The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1151 Gong Mingkun's Request

"Shan Rong suggested that ten of us join forces to kill you when you arrive at Moon Moon Valley." Gong Mingkun said with a smile: "Now nine of them have set off for Moon Moon Valley."

"Oh? Do you look down on me so much?" Lu Feng laughed.

"Aren't you afraid?" Gong Mingkun frowned slightly.

"Scared? Why be afraid?"

Lu Feng had a smile on his face.

"You have to know, that's ten semi-sacred people!" Gong Mingkun stared at Lu Feng and said, "In Kubeiguan, you have a holy crossbow that can force us back, but in Wangyue Valley, you have nothing, you How can you force us back?"

"Lu Feng, I know you are the favored son of heaven, but don't forget, often the favored sons of heaven are compromised by arrogance!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng still didn't change his expression much, because he had already counted the reactions of Bi Ju and the others.

He lost so much face to them in Kubeiguan. If they didn't react at all, then Lu Feng would really doubt that he was not facing ten demigods, but ten good babies.

Therefore, Gong Mingkun said that Bi Ju and the others were going to deal with him in Moon Moon Valley. He was not surprised at all.

Indeed, as Gong Mingkun said, in Mochizuki Valley, he did not have the Holy Crossbow to force back the ten semi-sacred saints.

But Lu Feng is not alone.

These, he has already thought of all the ways to deal with it.

I just hope that the ten demigods won't shoot themselves in the foot.

As for now...

He looked at Gong Mingkun and said, "It's not surprising to me that you said this, but I am very surprised. Why did you tell me this, is it because you think I am the master of the world and want to abandon the dark to the bright?"

"Haha, Lord Nanyan really knows how to make a joke." Gong Mingkun shook his head and said, "I don't have any idea of ​​relying on you as an old man."

"If that's the case, what are you doing here? Seeing off guests!" Lu Feng said directly.


Gong Mingkun was stunned, stared at Lu Feng, and said, "You treat me like this, don't you worry that I will risk my life to kill you and kill you here?"

"Kill me?"

Lu Feng glanced at Gong Mingkun again, shook his head for a while, and said, "It's not that I look down on you, but you really can't kill me!"

Holding the Half-Saint Talisman in his hand, Lu Feng is really a warrior who is not afraid of the Half-Saint Realm at all.

After all, with the trump card in hand, the confidence is enough.

In addition to the profound formations he controls, once he uses the semi-holy talisman to raise his realm to the semi-holy realm, and then cooperates with the profound formation, it is really hard to say who will kill who in the end.


Gong Mingkun's face was full of anger, and when he was about to speak, Lu Feng said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'm not interested in listening."

"Speak directly about your purpose!"

Gong Mingkun took a deep look at Lu Feng, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, old man, let me explain my purpose."

After a short pause, he continued: "I came to you today to cooperate with you."


This made Lu Feng a little surprised.

Gong Mingkun had just lost face by himself, not only did he not want to kill himself, but instead said that he came to cooperate with him. Could this old guy have a disease in his head?

"Do you not believe what I said?" Gong Mingkun laughed.

"I really don't believe it."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "I lost your face earlier, and ten half-sages were forced to flee in despair. It can be said that the ten of you in Yuzhou are considered disgraced. In this case, you He actually said that he came to me because he wanted to cooperate with me!"

"This makes me have to wonder if you are really confused."


Gong Mingkun almost didn't get mad at him. He beat people without slapping their faces, and scolded people without exposing them. You kept talking about what happened just now, what do you want to do?

If it wasn't for asking Lu Feng for something, Gong Mingkun really wanted to slap Lu Feng to death now.

Taking a deep breath, Gong Mingkun forced himself to calm down, staring at Lu Feng,

Said: "You are also the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom after all. Don't you know that as long as you have common interests, cooperation is a matter of course?"

"So, even if there are conflicts between us, but now we have common interests, that is, we can cooperate."


Hearing this, Lu Feng was very speechless, because Zhang Jiaqi said the same just now, and was kicked out by himself.

As for this Gong Mingkun...

Lu Feng looked at him and said, "Tell me, how do you want to cooperate with me?"

"It's simple."

Staring at Lu Feng, Gong Mingkun said, "I want you to help me protect someone in the imperial call-up order. As a reward, I will give you a promise: When you or the Nanyan Kingdom are in trouble, I will definitely do my best to take action. Help, but if you have any spare power, you won't die!"

Lu Feng frowned, Gong Mingkun's words were not easy.

For a warrior in the realm of semi-sage, once a promise is made, it must be done.

Gong Mingkun said that when the Nanyan Kingdom was in trouble, he would do his best to help, and he would definitely do his best to help.

Because if he doesn't follow what he said, if he wants to break through his strength, it can basically be said that it will be difficult to reach the sky, and there may even be demons that destroy his own martial arts.

Not to mention, there is another person behind him who can't die.

The promise of the semi-holy realm is not just talk.

That is to say, even if the Nanyan Kingdom or Lu Feng encounters a difficult situation with the Holy Venerable in the future, Gong Mingkun has to stand up.

Gong Mingkun's relationship is not simple, very not simple!

Looking at Gong Mingkun, Lu Feng asked, "Who deserves such a promise?"

Gong Mingkun looked a little complicated, sighed softly, and said, "The last descendant of an old friend of mine, I promised that old friend of mine that even if I die, I will wait for his last bloodline."

"This time, she was selected by the Chongao Dynasty to participate in the imperial conscription."

"If it was the previous dynasty call order, I wouldn't be too worried, because with my face, even the dynasty would not be too embarrassing for her. After all, she is not a member of the royal family of the Chongao Dynasty, but just hanged in the royal family. a name."

"But this time is different. I know very well that this time, the dynasty's call for the dynasty is the younger generation who wants to destroy these forces. And this is something that those saints in Yuzhou have acquiesced in."

"Even if I am a semi-sage, I can't change this decision. In desperation, I can only find you."

Looking at Lu Feng, Gong Mingkun said, "If you want me to say, if anyone can survive this call for the dynasty, it must be you!"

"So, I can only beg you to help me protect her. For this, I am willing to owe you a promise equal to my life."

Lu Feng did not answer immediately, but stared at Gong Mingkun, he wanted to see if Gong Mingkun was lying or telling the truth.

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