The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1115 Xiaomeng's special request

"Your Majesty has been an eye-opener for Xiaomeng in recent days."

"In just over a month, I will destroy the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, break the blockade of the Liyang Dynasty, take over the land of the kingdoms, seize Yuanhongguan, and then destroy the Zonglan Kingdom."

"During the period, the capable people under his command also killed two half-sages sent by the Liyang Dynasty, seriously injured one and a half-sages, and paralyzed the high-end combat power of the Liyang Dynasty."

"All of this made Xiaomeng very surprised."

As far as Xiaomeng's indifference to the world is concerned, basically nothing can surprise her.

But this time, the Nanyan Kingdom really surprised her, even shocked her.

In just over a month, the situation in the southwest of Yuzhou has been completely changed, and it has blocked the dynasty's many attacks.

This point, even if Xiaomeng came from Wuzhou's Wangqing Daomen, with a very high vision, I have to say that the Nanyan Kingdom is very powerful.


Lu Feng is amazing!

Because Xiaomeng discovered that the people who did all this were selected by Lu Feng, and none of them were arranged by the previous emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom.

It was all done by the new emperor Lu Feng after he ascended the throne!

Just for this, Xiaomeng has never heard of it, let alone seen it before.

Hearing Xiaomeng's words, Lu Feng just smiled and didn't answer anything.

Xiaomeng glanced at Lu Feng and continued: "These days, I have been to many places in Yuzhou, I have met many people, and I have heard a lot of talk about you, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom. The most important point is that you have the support of Wuzhou Wangqing Daomen behind you."

"But I know very well that Wangqing Daomen has nothing to do with you, let alone support you. Then, Your Majesty, can you tell me who is supporting you behind your back?"

Lu Feng was taken aback, looked at Xiaomeng in surprise, then shook his head and said, "Master Xiaomeng, you have changed."

"I have changed?"

Xiaomeng looked puzzled, didn't understand what Lu Feng meant, and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Before you, you never paid attention to these things, why are you asking them today?" Lu Feng laughed.


Xiaomeng was stunned, yes, he didn't pay attention to these at all before, just wanted to pursue the supreme martial arts, what happened today?

After a while, Xiaomeng came to her senses, glanced at Lu Feng, did not ask any more questions, but said, "I'm here today because I need your help with something."

"Master Xiaomeng, you come from Wuzhou Wangqing Daomen, and you still need my help?"

Lu Feng looked at Xiaomeng in surprise and said, "I don't know what it is. If I can help, I will definitely help."

"I'm going to enter the dynasty call order!" Xiaomeng said.


Lu Feng was startled and looked at Xiao Meng in disbelief.

To be honest, he thought of a lot of things that Xiaomeng might ask, but he never thought that Xiaomeng would make such a request.

Enter the Dynasty Summoning Order!

The imperial call-up order was only made by Yuzhou in a single state. It is useless to Xiaomeng, a big sect disciple from Wuzhou. Why would she make such a request?

"Master Xiaomeng, please also clarify why you want to enter the imperial call-up order?" Lu Feng did not rashly agree.

"For the same thing."


"Not to be said."

Xiaomeng shook her head slightly and said, "The thing I want has nothing to do with Yuzhou, but it has a lot to do with Wuzhou."

"Master Xiaomeng, I don't understand what you said. The place of the dynasty's summoning order can only be determined in the northern grassland, but the specific place in the northern grassland, those of us who want to participate, don't know yet. How do you know that there is what you want in that place?" Lu Feng looked at Xiaomeng strangely.

"Do you know a stargazer?" Xiaomeng asked.

"I know." Lu Feng nodded and said that he had a stargazer under him.

"There is a very powerful star-gazing teacher in Wangqing Daomen. She told me that a call for the Yuzhou Dynasty will be held in Wangyue Valley on the northern grasslands.

There are things I need in there, which are related to my martial arts future, so I came to you to help me enter Mochizuki Valley. "Xiaomeng said.

"Mochizuki Valley?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, he had never heard of this name before.

After pondering for a while, he looked at Xiaomeng and asked, "Do you know where Moon Moon Valley is?"

"do not know."

"What's in there?"

"do not know either."


Lu Feng was speechless, looked at Xiaomeng, and said, "Since you don't know anything, how can you be so sure that there is what you want in Moon Moon Valley? Just based on what the star-gazer said?"

"She is one of the supreme elders of Wangqing Daomen, a warrior in the middle stage of the Holy Venerable. Her words have never been wrong." Xiaomeng said.


Yes, a warrior in the middle stage of the Holy Venerable, you cow!

Lu Feng didn't know what to say, but Xiaomeng said that the star-gazer was so powerful. If what he said was true, he could make some preparations in advance.

"Can you help me get into the Dynasty Summoning Order?" Xiaomeng asked again.

Lu Feng didn't answer immediately, but after pondering for a while, he said: "With your status as a disciple of Wangqing Daomen, if you want to enter the dynasty call order, you only need to say hello to the dynasty, they will definitely let you in, why do you want to Find me?"

"You have to be clear, once you find me, you are very likely to be hostile to others when you enter the imperial summons. I am not welcome among the younger generation of those forces in Yuzhou."

"Zongmen star-gazer told me that you can help me get what I need, so I have to come to you." Xiaomeng said.


Lu Feng looked at Xiaomeng strangely and said, "That stargazer of yours really said that? You said that I can help you get what you need?"


Taking a deep look at Xiaomeng, Lu Feng found that Xiaomeng didn't look any different, obviously not lying.

For a person of Xiaomeng's character, once he lied, his expression would change greatly.

If Xiaomeng didn't speak, then it was indeed the middle-stage star-gazer who was obsessed with the Taoist sect who told her that.

But this made Lu Feng a little confused. Why did the star-gazer say this? He has nothing to do with Wangqing Daomen.

Could it be that she saw something?

"I know that if you want to enter the imperial conscription order, you must be the younger generation of Yuzhou's various forces. You will be a little embarrassed."

"But, you helped me, and I owe you a favor."

Xiao Meng dreamed that Lu Feng didn't speak, and thought it was troublesome, so he said.

"you sure?"

Lu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Of course."

"Okay, I promise this!" Lu Feng said immediately.

Xiaomeng comes from Wuzhou Wangqing Daomen, her identity is still quite special, it is very good that she can owe her a favor.

I might be able to use it someday.

As for bringing Xiaomeng into the imperial call-up order, this is too simple for Lu Feng.

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