eyes froze sharply, staring at the weird car that appeared in the middle of the army, and exclaimed: "What is this?"

Under his gaze, two soldiers jumped on the board of the car and moved a huge log.

At the same time, the army in front quickly gave way.

Soon, the two soldiers who jumped up jumped out of the car again.


There was a sudden roar, the strange car suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye it slammed into the city gate.


With a loud bang, the city gate collapsed.


Zhang Licheng's lieutenant on the city wall was completely stunned. You must know that behind the city gate, they were piled with huge stones, which blocked the entire city gate.

But what is this weird car? Why did you rush over and let the city gate be broken? The stones that were originally behind the city gate were also inexplicably turned into powder.


The elite soldiers under Zhang Liao rushed into the city from the collapsed city gate in a burst of screams.

"This city-breaking car invented by Master Lu Ban is really powerful. It is easy to deal with these city gates without the blessing of the formation."

At the Central Military Department, Zhang Liao said with a smile as he watched the gate of Gongxiu City being broken.

This weird car is called the Pocheng Car, which was just invented by Lu Ban. Xun Yu gave it directly to Zhang Liao and asked Zhang Liao to test its power.

Now it seems that the power of this broken city car in actual combat is very impressive, and its role is also huge.

The lieutenant beside him nodded and said, "The city-breaking chariot is very powerful. If it is a normal siege, the enemy army is full of boulders behind the city gate, and it is too difficult to break through the city gate."

"But this city bus can turn the city gate and the stones behind it into powder. I have never heard of such an ability."

"The only pity is that the city bus will greatly reduce the effect of the city gate with the blessing of the formation." Another lieutenant sighed.

"Don't worry, I've heard that Master Lu Ban has already started to study the broken city car with the blessing of the formation. I believe that with the ability of Master Lu Ban, it will not take long to study it."

"At that time, our army of Nanyan Kingdom will have another siege battle,

Must be invincible! "Zhang Liao laughed.

At the same time, he was quite sighed in his heart. To be honest, even he did not expect that such a small car could make a city gate collapse with a bang.

It has to be said that a powerful craftsman is indeed capable of thousands of troops.

"My lord, hurry up... let's go, Zhang Liao's army is coming, we can't stop it."

After some fighting, Gongxiu City fell by two-thirds, and only Zhang Licheng's location near the Dazhou Poison Forest had not been fought.

"My lord?"

Zhang Licheng looked at his lieutenant, shook his head, and said, "I am no longer a prince."

"My lord, this is not the time to say this. You should leave quickly and find a way to go back to the dynasty through the poisonous forest in Dazhou. We will definitely block the enemy for you and buy you enough time." The deputy general said anxiously.

"I'm not leaving."

Zhang Licheng looked at the lieutenant and said, "The poisonous forest in Dazhou is extremely poisonous. How can I stop those poisonous people if my strength is not the emperor? Even if I enter the poisonous forest in Dazhou, there will be a dead end in the end."

"Instead of dying miserably at that time, it is better to fight hard now. You go down and arrange, and when I arrive, immediately launch an attack on Zhang Liao's army!"

"But my lord, you..."

"This is my order!" Zhang Licheng interrupted the lieutenant and said, "Although I am not a hero, Zhang Licheng is not a waste who only knows how to escape at a critical moment. You go down and give orders immediately!"

The lieutenant listened to Zhang Licheng, and then looked at Zhang Licheng's righteous and dignified look on his face, only to feel the blood boiling in his body, and said loudly: "Yes, my lord, I will go down and lead the remaining army, and I will definitely fight the enemy to the end! "

After speaking, the deputy general ordered to go down.

After he left, Zhang Licheng's desperate look disappeared in an instant, his eyes were full of fear, and he said urgently to the void: "I have already arranged, they can block Zhang Liao's army for a while, you hurry up and bring I'm getting out of here."

"Don't worry, I'll take you away."

A voice came from the void, followed by the slight fluctuation of the space, and a person walked out.

"Great, you have a space talisman, hurry up, take me away." Zhang Licheng was excited when he saw the person coming.

"Okay, I'll take you away right now."

The visitor glanced at Zhang Licheng and nodded.

Zhang Licheng was even more excited when he saw it, and when he was about to speak, there was a sudden 'puff' sound.

what sound?

When Zhang Licheng heard this, he looked a little puzzled. When he was about to ask, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

Looking down, he saw a long sword stuck in his heart.

And the person holding the hilt is the one who just came.



"Wasting so much of our resources and time, what face do you have for me to take you away?"

The visitor glanced coldly at Zhang Licheng, and suddenly drew his long sword.


Blood flowed from the wound, Zhang Licheng's eyes widened, and he soon lost his breath of life.


Glancing at Zhang Licheng's body in disgust, he turned around and left here with a space talisman.

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