Lan Yezhou also nodded. Indeed, although the naval battle formation was the key, the more important thing was the battleship.

Battleships can't do it, no matter how powerful the army is, in the end, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

He admitted that Zhou Yu's army layout was better than his, but what about the battleship?

The Jinshui Kingdom has developed its navy for hundreds of years, and its battleships are excellent. Could it be surpassed by the navy of the Nanyan Kingdom in just a few days?

Stop kidding, it's impossible!


Lan Yezhou waved his hand, and the hundreds of naval battleships on both sides of the army set off, and went to both sides, it was the fleet that wanted to surround Zhou Yu from both sides.

He himself continued to move forward with the remaining fleet, and stopped immediately after reaching a suitable distance.

This distance is just beyond the attack range of one's own warships.

Lan Yezhou believed that at this distance, Zhou Yu's fleet would not be able to attack him.

Then he moved towards the location of Zhou Yu's largest battleship building and said loudly: "Zhou Yu, Lu Feng sent you this hairy boy to die, did you get the consent of your family? Do you want to send someone to inform your family? , tell them you were killed by me! Hahaha..."


The sailor on the blue leaf boat burst into laughter.

"Commander, the warships on both sides of the enemy army have begun to surround us, should we retreat temporarily?" On Zhou Yu's side, the lieutenant was reporting.

"Need not."

Zhou Yu saw the changes in the enemy's army. He said, "Let them continue to encircle. We are ready to supply and ready to attack at any time."

Since the appearance of Lan Yezhou's fleet, Zhou Yu has been observing. Facts have proved that everything is as he thought. Although the naval battleship of Jinshui Kingdom is excellent, it is not as good as Luban's improved Nanyan naval battleship. .

With the bottom line in his heart, Zhou Yu naturally would not have any fear.


The lieutenant passed on Zhou Yu's order.

"What? Zhou Yu, are you too scared to say anything when you see this general's fleet?" Lan Yezhou's voice came again.

And then there was another laugh from there.

Zhou Yu frowned slightly, he just ignored Lan Yezhou, but he didn't expect this Lan Yezhou to come again.

It's just, what's the use of such a low-level practice that disturbs the military's morale?

However, Lan Yezhou had already spoken like this, and it would not be good if he didn't fight back.

"Lan Yezhou, Jinshui Kingdom's generals are promoted by their mouths, not their abilities?" Zhou Yu also said loudly.


Similarly, Zhou Yu's army burst into laughter.

Zhou Yu's words are clearly saying that Lan Yezhou is good at speaking, but not in actual ability.

Simply put, the king of the mouth is strong!


Lan Yezhou was furious and shouted, "Send the order, attack!"

"Captain, absolutely, the encirclement on our side has not been completed. Once the attack scare Zhou Yu away, our goal of killing them all at once will not be completed." The lieutenant next to him said anxiously.

"Damn Zhou Yu!"

Lan Yezhou scolded angrily and said, "Give this general an order, and later I must capture Zhou Yu alive, I will smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

In order to wipe out Zhou Yu's fleet, Lan Yezhou resisted the urge to attack now.


Lan Yezhou didn't attack, and Zhou Yu didn't attack, everyone was waiting.

Then, there was a very strange scene at the edge of Yuan Binhe.

Two huge fleets were on the river, and the large fleet was divided into three parts, and began to encircle the small fleet.

And the small fleet stayed motionless, as if it was frightened by the big fleet.

"What exactly does Zhou Yu want to do this week?"

Although he wanted to slash Zhou Yu with a thousand knives, Lan Yezhou was after all the naval commander of the Golden Water Kingdom, and he was not an idiot.

Seeing Zhou Yu's fleet clearly knew that their fleet had not reacted when they encircled, it was not a little strange in my heart.


No matter how strange it was, he couldn't understand why Zhou Yu's fleet dared to do this.

Don't you know that after your own fleet is successfully encircled and attacked by multiple parties, you can easily destroy them?

"General, could it be that Zhou Yu wants to wait until we encircle and disperse the troops, concentrate firepower to attack a point, and come to a center to bloom?" The lieutenant beside him said somewhat uncertainly.

"No, no, that can't be the case."

Lan Yezhou shook his head and said, "If Zhou Yu really planned this, then now is the best time for him to attack, because once our encirclement is successful, the fleet will already be connected, and then he wants the center to bloom. It's just a fool's dream."

"Zhou Yu's ability to set up a flawless naval formation shows that he must be proficient in military books and the like. Even if he has little actual combat experience, he can see when is the best opportunity to attack."

"He hasn't moved yet, there must be some calculations in it, we have to be careful."

"Captain, I think you're thinking too much."

After Lan Yezhou's voice fell, another lieutenant beside him shook his head and said, "Captain, look, we have more than 1,000 naval battleships and over 4 million troops."

"Looking at Zhou Yu's battleship, it is less than one-third of ours, and the number of troops is also less than one-third of ours."

"In this case, even if Zhou Yu has some plans, how can he defeat us? The strength of the two sides is not at the same level!"

When Lan Yezhou heard this, his eyes lit up, yes, what Zhou Yu was thinking about, but he forgot the most fundamental point.

The strength of the sailors under his command far surpassed Zhou Yu's, which could not be compensated for by any calculation.

After thinking about this, Lan Yezhou laughed and said, "That's right, I would have to see how Zhou Yu and others will die!"

"Go on and order all the warships to speed up the encirclement. We must not give Zhou Yu a chance to escape."


Lan Yezhou's order went down, and the battleships of the Golden Water Kingdom immediately accelerated the encirclement speed.

"Commander, the enemy has accelerated the encirclement speed, no accident, the encirclement can be completed within half an hour!"

On Zhou Yu's side, the deputy general in charge of observation passed the news to Zhou Yu as soon as possible.

"Have you entered our attack range?" Zhou Yu asked.

"Not yet, it is expected to take another quarter of an hour."

"Continue to wait. After the warships on both sides of the enemy enter our attack range, we will report as soon as possible."


Lan Yezhou's fleet, the fleet in the middle has long been within the attack range of the naval battleships of the Nanyan Kingdom, but the fleets on the other two sides have not yet arrived.

So Zhou Yu waited.

Wait for the opportunity to attack together, lest your fleet expose firepower and scare off the fleets on both sides.

"Captain, the fleets on both sides will report back, and in two quarters of an hour, they will be able to enter the attack range of the battleship and complete the encirclement at the same time!"

Lan Yezhou also got the news of the battleship's return.

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