The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1154 Do you dare not let it go?

It's not that he is afraid of Yi Luming's own strength, but that he is afraid of Yi Luming's means.

Heaven-level high-grade array mage, sky-level middle-grade talisman master, any one of these identities is more respected than a warrior of the second level of the emperor.

In Chu Aofeng's heart, the threat of Yi Luming to him was still higher than that of the Sword Prince of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Nangong Duanyun.

After these three people, people from the other dynasties of the Ten Great Dynasties also came out one by one.

Zhang Jiaqi was the last of the ten dynasties to come out, but the sensation she brought out was great.

"Is that Zhang Jiaqi, the princess of the Liyang Dynasty? She is indeed very beautiful."

"If you just think she's pretty, you're wrong."

"How to say?"

"I have heard that there are rumors in many major forces that Zhang Jiaqi is a genius who is only qualified to break through to the Holy Venerable in the southwest of Yuzhou. She is extremely talented."

"Really? But why do I feel that her strength has not yet reached the realm of the martial arts emperor? Among these geniuses of the ten major dynasties, at most, they will be ranked at the end!"

"This is the Liyang Dynasty. They are too weak to compare with other dynasties. If Zhang Jiaqi was in the Cangchu Dynasty, the realm is now at least the fourth emperor of the emperor. Her talent is much more powerful than Chu Aofeng. "

"Then you don't know enough." At this moment, a warrior suddenly said.

"What? Do you know more?" The warrior next to him looked at the speaker at once.

"Of course." The warrior smiled proudly and said, "I got the news that the Liyang Dynasty intends to marry Zhang Jiaqi and Chu Aofeng of the Cangchu Dynasty. In order to show sincerity, the Cangchu Dynasty will provide the Liyang Dynasty. One thousand holy crossbows, half of which have been provided now."

"What? There is still such a thing? Didn't the Cangchu Dynasty specially give it to the Nanyan Kingdom in order to suppress the development of the Nanyan Kingdom?" The warrior next to him said in shock.

"Are you stupid? The Sacred Crossbow is the trump card of the Cangchu Dynasty. They just gave it to the Liyang Dynasty because they just wanted to suppress the development of the Nanyan Kingdom? You don't think about it, is this possible?"

"But in the end, it was very funny. The Liyang Dynasty was too wasteful. The hundreds of Sacred Crossbows provided to them by the Cangchu Dynasty are now in the hands of the Nanyan Kingdom, and they became the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom yesterday. Retire ten semi-holy divine weapons."

"Among them, the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty served Bi Ju Bansheng, and I don't know if those people in the Cangchu Dynasty will regret this news."

When these warriors were discussing, the people from the Ten Great Dynasties had already come to the forefront, followed by the young geniuses of the Ten Great Commercial Firms, Hundred Kingdoms Academy, Dan City, and Bloody Clothes Building.

The strength of the people sent by Hundred Kingdoms Academy and Xueyilou is not too strong, because the geniuses of their younger generation are just like that.

But the person sent by Pill City is not simple. The strength of martial arts is a little worse, only the peak of the holy king Jiuzhongtian.

Now, the young geniuses from the top ten dynasties, the top ten commercial firms, the Hundred Kingdoms Academy, the Dan City, and the Xueyilou are standing at the forefront.

Five meters behind were the warriors of other forces, and they didn't dare to get too close to the top forces like Yuzhou.

If it weren't for the fact that the location outside the North Gate of Beiguan was not very spacious, they would still want to stand back and stay away from these geniuses.

"Hurry up."

"Get out of the way. His Majesty Lu Feng is here. Get out of the way."

Just after these warriors basically stood up, a few panicked voices suddenly came from behind.

The warriors standing in front were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly moved away.

Soon, a ten-meter-wide passageway was vacated from the city gate.

Those warriors close to the city wall were squeezed against the city wall.

But even if no one dared to complain, they all stood obediently and had to endure even when they were squeezed against the wall.

After all, it was Lu Feng who came here!

Who dared to provoke Lu Feng, who had just driven back the Ten Great Half-Saints yesterday,

Touch his mold? Isn't this looking for death?

In addition, yesterday's scene where Lu Feng forced the ten demigods back also told these people that Lu Feng was not even afraid of the top forces in Yuzhou, so would he care about them?

What if Kai Wan made Lu Feng unhappy and slapped himself to death?

The talented disciples of the top ten dynasties, the top ten commercial houses, Dancheng, Hundred Kingdoms Academy, and Xueyilou heard it and looked at each other.

The weak man shook his head helplessly, and obediently stepped aside.

Yesterday, Lu Feng's forced retreat of the ten semi-sages not only kept the memory of the ordinary warriors fresh, but also kept the memory of these people fresh.

The elders in their forces have to bow their heads when facing Lu Feng within the range of Beiguan, do they dare not bow their heads?

Only the disciples of the Cangchu Dynasty, the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and the Yicheng Commercial Bank remained standing still.

They are the most powerful ones who participated in the imperial call-up order this time.

"Brother Chu, you are the first genius in Yuzhou. I just heard from you that you are not afraid of Lu Feng at all, so are you letting him now? Or do you not let him?"

The Sword Prince of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Nangong Duanyun, looked at Chu Aofeng with a smile.

Chu Aofeng did not answer with a gloomy face.

If you let yourself go, you will lose face, and if you don't let go, you will not be able to beat Lu Feng within the range of Beiguan.


"Miss Yi, do you want to step aside? Or not?" Chu Aofeng did not answer when he saw it, and Nangong Aoyun looked at Yi Luming, the eldest lady of Yicheng Commercial Bank, and asked with a smile.

"Giggle, I'm just a little girl. Where can I compare to His Majesty the King of Nanyan, who is famous in Yuzhou? The little girl naturally gets out of the way."

With a chuckle, Yi Luming stepped forward and stepped aside.

After walking two steps, he stopped, looked at Nangong Duanyun, and said with a chuckle: "The little girl heard that Prince Sword is not only powerful, but also extremely smart, and she really lives up to her reputation today. Just a few words forced Prince Aofeng to retreat. Dilemma, really great."

Nangong Duanyun's complexion changed slightly, and when he was about to speak, Chu Aofeng snorted coldly and said, "Nangong Duanyun, Mochizuki Valley, I hope your head is harder than my sword!"

After speaking, Chu Aofeng let go.

Chu Aofeng is arrogant and arrogant, but he is not a fool.

Within the distance from Beiguan, let alone him, even a half-sage would not dare to touch Lu Feng's brow.

He was a little hesitant just now and couldn't let go, but when he heard Yi Luming's words, he immediately reacted.

If he really refuses to let him go, and makes Lu Feng have bad relations with him, then in the imperial call-up order, wouldn't Nangong Duanyun be able to take advantage of the fisherman?

After he understood, he naturally couldn't be fooled.

Now if you lose face, you will lose face. When Lieutenant General Lu Feng is killed by the imperial call-up order, the face will come back all at once.

As for Nangong Duanyun, hmph, he will definitely not be able to spare him at that time!

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