"Xi'er, Lu Feng has returned to the palace."

In a bedroom in the Nanyan City Palace, the former Queen of Ziyang Kingdom Ning Yuner and the former Princess Quxi of Ziyang Kingdom are here.

Qu Xi is now Lu Feng's concubine. In the palace, Hua Mulan takes care of her, and everything is in accordance with the configuration of a normal concubine.

Although Ning Yun'er is not a noble concubine, but because she is Qu Xi's mother, she has been in the palace for a long time.

"He is back?"

Qu Xi's body trembled slightly. It has been a long time since the destruction of the Ziyang Kingdom, and she also accepted her identity as the concubine of Lu Feng.

However, whenever she thought of Lu Feng, she was still a little scared.

However, in addition to being afraid, she found that she actually missed him a little, and she didn't know how she could have such a thought.

Ning Yun'er looked at her daughter, sighed softly, and said, "Now the Kingdom of Nanyan has become stronger and stronger, I heard that the Kingdom of Jinshui was also destroyed not long ago, and now the entire southwest of Yuzhou has fallen. In the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom."

"In the current Nanyan Kingdom, if Lu Feng wanted to become the Nanyan Dynasty, it would be an easy task. I really don't know how he achieved such an achievement at such a young age."

"He... he may really be a man of honor." Qu Xi whispered.

"Yeah, at the age of twenty, he has already turned the weak kingdom into a dynasty's strength, and even defeated the army of the Liyang dynasty over and over again. He is indeed a man of heaven."

Ning Yuner sighed and said, "Lu Feng is very good, and he is still very young. He is the dream lover of many girls in their twenties. If the current Lu Feng said that he wants to choose a concubine, he may want to come beautifully. It's no exaggeration for a girl to be over a million."

"It is not limited to the territory of the Nanyan Kingdom, including the ten dynasties and even some outstanding girls from the dynasties will come over. Such a young emperor has an unlimited future."


"It's just that he killed my father." Qu Xi whispered.


Ning Yun'er sighed again, indeed, Lu Feng was their enemy and killed Qu Xi's father, her husband.

However, she couldn't think of hating Lu Feng, because now Lu Feng was so powerful that she didn't dare to have such thoughts.

Even, sometimes she thinks, this is no wonder Lu Feng, if it weren't for her husband, the emperor of Ziyang Kingdom wanted to take advantage of the new emperor of Nanyan Kingdom to ascend the throne, and the regime was unstable, and he would not have been attacked by Lu Feng. Mad revenge.

In the end, the Ziyang Kingdom was directly destroyed, and he and his daughter became the ban of others.

"Your Majesty is here."

At this moment, the eunuch's voice came from outside the door.

"His Majesty?"

Qu Xi and Ning Yuner were stunned for a moment. He just came back, shouldn't he be at the Empress Hua Mulan? How come here?

Did you come here on purpose to see yourself?

The thought suddenly appeared in Qu Xi's heart, and there seemed to be a little sweetness in her heart.

"Xi'er, come here quickly."

Ning Yuner didn't have those thoughts. She was full of fear for Lu Feng, and hurriedly pulled her daughter to stand and waited for Lu Feng.

Soon, Lu Feng walked in.

It was already afternoon. Originally, he planned to accompany Hua Mulan today, but he was kicked out of the bedroom by Hua Mulan not long after the afternoon, saying that he was asked to accompany the other sisters.

In fact, it's just that Mulan can't stand it anymore.

Lu Feng strolled around the palace for a while, and came over not far from Quxi's bedroom.

"My concubine has seen Your Majesty."

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."

Ning Yuner took her daughter to salute.


Lu Feng said lightly, and looked at Ning Yuner.

This look made Ning Yuner's face turn pale and her body trembled.

She clearly remembered that Lu Feng had said before that if there was a chance in the future, she might become his concubine.

Lu Feng's glance made her afraid that Lu Feng had such thoughts now, and she lowered her head even lower all of a sudden.

Same as ostrich.

This made Lu Feng very strange, what happened to Ning Yuner? Are you that scary?

Feeling a little speechless in his heart, Lu Feng didn't go to see Ning Yun'er any more, he turned his eyes to look at Qu Xi, chuckled lightly, and said, "Not bad, quite obedient, remember what I said, not as skinny as last time, but plump. a lot."

Qu Xi's face turned red. After Lu Feng said it last time, she did intend to control these things, and she was no longer as thin as before.

"You go down."

Lu Feng waved his hand and let the maids in the palace go down.

Ning Yuner was a little hesitant.

"What? I'm alone with my concubine, do you want to stay and watch? Or do you plan to stay with me?" Lu Feng said with a chuckle when he saw that Ning Yuner was still here.

Ning Yun'er's face became even paler, and she hurriedly retired.

Soon, only Lu Feng and Qu Xi were left in the huge bedroom.

Moreover, Qu Xi was still standing far away, not daring to approach.

Lu Feng found a place to sit down, looked at Qu Xi, and said, "Why are you standing so far? Come here."

"You...what do you want to do?" Qu Xi's voice trembled a little.

In her heart, she was still a little afraid of Lu Feng.

"You are my concubine, I can't even come to see you?"

With a move of his hand, Lu Feng used his true energy to suck Qu Xi over, put his arms around her and sat on his lap, and said softly, "Is I so scary? Why are you so afraid of me?"


Qu Xi opened her mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

I can't say that you killed my father, so I'm afraid, if you really answer like this, who knows what Lu Feng will do.

There are still many members of the royal family in the Ziyang Kingdom who are under the supervision of Lu Feng. If they say something wrong, those people will be finished.

Therefore, she chose not to say anything, just let Lu Feng hug him, and didn't dare to lean on him.

Lu Feng could feel Qu Xi's movements, and probably knew what she was thinking, but he didn't know what to say.

To tell the truth, if other kings encounter such a thing, there will be so many thoughts there. Pressing directly on the bed will be a burst of bang bang, but they will not pay attention to the thoughts of the people under them.

After all, in the continent of Kyushu, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

The weak have no say!

However, Lu Feng was not a native of the mainland of Kyushu. His soul came from the earth in the 21st century, and he was not originally a villain.

It's really impossible for him to do something forcibly without caring about a woman's thoughts.

Last time in the Ziyang Kingdom, if Lu Bu hadn't made a mess of mandarin duck lines there, nothing would have happened with Qu Xi.

As a result, the two are a little embarrassed now.

"Okay, take a good rest, and see you when I have time."

After Lu Feng whispered something in Qu Xi's ear, he got up and left.

However, Qu Xi was slightly taken aback. At first she thought that Lu Feng was here to treat herself...

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